Source code for prody.apps.prody_apps.prody_catdcd

"""Concatenate, slice, and/or select DCD files."""

from ..apptools import *

__all__ = ['prody_catdcd']

[docs]def prody_catdcd(*dcd, **kwargs): """Concatenate *dcd* files. :arg select: atom selection :arg align: atom selection for aligning frames :arg pdb: PDB file used in atom selections and as reference for alignment :arg psf: PSF file used in atom selections :arg output: output filename :arg first: index of the first output frame :arg last: index of the last output frame :arg stride: number of steps between output frames""" import prody LOGGER = prody.LOGGER if kwargs.get('numframes', False): from sys import stdout for fn in dcd: stdout.write(str(prody.DCDFile(fn).numFrames()) + '\n') return from os.path import splitext ag = None psf = kwargs.get('psf', None) if psf: ag = prody.parsePSF(psf) pdb = kwargs.get('pdb', None) if pdb: if ag: ag = prody.parsePDB(pdb, ag=ag) else: ag = prody.parsePDB(pdb) align = kwargs.get('align', None) select = kwargs.get('select', None) if select == 'all': select = None if ag is None and (align or select): raise ValueError('one of PSF or PDB files must be provided for ' 'align and select options to work') dcd = list(dcd) traj = prody.Trajectory(dcd.pop(0)) while dcd: traj.addFile(dcd.pop(0)) if ag: if ag.numCoordsets(): traj.setCoords(ag.getCoords()) if select: select = if select is None: raise ValueError('{0} did not match any atoms' .format(repr(kwargs.get('select')))) else: select = ag'{0} atoms are selected for writing output.' .format(len(select))) if align: align = traj.setAtoms(align)'{0} atoms are selected for aligning frames.' .format(len(align))) output = kwargs.get('output', 'trajectory.dcd') out = prody.DCDFile(output, 'w') count = 0 stride = kwargs.get('stride', 1) goto = stride != 1 slc = slice(kwargs.get('first', 0), kwargs.get('last', -1), stride).indices(len(traj)+1) for i in range(*slc): if goto: traj.goto(i) frame = next(traj) if align: frame.superpose() if select: out.write(select._getCoords(), frame.getUnitcell()) else: out.write(frame._getCoords(), frame.getUnitcell()) count += 1 traj.close() out.close()"{0} frames are written into {1}." .format(count, output))
def addCommand(commands): subparser = commands.add_parser('catdcd', help='concatenate dcd files') subparser.add_argument('--quiet', help="suppress info messages to stderr", action=Quiet, nargs=0) subparser.add_argument('--examples', action=UsageExample, nargs=0, help='show usage examples and exit') subparser.set_defaults(usage_example= """Concatenate two DCD files and output all atmos: $ prody catdcd mdm2.dcd mdm2sim2.dcd Concatenate two DCD files and output backbone atoms: $ prody catdcd mdm2.dcd mdm2sim2.dcd --pdb mdm2.pdb -s bb""") subparser.add_argument('-s', '--select', default='all', type=str, dest='select', metavar='SEL', help='atom selection (default: %(default)s)') subparser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, metavar='FILE', default='trajectory.dcd', help='output filename (default: %(default)s)') subparser.add_argument('-n', '--num', default=False, action='store_true', dest='numframes', help='print the number of frames in each file and exit') subparser.add_argument('--psf', help='PSF filename (must have same number of atoms as DCDs)') subparser.add_argument('--pdb', help='PDB filename (must have same number of atoms as DCDs)') subparser.add_argument('--first', metavar='INT', type=int, default=0, help='index of the first output frame, default: %(default)s') subparser.add_argument('--last', metavar='INT', type=int, default=-1, help='index of the last output frame, default: %(default)s') subparser.add_argument('--stride', metavar='INT', type=int, default=1, help='number of steps between output frames, default: %(default)s') subparser.add_argument('--align', metavar='SEL', type=str, help='atom selection for aligning frames, a PSF or PDB file must be ' 'provided, if a PDB is provided frames will be superposed onto ' 'PDB coordinates') subparser.add_argument('dcd', nargs='+', help='DCD filename(s) (all must have same number of atoms)') subparser.set_defaults(subparser=subparser) subparser.set_defaults(func=lambda ns: prody_catdcd( *ns.__dict__.pop('dcd'), **ns.__dict__))