Source code for prody.atomic.hierview

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines :class:`HierView` class that builds a hierarchical
views of atom groups."""

from numpy import unique, zeros, arange, concatenate
from prody.utilities.misctools import count

from .atomgroup import AtomGroup
from .selection import Selection
from .chain import Chain
from .atommap import AtomMap
from .residue import Residue
from .segment import Segment

__all__ = ['HierView']

[docs]class HierView(object): """Hierarchical views can be generated for :class:`.AtomGroup`, :class:`.Selection`, and :class:`.Chain` instances. Indexing a :class:`HierView` instance returns a :class:`.Chain` instance. Some :class:`object` methods are customized as follows: * :func:`len` returns the number of atoms, i.e. :meth:`numChains` * :func:`iter` yields :class:`.Chain` instances * indexing by: - *segment name* (:func:`str`), e.g. ``"PROT"``, returns a :class:`.Segment` - *chain identifier* (:func:`str`), e.g. ``"A"``, returns a :class:`.Chain` - *[segment name,] chain identifier, residue number[, insertion code]* (:func:`tuple`), e.g. ``"A", 10`` or ``"A", 10, "B"`` or ``"PROT", "A", 10, "B"``, returns a :class:`.Residue` Note that when an :class:`.AtomGroup` instance have distinct segments, they will be considered when building the hierarchical view. A :class:`.Segment` instance will be generated for each distinct segment name. Then, for each segment chains and residues will be evaluated. Having segments in the structure will not change most behaviors of this class, except indexing. For example, when indexing a hierarchical view for chain P in segment PROT needs to be indexed as ``hv['PROT', 'P']``.""" def __init__(self, atoms, **kwargs): if not isinstance(atoms, (AtomGroup, Selection, Chain, Segment, AtomMap)): raise TypeError('atoms must be an AtomGroup, Selection, Chain, AtomMap or Segment instance') self._atoms = atoms self.update(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): if self._segments: return ('<HierView: {0} ({1} segments, {2} chains, {3} ' 'residues)>').format(str(self._atoms), self.numSegments(), self.numChains(), self.numResidues()) else: return ('<HierView: {0} ({1} chains, {2} residues)>' ).format(str(self._atoms), self.numChains(), self.numResidues()) def __str__(self): return 'HierView of {0}'.format(str(self._atoms)) def __len__(self): return len(self._chains) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): return self.getSegment(key) or self.getChain(key) elif isinstance(key, tuple): length = len(key) if length == 1: return self.__getitem__(key[0]) if length == 2: return (self.getChain(key[1], key[0]) or self.getResidue(*key) or self.getResidue(None, key[0], key[1])) if length == 3: return self.getResidue(*key) or self.getResidue(key[1], key[2], None, key[0]) if length == 4: return self.getResidue(key[1], key[2], key[3], key[0]) elif isinstance(key, int): return self.getResidue(None, key) def _getSegname(self): """Returns name of the segment when there is only one segment.""" if self.numSegments() == 1: return self._ag._getSegnames()[0] def _getChid(self): """Returns identifier of the chain when there is only one chain.""" if self.numChains() == 1: return self._ag._getChids()[0] def _getResidue(self, index): try: residue = self._residues[index] except IndexError: pass else: if residue is not None: try: residue.getAtomGroup() except AttributeError: residue = self._residues[index] = Residue(self._ag, residue, self, self._acsi, unique=True, selstr=self._selstr) return residue def _getChain(self, index): try: chain = self._chains[index] except IndexError: pass else: if chain is not None: try: chain.getAtomGroup() except AttributeError: chain = self._chains[index] = Chain(self._ag, chain, self, self._acsi, unique=True, selstr=self._selstr) return chain def _getSegment(self, index): try: segment = self._segments[index] except IndexError: pass else: if segment is not None: try: segment.getAtomGroup() except AttributeError: segment = self._segments[index] = Segment(self._ag, segment, self, self._acsi, unique=True, selstr=self._selstr) return segment
[docs] def getAtoms(self): """Returns atoms for which the hierarchical view was built.""" return self._atoms
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """Update (or build) hierarchical view of atoms. This method is called at instantiation, but can be used to rebuild the hierarchical view when attributes of atoms change.""" self._acsi = self._atoms.getACSIndex() try: self._ag = self._atoms.getAtomGroup() except AttributeError: self._selstr = None self._update(**kwargs) else: self._selhv(**kwargs)
def _selhv(self, **kwargs): """Build hierarchical view for :class:`.Selection` instances.""" atoms = self._atoms ag = self._ag indices = atoms._getIndices() self._selstr = atoms.getSelstr() self._dict = ag.getHierView()._dict self._segments = _segments = [None] * ag.numSegments() self._residues = _residues = [None] * ag.numResidues() self._chains = _chains = [None] * ag.numChains() for hvidx, _list in [(atoms._getSegindices(), _segments), (atoms._getChindices(), _chains), (atoms._getResindices(), _residues),]: if not _list: continue pidx = hvidx[0] pi = 0 for i, idx in enumerate(hvidx): if pidx == idx: continue subset = _list[pidx] if subset is None: _list[pidx] = indices[pi:i] else: _list[pidx] = concatenate((subset, indices[pi:i])) pidx, pi = idx, i subset = _list[pidx] if subset is None: _list[pidx] = indices[pi:] else: _list[pidx] = concatenate((subset, indices[pi:])) def _update(self, **kwargs): """Build hierarchical view for :class:`.AtomGroup` instances.""" ag = self._ag = self._atoms n_atoms = len(ag) _indices = arange(n_atoms) self._dict = _dict = {} self._residues = _residues = [] self._segments = _segments = [] self._chains = _chains = [] nones = None getnones = lambda: [None] * n_atoms if nones is None else nones termini = ag.getFlags('pdbter') if termini is None: termini = getnones() # identify segments segindex = -1 segindices = zeros(n_atoms, int) sgnms = ag._getSegnames() if sgnms is None: _segments = None else: s = sgnms[0] if len(unique(sgnms)) == 1: # 1 segment if s: _segments.append(_indices) _dict[s] = 0 else: _segments = None else: ps = None # previous segment name for i, s in enumerate(sgnms): if s == ps or s in _dict: continue ps = s idx = _indices[i:][sgnms[i:] == s] segindex += 1 segindices[idx] = segindex _dict[s or None] = segindex _segments.append(idx) ag._data['segindex'] = segindices # identify chains chindex = -1 chindices = zeros(n_atoms, int) chids = ag._getChids() if chids is None: _chains = None else: if _segments is None: if len(unique(chids)) == 1: _dict[(None, chids[0] or None)] = 0 _chains.append(_indices) else: pc = None for i, c in enumerate(chids): if c == pc or (None, c) in _dict: continue pc = c idx = _indices[i:][chids[i:] == c] chindex += 1 chindices[idx] = chindex _dict[(None, c)] = chindex _chains.append(idx) else: pc = chids[0] ps = sgnms[0] _i = 0 for i, c in enumerate(chids): s = sgnms[i] if c == pc and s == ps: continue s_c = (ps, pc or None) cid = _dict.get(s_c) idx = _indices[_i:i] if cid is None: #segment = _dict[ps] chindex += 1 chindices[idx] = chindex _dict[s_c] = chindex _chains.append(idx) else: chain = _chains[cid] chindices[idx] = cid _chains[cid] = concatenate((chain, idx)) pc = c ps = s _i = i s_c = (ps or None, pc or None) cid = _dict.get(s_c) idx = _indices[_i:] if cid is None: #segment = _dict[ps] chindex += 1 chindices[idx] = chindex _dict[s_c] = chindex _chains.append(idx) else: chain = _chains[cid] chindices[idx] = cid _chains[cid] = concatenate((chain, idx)) ag._data['chindex'] = chindices if kwargs.get('chain') == True: return # identify residues resindex = -1 resindices = zeros(n_atoms, int) rnums = ag._getResnums() if rnums is None: raise ValueError('resnums are not set') if _segments is None: sgnms = nones = getnones() if _chains is None: chids = nones = getnones() icods = ag._getIcodes() if icods is None: icods = nones = getnones() pr = rnums[0] pi = icods[0] or None pc = chids[0] ps = sgnms[0] _j = 0 _append = _residues.append _get = _dict.get _set = _dict.__setitem__ for j, r in enumerate(rnums): i = icods[j] or None c = chids[j] s = sgnms[j] if r != pr or i != pi or c != pc or s != ps or (j and termini[j-1]): s_c_r_i = (ps, pc, pr, pi) rid = _get(s_c_r_i) idx = _indices[_j:j] if (rid is None or isinstance(rid, list) or termini[_residues[rid][-1]]): resindex += 1 resindices[idx] = resindex _append(idx) if rid is None: _set(s_c_r_i, resindex) elif isinstance(rid, list): rid.append(resindex) else: _set(s_c_r_i, [rid, resindex]) else: residue = _residues[rid] resindices[idx] = rid _residues[rid] = concatenate((residue, idx)) ps = s pc = c pr = r pi = i _j = j s_c_r_i = (ps, pc, pr, pi) rid = _get(s_c_r_i) idx = _indices[_j:] if rid is None or isinstance(rid, list) or termini[_residues[rid][-1]]: resindex += 1 resindices[idx] = resindex _append(idx) if rid is None: _set(s_c_r_i, resindex) elif isinstance(rid, list): rid.append(resindex) else: _set(s_c_r_i, [rid, resindex]) else: residue = _residues[rid] resindices[idx] = rid _residues[rid] = concatenate((residue, idx)) ag._data['resindex'] = resindices
[docs] def getResidue(self, chid, resnum, icode=None, segname=None): """Returns residue with number *resnum* and insertion code *icode* from the chain with identifier *chid* in segment with name *segname*.""" try: index = self._dict[(segname or self._getSegname(), chid or self._getChid(), resnum, icode or None)] except KeyError: pass else: if isinstance(index, list): return [r for r in [self._getResidue(i) for i in index] if r is not None] else: return self._getResidue(index)
[docs] def numResidues(self): """Returns number of residues.""" return (len(self._residues) if self._ag is self._atoms else len(self._residues) - count(self._residues, None))
[docs] def iterResidues(self): """Yield residues.""" alist = self._residues ag = self._ag acsi = self._acsi selstr = self._selstr for i, item in enumerate(alist): if item is None: continue try: item.dtype except AttributeError: pass else: item = alist[i] = Residue(ag, item, self, acsi, selstr=selstr, unique=True) yield item
[docs] def getChain(self, chid, segname=None): """Returns chain with identifier *chid*, if it is present.""" try: index = self._dict[(segname or self._getSegname() or None, chid or None)] except KeyError: try: index = None for key in self._dict.keys(): if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2: if key[1] == 'BU': index = self._dict[key] if index is None: raise ValueError('invalid chain ID') except ValueError: pass else: return self._getChain(index) else: return self._getChain(index)
[docs] def iterChains(self): """Yield chains.""" alist = self._chains ag = self._ag acsi = self._acsi selstr = self._selstr for i, item in enumerate(alist): if item is None: continue try: item.dtype except AttributeError: pass else: item = alist[i] = Chain(ag, item, self, acsi, selstr=selstr, unique=True) yield item
__iter__ = iterChains
[docs] def numChains(self): """Returns number of chains.""" return (len(self._chains) if self._ag is self._atoms else len(self._chains) - count(self._chains, None))
[docs] def getSegment(self, segname): """Returns segment with name *segname*, if it is present.""" try: index = self._dict[segname or None] except KeyError: pass else: return self._getSegment(index)
[docs] def numSegments(self): """Returns number of chains.""" return (len(self._segments) if self._ag is self._atoms else len(self._segments) - count(self._segments, None))
[docs] def iterSegments(self): """Yield segments.""" alist = self._segments ag = self._ag acsi = self._acsi selstr = self._selstr for i, item in enumerate(alist): if item is None: continue try: item.dtype except AttributeError: pass else: item = alist[i] = Segment(ag, item, self, acsi, selstr=selstr, unique=True) yield item