Source code for prody.atomic.subset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np

from . import flags
from .atom import Atom
from .fields import ATOMIC_FIELDS, READONLY
from .fields import wrapGetMethod, wrapSetMethod
from .pointer import AtomPointer
from prody import LOGGER

__all__ = ['AtomSubset']

[docs]class AtomSubset(AtomPointer): """A class for manipulating subset of atoms in an :class:`.AtomGroup`. Derived classes are: * :class:`.Selection` * :class:`.Segment` * :class:`.Chain` * :class:`.Residue` This class stores a reference to an :class:`.AtomGroup` instance, a set of atom indices, and active coordinate set index for the atom group.""" __slots__ = ['_ag', '_indices', '_acsi', '_selstr'] def __init__(self, ag, indices, acsi, **kwargs): AtomPointer.__init__(self, ag, acsi) if not isinstance(indices, np.ndarray): indices = np.array(indices, int) elif not np.issubdtype(indices.dtype, np.signedinteger): indices = list(indices[0]) indices = np.array(indices, int) if kwargs.get('unique'): self._indices = indices else: self._indices = np.unique(indices) self._selstr = kwargs.get('selstr') def __len__(self): return len(self._indices) def __getitem__(self, index): try: index = self._indices[index] return self._ag[index] except: raise TypeError('invalid index')
[docs] def getCoords(self): """Returns a copy of coordinates from the active coordinate set.""" if self._ag._coords is not None: # Since this is not slicing, a view is not returned return self._ag._coords[self.getACSIndex(), self._indices]
_getCoords = getCoords
[docs] def setCoords(self, coords): """Set coordinates in the active coordinate set.""" if self._ag._coords is not None: self._ag._coords[self.getACSIndex(), self._indices] = coords self._ag._setTimeStamp(self.getACSIndex())
[docs] def getCoordsets(self, indices=None): """Returns coordinate set(s) at given *indices*, which may be an integer or a list/array of integers.""" if self._ag._coords is None: return None if indices is None: return self._ag._coords[:, self._indices] if isinstance(indices, (int, slice)): return self._ag._coords[indices, self._indices] if isinstance(indices, (list, np.ndarray)): return self._ag._coords[indices, self._indices] raise IndexError('indices must be an integer, a list/array of ' 'integers, a slice, or None')
_getCoordsets = getCoordsets
[docs] def iterCoordsets(self): """Yield copies of coordinate sets.""" coords = self._ag._getCoordsets() if coords is not None: indices = self._indices for xyz in coords: yield xyz[indices]
_iterCoordsets = iterCoordsets
[docs] def getIndices(self): """Returns a copy of the indices of atoms.""" return self._indices.copy()
def _getIndices(self): """Returns indices of atoms.""" return self._indices
[docs] def numAtoms(self, flag=None): """Returns number of atoms, or number of atoms with given *flag*.""" return len(self._getSubset(flag)) if flag else len(self._indices)
[docs] def iterAtoms(self): """Yield atoms.""" ag = self._ag acsi = self.getACSIndex() for index in self._indices: yield Atom(ag=ag, index=index, acsi=acsi)
__iter__ = iterAtoms
[docs] def getData(self, label): """Returns a copy of data associated with *label*, if it is present.""" data = self._ag._getData(label) if data is not None: return data[self._indices]
_getData = getData
[docs] def setData(self, label, data): """Update *data* associated with *label*. :raise AttributeError: when *label* is not in use or read-only""" if label in READONLY: raise AttributeError('{0} is read-only'.format(repr(label))) if label in ATOMIC_FIELDS: getattr(self, 'set' + ATOMIC_FIELDS[label].meth_pl)(data) else: try: self._ag._data[label][self._indices] = data except KeyError: raise AttributeError('data with label {0} must be set for ' 'AtomGroup first'.format(repr(label)))
[docs] def getFlags(self, label): """Returns a copy of atom flags for given *label*, or **None** when flags for *label* is not set.""" return self._ag._getFlags(label)[self._indices]
[docs] def setFlags(self, label, value): """Update flag associated with *label*. :raise AttributeError: when *label* is not in use or read-only""" if label in flags.PLANTERS: raise AttributeError('flag {0} cannot be changed by user' .format(repr(label))) flags = self._ag._getFlags(label) if flags is None: raise AttributeError('flags with label {0} must be set for ' 'AtomGroup first'.format(repr(label))) flags[self._indices] = value
for fname, field in ATOMIC_FIELDS.items(): if field.private: continue meth = field.meth_pl getMeth = 'get' + meth setMeth = 'set' + meth # Define public method for retrieving a copy of data array def getData(self, meth=field.meth_pl, data = getattr(self._ag, '_get' + meth)() if data is not None: return data[self._indices] getData = wrapGetMethod(getData) getData.__name__ = getMeth getData.__doc__ = field.getDocstr('get') setattr(AtomSubset, getMeth, getData) setattr(AtomSubset, '_' + getMeth, getData) if field.readonly: continue # Define public method for setting values in data array def setData(self, value, var=fname, none=field.none): array = self._ag._data[var] if array is None: raise AttributeError(var + ' data is not set') array[self._indices] = value if none: self._ag._none(none) setData = wrapSetMethod(setData) setData.__name__ = setMeth setData.__doc__ = field.getDocstr('set') setattr(AtomSubset, setMeth, setData) del getData del setData