import numpy as np
from prody.dynamics import NMA, MaskedGNM
from prody.dynamics.mode import Mode
from prody.dynamics.modeset import ModeSet
from prody.utilities import importLA, copy, showFigure, div0
from prody import LOGGER, SETTINGS
__all__ = ['showDomains', 'showEmbedding', 'getDomainList']
## normalization methods ##
[docs]def showDomains(domains, linespec='-', **kwargs):
"""A convenient function that can be used to visualize Hi-C structural domains.
*kwargs* will be passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
:arg domains: a 2D array of Hi-C domains, such as [[start1, end1], [start2, end2], ...].
:type domains: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
fill_ends = kwargs.pop('fill_ends', 'close')
domains = np.array(domains)
shape = domains.shape
if len(shape) == 1:
# convert to domain list if labels are provided
indicators = np.diff(domains)
length = len(domains)
if fill_ends in ['open', 'close']:
indicators = np.append(1., indicators)
indicators[-1] = 1
elif fill_ends == 'skip':
indicators = np.append(0., indicators)
raise ValueError('invalid fill_ends mode: %s'%str(fill_ends))
sites = np.where(indicators != 0)[0]
starts = sites[:-1]
ends = sites[1:]
domains = np.array([starts, ends]).T
consecutive = True
elif len(shape) == 2:
if domains.dtype == bool:
length = domains.shape[1]
domains_ = []
for h in domains:
start = None
for i, b in enumerate(h):
if b:
if start is None: # start
start = i
if start is not None: # end
domains_.append([start, i-1])
start = None
if start is not None:
domains_.append([start, i])
domains = np.array(domains_)
length = domains.max()
consecutive = False
raise ValueError('domains must be either one or two dimensions')
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, plot
a = []; b = []
lwd = kwargs.pop('linewidth', 1)
lwd = kwargs.pop('lw', lwd)
linewidth = np.abs(lwd)
if fill_ends == 'open' and len(domains) == 1:
domains = []
for i in range(len(domains)):
domain = domains[i]
start = domain[0]; end = domain[1]
if fill_ends == 'open' and start == 0:
a.extend([end, end])
b.extend([start, end])
elif fill_ends == 'open' and end == length-1:
a.extend([start, end])
b.extend([start, start])
a.extend([start, end, end])
b.extend([start, start, end])
if not consecutive:
if lwd > 0:
x = a; y = b
x = b; y = a
plt = plot(x, y, linespec, linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs)
if SETTINGS['auto_show']:
return plt
def _getEigvecs(modes, row_norm=False, dummy_mode=False):
la = importLA()
if isinstance(modes, (Mode, ModeSet, NMA)):
if hasattr(modes, '_model'):
model = modes._model
model = modes
if isinstance(model, MaskedGNM):
masked = model.masked
model.masked = True
V = modes.getArray()
model.masked = masked
V = modes.getArray()
elif isinstance(modes, np.ndarray):
V = modes
mode0 = modes[0]
if isinstance(mode0, Mode):
V = np.empty((len(mode0),0))
for mode in modes:
assert isinstance(mode, Mode), 'Modes should be a list of modes.'
v = mode.getEigvec()
v = np.expand_dims(v, axis=1)
V = np.hstack((V, v))
V = np.array(modes)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('Modes should be a list of modes.')
if V.ndim == 1:
V = np.expand_dims(V, axis=1)
# add a dummy zero mode to the modeset
if dummy_mode:
v0 = V[:, 0]
if np.allclose(v0, np.mean(v0)):
dummy_mode = False
LOGGER.warn('at least one zero mode is detected therefore dummy mode will NOT be added')
if dummy_mode:
n, _ = V.shape
v0 = np.ones((n, 1), dtype=V.dtype)
v0 /= la.norm(v0)
V = np.hstack((v0, V))
LOGGER.debug('a dummy zero mode is added')
# normalize the rows so that feature vectors are unit vectors
if row_norm:
norms = la.norm(V, axis=1)
N = np.diag(div0(1., norms))
V =, V)
return V
[docs]def showEmbedding(modes, labels=None, trace=True, headtail=True, cmap='prism'):
"""Visualizes Laplacian embedding of Hi-C data.
:arg modes: modes in which loci are embedded. It can only have 2 or 3 modes for the purpose
of visualization.
:type modes: :class:`ModeSet`
:arg labels: a list of integers indicating the segmentation of the sequence.
:type labels: list
:arg trace: if **True** then the trace of the sequence will be indicated by a grey dashed line.
:type trace: bool
:arg headtail: if **True** then a star and a closed circle will indicate the head and the tail
of the sequence respectively.
:type headtail: bool
:arg cmap: the color map used to render the *labels*.
:type cmap: str
V, _ = _getEigvecs(modes, True)
m, n = V.shape
if labels is not None:
if len(labels) != m:
raise ValueError('Modes (%d) and the Hi-C map (%d) should have the same number'
' of atoms. Turn off "masked" if you intended to apply the'
' modes to the full map.'
%(m, len(labels)))
if n > 3:
raise ValueError('This function can only visualize the embedding of 2 or 3 modes.')
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, plot, scatter
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
if n == 2:
la = importLA()
X, Y = V[:,:2].T
R = np.array(range(len(X)))
R = R / la.norm(R)
X *= R; Y *= R
f = figure()
if trace:
plot(X, Y, ':', color=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3])
if labels is None:
C = 'b'
C = labels
scatter(X, Y, s=30, c=C, cmap=cmap)
if headtail:
plot(X[:1], Y[:1], 'k*', markersize=12)
plot(X[-1:], Y[-1:], 'ko', markersize=12)
elif n == 3:
X, Y, Z = V[:,:3].T
f = figure()
ax = Axes3D(f)
if trace:
ax.plot(X, Y, Z, ':', color=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3])
if labels is None:
C = 'b'
C = labels
ax.scatter(X, Y, Z, s=30, c=C, depthshade=True, cmap=cmap)
if headtail:
ax.plot(X[:1], Y[:1], Z[:1], 'k*', markersize=12)
ax.plot(X[-1:], Y[-1:], Z[-1:], 'ko', markersize=12)
if SETTINGS['auto_show']:
return f
[docs]def getDomainList(labels):
"""Returns a list of domain separations. The list has two columns: the first is for
the domain starts and the second is for the domain ends."""
indicators = np.diff(labels)
indicators = np.append(1., indicators)
indicators[-1] = 1
sites = np.where(indicators != 0)[0]
starts = sites[:-1]
ends = sites[1:]
domains = np.array([starts, ends]).T
return domains