import numpy as np
from prody.chromatin.functions import div0
from prody.utilities import importLA
from prody import LOGGER
__all__ = ['VCnorm', 'SQRTVCnorm', 'Filenorm', 'SCN']
[docs]def VCnorm(M, **kwargs):
""" Performs vanilla coverage normalization on matrix *M*."""
total_count = kwargs.get('total_count', 'original')
C = np.diag(div0(1., np.sum(M, axis=0)))
R = np.diag(div0(1., np.sum(M, axis=1)))
# N = R * M * C
N =,M),C)
if total_count == 'original':
total_count = np.sum(M)
if total_count is not None:
sum_N = np.sum(N)
k = total_count / sum_N
N = N * k
return N
[docs]def SQRTVCnorm(M, **kwargs):
""" Performs square-root vanilla coverage normalization on matrix *M*."""
total_count = kwargs.get('total_count', 'original')
C = np.diag(np.sqrt(div0(1., np.sum(M, axis=0))))
R = np.diag(np.sqrt(div0(1., np.sum(M, axis=1))))
# N = R * M * C
N =,M),C)
if total_count == 'original':
total_count = np.sum(M)
if total_count is not None:
sum_N = np.sum(N)
k = total_count / sum_N
N = N * k
return N
[docs]def SCN(M, **kwargs):
""" Performs Sequential Component Normalization on matrix *M*.
.. [AC12] Cournac A, Marie-Nelly H, Marbouty M, Koszul R, Mozziconacci J.
Normalization of a chromosomal contact map. *BMC Genomics* **2012**.
total_count = kwargs.pop('total_count', None)
max_loops = kwargs.pop('max_loops', 100)
tol = kwargs.pop('tol', 1e-5)
N = M.copy()
n = 0
d0 = None
p = 1
last_p = None
while True:
C = np.diag(div0(1., np.sum(N, axis=0)))
N =, C)
R = np.diag(div0(1., np.sum(N, axis=1)))
N =, N)
n += 1
# check convergence of symmetry
d = np.mean(np.abs(N - N.T))
if d0 is not None:
p = div0(d, d0)
dp = np.abs(p - last_p)
if dp < tol:
d0 = d
LOGGER.debug('Iteration {0}: d = {1}, p = {2}'.format(str(n), str(d), str(p)))
last_p = p
if max_loops is not None:
if n >= max_loops:
LOGGER.warn('The SCN algorithm did not converge after {0} '
# guarantee symmetry
N = (N + N.T) / 2.
if total_count == 'original':
total_count = np.sum(M)
if total_count is not None:
sum_N = np.sum(N)
k = total_count / sum_N
N = N * k
return N
def bnewt(A, mask=[], tol = 1e-6, delta_lower = 0.1, delta_upper = 3, fl = 0, check = 1, largemem = 0, chunk_size = 10000):
BNEWT A balancing algorithm for symmetric matrices
X = BNEWT(A) attempts to find a vector X such that
diag(X)*A*diag(X) is close to doubly stochastic. A must
be symmetric and nonnegative.
X0: initial guess. TOL: error tolerance.
delta/Delta: how close/far balancing vectors can get
to/from the edge of the positive cone.
We use a relative measure on the size of elements.
FL: intermediate convergence statistics on/off.
RES: residual error, measured by norm(diag(x)*A*x - e).
# see details in Knight and Ruiz (2012)
(n,m) = A.shape
print('Verifying Matrix')
if (n != m):
print('Matrix must be symmetric to converge')
return 'NaN'
if (check):
for i in range(0,n):
for j in range(i,n):
if (A[i][j] != A[j][i])or(A[i][j] < 0):
print('Matrix must be symmetric and nonnegative to converge')
return 'NaN'
print('Check OK\n')
print('Check escaped\n')
e = np.ones((n,1))
e[mask] = 0
#res = np.empty((n,1))
g = 0.9
etamax = 0.1
eta = etamax
stop_tol = tol*0.5
x = e #initial guess
rt = tol*tol
if largemem:
v = x * chunking_dot(A,x,chunk_size=chunk_size)
v = x*,x)
rk = 1 - v
rk[mask] = 0
rho_km1 =,rk)
rout = rho_km1
rold = rout
MVP = 0 #matrix vector products
i = 0
while rout > rt:
i = i+1
innertol = max(eta*eta*rout,rt)
while rho_km1 > innertol: #inner iteration by CG
k = k+1
if k==1:
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
Z = rk/v
Z[mask] = 0
p = Z
rho_km1 =,Z)
beta = rho_km1/rho_km2
p = Z + beta*p
#update search direction
if largemem:
w = x*chunking_dot(A,x*p,chunk_size=chunk_size) + v*p
w = x*,x*p) + v*p
alpha = rho_km1/,w)
ap = alpha*p
#test distance to boundary of cone
ynew = y + ap
if min(np.delete(ynew,mask)) <= delta_lower:
if delta_lower == 0:
ind = np.nonzero(ap < 0)
gamma = min((delta_lower - y[ind])/ap[ind])
y = y + gamma*ap
if max(ynew) >= delta_upper:
ind = np.nonzero(ynew > delta_upper)
gamma = min((delta_upper-y[ind])/ap[ind])
y = y + gamma*ap
y = ynew
rk = rk - alpha*w
rho_km2 = rho_km1
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
Z = rk/v
Z[mask] = 0
rho_km1 =,Z)
#end inner iteration
x = x*y
if largemem:
v = x * chunking_dot(A,x,chunk_size=chunk_size)
v = x*,x)
rk = 1-v
rk[mask] = 0
rho_km1 =,rk)
rout = rho_km1
MVP = MVP + k + 1
#print MVP,res
#update inner iteration stopping criterion
rat = rout/rold
rold = rout
res_norm = math.sqrt(rout)
eta_o = eta
eta = g*rat
if g*eta_o*eta_o > 0.1:
eta = max(eta,g*eta_o*eta_o)
eta = max(min(eta,etamax),stop_tol/res_norm)
if fl == 1:
print('%3d %6d %.3f \n' % (i,k,r_norm))
if MVP > 50000:
#end outer
print('Matrix vector products = %6d' % MVP)
#x = np.array(x)
#x[mask] = 0
return x
def KRnorm(M, mask=None, **kwargs):
Uses Knight-Ruiz normalization to balance the matrix.
x = bnewt(M, mask=mask, check=0, **kwargs)*100
M *= X
M *= X.T
return M
[docs]def Filenorm(M, **kwargs):
""" Performs normalization on matrix *M* given a file. *filename* specifies
the path to the file. The file should be one-column, and ideally has the
same number of entries with the size of *M* (extra entries will be ignored).
Say *F* is vector of the normalization factors, *N* is the normalized matrix,
if *expected* is **True**, ``N[i,j] = M[i,j]/F[i]/F[j]``. If *expected* is
**True**, ``N[i,j] = M[i,j]/F[|i-j|]``."""
filename = kwargs.get('filename')
expected = kwargs.get('expected', False)
if filename is None:
raise IOError("'filename' is not specified.")
factors = np.loadtxt(filename)
L = M.shape[0]
if not expected:
norm_mat = np.outer(factors, factors)
N = div0(M, norm_mat)
return N
N = np.zeros(M.shape)
for i in range(L):
for j in range(L):
N[i,j] = div0(M[i,j], factors[abs(i-j)])
return N