Source code for prody.chromatin.straw

"""Straw module

Straw enables programmatic access to .hic files.
.hic files store the contact matrices from Hi-C experiments and the
normalization and expected vectors, along with meta-data in the header.

The main function, straw, takes in the normalization, the filename or URL,
chromosome1 (and optional range), chromosome2 (and optional range),
whether the bins desired are fragment or base pair delimited, and bin size.

It then reads the header, follows the various pointers to the desired matrix
and normalization vector, and stores as [x, y, count]

Usage: straw <NONE/VC/VC_SQRT/KR> <hicFile(s)> <chr1>[:x1:x2] <chr2>[:y1:y2] <\
BP/FRAG> <binsize>

>>>import straw
>>>result = straw.straw('NONE', 'HIC001.hic', 'X', 'X', 'BP', 1000000)
>>>for i in range(len(result[0])):
...   print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(result[0][i], result[1][i], result[2][i]))

See for more documentation
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

__author__ = "Yue Wu and Neva Durand"
__license__ = "MIT"

import sys
import struct
import zlib
import requests
import io

blockMap = dict()
# global version

def __readcstr(f):
    """ Helper function for reading in C-style string from file
    buf = b""
    while True:
        b =
        if b is None or b == b"\0":
            return buf.decode("utf-8")
        elif b == "":
            raise EOFError("Buffer unexpectedly empty while trying to read null-terminated string")
            buf += b

[docs]def readHeader(req, chr1, chr2, posilist): """ Reads the header Args: req (file): File to read from chr1 (str): Chromosome 1 chr2 (str): Chromosome 2 c1pos1 (int, optional): Starting range of chromosome1 output c1pos2 (int, optional): Stopping range of chromosome1 output c2pos1 (int, optional): Starting range of chromosome2 output c2pos2 (int, optional): Stopping range of chromosome2 output Returns: list: master index, chromosome1 index, chromosome2 index """ magic_string = struct.unpack('<3s',[0] if (magic_string != b"HIC"): raise ValueError('This does not appear to be a HiC file magic string is incorrect') global version version = struct.unpack('<i',[0] if (version < 6): raise ValueError("Version {0} no longer supported".format(str(version))) print('HiC version:' + ' {0}'.format(str(version))) master = struct.unpack('<q',[0] genome = b"" while (c != b'\0'): genome += c # read and throw away attribute dictionary (stats+graphs) nattributes = struct.unpack('<i',[0] for x in range(nattributes): key = __readcstr(req) value = __readcstr(req) nChrs = struct.unpack('<i',[0] found1 = False found2 = False for i in range(0, nChrs): name = __readcstr(req) length = struct.unpack('<i',[0] if (name==chr1): found1=True chr1ind=i if (posilist[0]==-100): posilist[0]=0 posilist[1]=length if (name==chr2): found2=True chr2ind=i if (posilist[2]==-100): posilist[2]=0 posilist[3]=length if ((not found1) or (not found2)): raise ValueError("One of the chromosomes wasn't found in the file. Check that the chromosome name matches the genome.") return [master, chr1ind, chr2ind, posilist[0], posilist[1], posilist[2], posilist[3]]
[docs]def readFooter(req, c1, c2, norm, unit, resolution): """Reads the footer, which contains all the expected and normalization vectors. Presumes file pointer is in correct position Args: req (file): File to read from; presumes file pointer is in correct position chr1 (str): Chromosome 1 chr2 (str): Chromosome 2 norm (str): Normalization type, one of NONE, VC, KR, VC_SQRT unit (str): One of BP or FRAG resolution (int): Bin size Returns: list: File position of matrix, position+size chr1 normalization vector, position+size chr2 normalization vector """ c1NormEntry=dict() c2NormEntry=dict() nBytes = struct.unpack('<i',[0] key = str(c1) + "_" + str(c2) nEntries = struct.unpack('<i',[0] found = False for i in range(nEntries): stri = __readcstr(req) fpos = struct.unpack('<q',[0] sizeinbytes = struct.unpack('<i',[0] if (stri==key): myFilePos = fpos found=True if (not found): print("File doesn't have the given chr_chr map\n") if (norm=="NONE"): return [myFilePos, 0, 0] nExpectedValues = struct.unpack('<i',[0] for i in range(nExpectedValues): str_ = __readcstr(req) binSize = struct.unpack('<i',[0] nValues = struct.unpack('<i',[0] for j in range(nValues): v = struct.unpack('<d',[0] nNormalizationFactors = struct.unpack('<i',[0] for j in range(nNormalizationFactors): chrIdx = struct.unpack('<i',[0] v = struct.unpack('<d',[0] nExpectedValues = struct.unpack('<i',[0] for i in range(nExpectedValues): str_ = __readcstr(req) str_ = __readcstr(req) binSize = struct.unpack('<i',[0] nValues = struct.unpack('<i',[0] for j in range(nValues): v = struct.unpack('<d',[0] nNormalizationFactors = struct.unpack('<i',[0] for j in range(nNormalizationFactors): chrIdx = struct.unpack('<i',[0] v = struct.unpack('<d',[0] nEntries = struct.unpack('<i',[0] found1=False found2=False for i in range(nEntries): normtype = __readcstr(req) chrIdx = struct.unpack('<i',[0] unit1 = __readcstr(req) resolution1 = struct.unpack('<i',[0] filePosition = struct.unpack('<q',[0] sizeInBytes = struct.unpack('<i',[0] if (chrIdx==c1 and normtype==norm and unit1==unit and resolution1==resolution): c1NormEntry['position']=filePosition c1NormEntry['size']=sizeInBytes found1=True if (chrIdx==c2 and normtype==norm and unit1==unit and resolution1==resolution): c2NormEntry['position']=filePosition c2NormEntry['size']=sizeInBytes found2=True if ((not found1) or (not found2)): raise ValueError("File did not contain {0} normalization vectors for one or both chromosomes at {1} {2}".format(norm, resolution, unit)) return [myFilePos, c1NormEntry, c2NormEntry]
[docs]def readMatrixZoomData(req, myunit, mybinsize): """ Reads the Matrix Zoom Data, which gives pointer list for blocks for the data. Presumes file pointer is in correct position Args: req (file): File to read from; presumes file pointer is in correct position myunit (str): Unit (BP or FRAG) we're searching for mybinsize (int): Resolution we're searching for Returns: list containing boolean indicating if we found appropriate matrix, and if so, the counts for the bins and columns """ unit = __readcstr(req) temp = struct.unpack('<i',[0] temp2 = struct.unpack('<f',[0] temp2 = struct.unpack('<f',[0] temp2 = struct.unpack('<f',[0] temp2 = struct.unpack('<f',[0] binSize = struct.unpack('<i',[0] blockBinCount = struct.unpack('<i',[0] blockColumnCount = struct.unpack('<i',[0] storeBlockData = False #for the initial myBlockBinCount = -1 myBlockColumnCount = -1 if (myunit==unit and mybinsize==binSize): myBlockBinCount=blockBinCount myBlockColumnCount=blockColumnCount storeBlockData=True nBlocks = struct.unpack('<i',[0] for b in range(nBlocks): blockNumber = struct.unpack('<i',[0] filePosition = struct.unpack('<q',[0] blockSizeInBytes = struct.unpack('<i',[0] entry=dict() entry['size'] = blockSizeInBytes entry['position'] = filePosition if (storeBlockData): blockMap[blockNumber] = entry return [storeBlockData, myBlockBinCount, myBlockColumnCount]
[docs]def readMatrix(req, unit, binsize): """ Reads the matrix - that is, finds the appropriate pointers to block data and stores them. Needs to read through headers of zoom data to find appropriate matrix. Presumes file pointer is in correct position. Args: req (file): File to read from; presumes file pointer is in correct position unit (str): Unit to search for (BP or FRAG) binsize (int): Resolution to search for Returns: list containing block bin count and block column count of matrix """ c1 = struct.unpack('<i',[0] c2 = struct.unpack('<i',[0] nRes = struct.unpack('<i',[0] i = 0 found = False blockBinCount = -1 blockColumnCount = -1 while (i<nRes and (not found)): list1 = readMatrixZoomData(req, unit, binsize) found = list1[0] if(list1[1]!=-1 and list1[2]!=-1): blockBinCount = list1[1] blockColumnCount = list1[2] i=i+1 if (not found): raise ValueError("Error finding block data") return [blockBinCount, blockColumnCount]
[docs]def getBlockNumbersForRegionFromBinPosition(regionIndices, blockBinCount, blockColumnCount, intra): """ Gets the block numbers we will need for a specific region; used when the range to extract is sent in as a parameter Args: regionIndices (array): Array of ints giving range blockBinCount (int): The block bin count of the matrix blockColumnCount (int): The block column count of the matrix intra: Flag indicating if this is an intrachromosomal matrix Returns: blockSet (set): A set of blocks to print """ col1=int(regionIndices[0]/blockBinCount) col2=int((regionIndices[1]+1)/blockBinCount) row1=int(regionIndices[2]/blockBinCount) row2=int((regionIndices[3]+1)/blockBinCount) blocksSet=set() # print(str(col1)+"\t"+str(col2)+"\t"+str(row1)+"\t"+str(row2)) for r in range(row1, row2+1): for c in range(col1, col2+1): blockNumber=r*blockColumnCount+c blocksSet.add(blockNumber) if (intra): for r in range(col1, col2+1): for c in range(row1, row2+1): blockNumber=r*blockColumnCount+c blocksSet.add(blockNumber) # print(str(blocksSet)) return blocksSet
[docs]def readBlock(req, size): """ Reads the block - reads the compressed bytes, decompresses, and stores results in array. Presumes file pointer is in correct position. Args: req (file): File to read from. Presumes file pointer is in correct position size (int): How many bytes to read Returns: array containing row, column, count data for this block """ compressedBytes = uncompressedBytes = zlib.decompress(compressedBytes) nRecords = struct.unpack('<i',uncompressedBytes[0:4])[0] v=[] global version if (version < 7): for i in range(nRecords): binX = struct.unpack('<i',uncompressedBytes[(12*i+4):(12*i+8)])[0] binY = struct.unpack('<i',uncompressedBytes[(12*i+8):(12*i+12)])[0] counts = struct.unpack('<f',uncompressedBytes[(12*i+12):(12*i+16)])[0] record = dict() record['binX'] = binX record['binY'] = binY record['counts'] = counts v.append(record) else: binXOffset = struct.unpack('<i',uncompressedBytes[4:8])[0] binYOffset = struct.unpack('<i',uncompressedBytes[8:12])[0] useShort = struct.unpack('<b',uncompressedBytes[12:13])[0] type_ = struct.unpack('<b',uncompressedBytes[13:14])[0] index=0 if (type_==1): rowCount = struct.unpack('<h',uncompressedBytes[14:16])[0] temp = 16 for i in range(rowCount): y = struct.unpack('<h',uncompressedBytes[temp:(temp+2)])[0] temp=temp+2 binY = y + binYOffset colCount = struct.unpack('<h',uncompressedBytes[temp:(temp+2)])[0] temp=temp+2 for j in range(colCount): x = struct.unpack('<h',uncompressedBytes[temp:(temp+2)])[0] temp=temp+2 binX = binXOffset + x if (useShort==0): c = struct.unpack('<h',uncompressedBytes[temp:(temp+2)])[0] temp=temp+2 counts = c else: counts = struct.unpack('<f',uncompressedBytes[temp:(temp+4)])[0] temp=temp+4 record = dict() record['binX'] = binX record['binY'] = binY record['counts'] = counts v.append(record) index = index + 1 elif (type_== 2): temp=14 nPts = struct.unpack('<i',uncompressedBytes[temp:(temp+4)])[0] temp=temp+4 w = struct.unpack('<h',uncompressedBytes[temp:(temp+2)])[0] temp=temp+2 for i in range(nPts): row=int(i/w) col=i-row*w bin1=int(binXOffset+col) bin2=int(binYOffset+row) if (useShort==0): c = struct.unpack('<h',uncompressedBytes[temp:(temp+2)])[0] temp=temp+2 if (c != -32768): record = dict() record['binX'] = bin1 record['binY'] = bin2 record['counts'] = c v.append(record) index = index + 1 else: counts = struct.unpack('<f',uncompressedBytes[temp:(temp+4)])[0] temp=temp+4 if (countsnot != 0x7fc00000): record = dict() record['binX'] = bin1 record['binY'] = bin2 record['counts'] = counts v.append(record) index = index + 1 return v
[docs]def readNormalizationVector(req): """ Reads the normalization vector from the file; presumes file pointer is in correct position Args: req (file): File to read from; presumes file pointer is in correct position Returns: Array of normalization values """ value = [] nValues = struct.unpack('<i',[0] for i in range(nValues): d = struct.unpack('<d',[0] value.append(d) return value
[docs]def straw(norm, infile, chr1loc, chr2loc, unit, binsize): """ This is the main workhorse method of the module. Reads a .hic file and extracts the given contact matrix. Stores in an array in sparse upper triangular format: row, column, (normalized) count Args: norm(str): Normalization type, one of VC, KR, VC_SQRT, or NONE infile(str): File name or URL of .hic file chr1loc(str): Chromosome name and (optionally) range, i.e. "1" or "1:10000:25000" chr2loc(str): Chromosome name and (optionally) range, i.e. "1" or "1:10000:25000" unit(str): One of BP or FRAG binsize(int): Resolution, i.e. 25000 for 25K """ # clear the global variable blockMap so that it won't keep the data from previous calls for blockNum in list(blockMap.keys()): blockMap.pop(blockNum) if (infile.startswith("http")): # try URL first. 100K should be sufficient for header headers={'range' : 'bytes=0-100000', 'x-amz-meta-requester' : 'straw'} s = requests.Session() r=s.get(infile, headers=headers) if (r.status_code >=400): print("Error accessing " + infile) raise ValueError("HTTP status code " + str(r.status_code)) req=io.BytesIO(r.content) myrange=r.headers['content-range'].split('/') totalbytes=myrange[1] else: req=open(infile, 'rb') if (not (norm=="NONE" or norm=="VC" or norm=="VC_SQRT" or norm=="KR")): raise ValueError("Norm specified incorrectly, must be one of <NONE/VC/VC_SQRT/KR>.") if (not (unit=="BP" or unit=="FRAG")): raise ValueError("Unit specified incorrectly, must be one of <BP/FRAG>.") c1pos1=-100 c1pos2=-100 c2pos1=-100 c2pos2=-100 chr1_arra = chr1loc.split(":") chr2_arra = chr2loc.split(":") chr1=chr1_arra[0] chr2=chr2_arra[0] if(len(chr1_arra)==3): c1pos1=chr1_arra[1] c1pos2=chr1_arra[2] if(len(chr2_arra)==3): c2pos1=chr2_arra[1] c2pos2=chr2_arra[2] list1 = readHeader(req, chr1, chr2, [c1pos1, c1pos2, c2pos1, c2pos2]) master=list1[0] chr1ind=list1[1] chr2ind=list1[2] c1pos1=int(list1[3]) c1pos2=int(list1[4]) c2pos1=int(list1[5]) c2pos2=int(list1[6]) c1=min(chr1ind,chr2ind) c2=max(chr1ind,chr2ind) origRegionIndices=[] regionIndices=[] if (chr1ind > chr2ind): origRegionIndices.append(c2pos1) origRegionIndices.append(c2pos2) origRegionIndices.append(c1pos1) origRegionIndices.append(c1pos2) regionIndices.append(int(c2pos1/binsize)) regionIndices.append(int(c2pos2/binsize)) regionIndices.append(int(c1pos1/binsize)) regionIndices.append(int(c1pos2/binsize)) else: origRegionIndices.append(c1pos1) origRegionIndices.append(c1pos2) origRegionIndices.append(c2pos1) origRegionIndices.append(c2pos2) regionIndices.append(int(c1pos1/binsize)) regionIndices.append(int(c1pos2/binsize)) regionIndices.append(int(c2pos1/binsize)) regionIndices.append(int(c2pos2/binsize)) # Get footer: from master to end of file if (infile.startswith("http")): headers={'range' : 'bytes={0}-{1}'.format(master, totalbytes) , 'x-amz-meta-requester' : 'straw'} #print("Requesting {} bytes".format(int(totalbytes)-master)) r=s.get(infile, headers=headers); #print("Received {} bytes".format(r.headers['Content-Length'])) req=io.BytesIO(r.content) else: list1 = readFooter(req, c1, c2, norm, unit, binsize) myFilePos=list1[0] c1NormEntry=list1[1] c2NormEntry=list1[2] if (norm != "NONE"): if (infile.startswith("http")): endrange='bytes={0}-{1}'.format(c1NormEntry['position'],c1NormEntry['position']+c1NormEntry['size']) headers={'range' : endrange, 'x-amz-meta-requester' : 'straw'} r=s.get(infile, headers=headers); req=io.BytesIO(r.content); c1Norm = readNormalizationVector(req) endrange='bytes={0}-{1}'.format(c2NormEntry['position'],c2NormEntry['position']+c2NormEntry['size']) headers={'range' : endrange, 'x-amz-meta-requester' : 'straw'} r=s.get(infile, headers=headers) req=io.BytesIO(r.content) c2Norm = readNormalizationVector(req) else:['position']) c1Norm = readNormalizationVector(req)['position']) c2Norm = readNormalizationVector(req) if (infile.startswith("http")): headers={'range' : 'bytes={0}-'.format(myFilePos), 'x-amz-meta-requester' : 'straw'} r=s.get(infile, headers=headers, stream=True) list1 = readMatrix(r.raw, unit, binsize) else: list1 = readMatrix(req, unit, binsize) blockBinCount=list1[0] blockColumnCount=list1[1] blockNumbers = getBlockNumbersForRegionFromBinPosition(regionIndices, blockBinCount, blockColumnCount, c1==c2) yActual=[] xActual=[] counts=[] for i_set in (blockNumbers): idx=dict() if(i_set in blockMap): idx=blockMap[i_set] else: idx['size']=0 idx['position']=0 if (idx['size']==0): records=[] else: if (infile.startswith("http")): endrange='bytes={0}-{1}'.format(idx['position'], idx['position']+idx['size']) headers={'range' : endrange, 'x-amz-meta-requester' : 'straw'} r=s.get(infile, headers=headers); req=io.BytesIO(r.content); else:['position']) records=readBlock(req, idx['size']) for j in range(len(records)): rec=records[j] x=rec['binX']*binsize y=rec['binY']*binsize c=rec['counts'] if (norm != "NONE"): a=c1Norm[rec['binX']]*c2Norm[rec['binY']] if (a!=0.0): c=(c/(c1Norm[rec['binX']]*c2Norm[rec['binY']])) else: c="inf" if ((x>=origRegionIndices[0] and x<=origRegionIndices[1] and y>=origRegionIndices[2] and y<=origRegionIndices[3]) or ((c1==c2) and y>=origRegionIndices[0] and y<=origRegionIndices[1] and x>= origRegionIndices[2] and x<=origRegionIndices[3])): xActual.append(x) yActual.append(y) counts.append(c) return [xActual, yActual, counts]
[docs]def printme(norm, infile, chr1loc, chr2loc, unit, binsize, outfile): """ Reads a .hic file and extracts and prints the given contact matrix to a text file Args: norm(str): Normalization type, one of VC, KR, VC_SQRT, or NONE infile(str): File name or URL of .hic file chr1loc(str): Chromosome name and (optionally) range, i.e. "1" or "1:10000:25000" chr2loc(str): Chromosome name and (optionally) range, i.e. "1" or "1:10000:25000" unit(str): One of BP or FRAG binsize(int): Resolution, i.e. 25000 for 25K outfile(str): Name or stream of text file to write to """ if isinstance(outfile, str): f = open(outfile, 'w') else: f = outfile result = straw(norm, infile, chr1loc, chr2loc, unit, binsize) for i in range(len(result[0])): f.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\n".format(result[0][i], result[1][i], result[2][i])) #print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(result[0][i], result[1][i], result[2][i])) if isinstance(outfile, str): f.close()