Source code for prody.compounds.bird

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines functions for fetching and parsing files in the PDB  
for the Biologically Interesting Molecule Reference Dictionary (BIRD_). 

.. _BIRD:

The chemical information is stored in Peptide Reference Dictionary (PRD) files, 
whereas the biological function is documented in a separate family file."""

import os.path

from prody import LOGGER, getPackagePath
from prody.utilities import isListLike
from prody.proteins import wwPDBServer, WWPDB_FTP_SERVERS, parseSTAR

__all__ = ['fetchBIRDviaFTP', 'parseBIRD']

[docs]def fetchBIRDviaFTP(**kwargs): """Retrieve the whole Biologically Interesting Molecule Reference Dictionary (BIRD) resource, which is updated every week. This includes 2 kinds of keys, which can be selected with the **keys** keyword argument. The chemical information is found in a zipped (tar.gz) directory at, which contains individual CIF files within it. This data will be downloaded and extracted to :file:`.prody/bird-prd`. Biological function information is also found in a zipped (tar.gz) directory at, which contains individual CIF files within it. This data will be downloaded and extracted to :file:`.prody/bird-family`. :arg keys: keys specifying which data to fetch out of ``'prd'``, ``'family'`` or ``'both'`` default is ``'both'`` :type keys: str, tuple, list, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The underlying data can be accessed using :func:`parseBIRD`.""" BIRD_PATH = os.path.join(getPackagePath(), 'bird') keys = kwargs.get('keys', 'both') if isinstance(keys, str): if keys == 'both': keys = ['prd', 'family'] elif keys[:3].lower() == 'prd': keys = ['prd'] elif keys[:3].lower() == 'fam': keys = ['family'] else: raise ValueError("keys should be 'both', 'prd' or 'fam'") elif isListLike(keys): keys = list(keys) else: raise TypeError("keys should be list-like or string") ftp_divided = 'pdb/data/bird/' ftp_pdbext = '.cif.gz' ftp_prefix = '' if not os.path.isdir(BIRD_PATH): os.mkdir(BIRD_PATH) LOGGER.progress('Downloading BIRD', len(keys), '_prody_fetchBIRD') ftp_name, ftp_host, ftp_path = WWPDB_FTP_SERVERS[wwPDBServer() or 'us'] LOGGER.debug('Connecting wwPDB FTP server {0}.'.format(ftp_name)) from ftplib import FTP try: ftp = FTP(ftp_host) except Exception as error: raise type(error)('FTP connection problem, potential reason: ' 'no internet connectivity') else: count = 0 success = 0 failure = 0 filenames = [] ftp.login('') for i, x in enumerate(keys): data = [] ftp_fn = ftp_prefix + '{0}-all'.format(x) + ftp_pdbext try: ftp.cwd(ftp_path) ftp.cwd(ftp_divided) ftp.cwd(x) ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + ftp_fn, data.append) except Exception as error: if ftp_fn in ftp.nlst(): LOGGER.warn('{0} download failed ({1}). It is ' 'possible that you do not have rights to ' 'download .gz files in the current network.' .format(x, str(error))) else:'{0} download failed. {1} does not exist ' 'on {2}.'.format(ftp_fn, x, ftp_host)) failure += 1 filenames.append(None) else: if len(data): filename = BIRD_PATH + '/{0}-all.cif.gz'.format(x) with open(filename, 'w+b') as outfile: write = outfile.write [write(block) for block in data] success += 1 else: failure += 1 count += 1 LOGGER.update(i, label='_prody_fetchBIRD') LOGGER.finish() LOGGER.debug('PDB download via FTP completed ({0} downloaded, ' '{1} failed).'.format(success, failure))
[docs]def parseBIRD(*ids, **kwargs): """Parse data from the Biologically Interesting Molecule Reference Dictionary (BIRD) resource, which is updated every week. This includes 2 kinds of keys, which can be selected with the **keys** keyword argument. The chemical information is found in a single CIF file at This data will be downloaded and extracted to :file:`.prody/bird-prd`. Biological function information is also found in a single CIF file at This data will be downloaded and extracted to :file:`.prody/bird-family`. Individual compounds can be selected using **ids**. If needed, BIRD files are downloaded using :func:`.fetchBIRDviaFTP` function. You can also provide arguments that you would like passed on to fetchBIRDviaFTP. :arg ids: one BIRD identifier (starting with PRD or FAM) or a list of them. If **None** is provided then all of them are returned. :type ids: str, tuple, list, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, **None** :arg key: key specifying which data to fetch out of ``'prd'`` or ``'family'`` default is ``'prd'`` :type key: str Returns :class:`.StarDataBlock` object or list of them. """ key = kwargs.get('key', 'prd') if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError("key should be a string") if key[:3].lower() == 'prd': key = 'prd' elif key[:3].lower() == 'fam': key = 'family' else: raise ValueError("key should be 'prd' or 'fam'") n_ids = len(ids) if n_ids == 1: if isListLike(ids[0]): ids = ids[0] n_ids = len(ids) if n_ids == 1: ids = list(ids) BIRD_PATH = os.path.join(getPackagePath(), 'bird') filename = BIRD_PATH + '/{0}-all.cif.gz'.format(key) if not os.path.isfile(filename): fetchBIRDviaFTP(keys=key, **kwargs) data = parseSTAR(filename, shlex=True) ret = [] for id in ids: try: ret.append(data[list([0]]) except ValueError: try: ret.append(data[id]) except ValueError: LOGGER.warn('id {0} not found in {1} data ' 'so appending None'.format(id, key)) ret.append(None) if n_ids == 1: return ret[0] return ret