# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines functions for query CATH database."""
from os import getcwd, remove
from os.path import sep as pathsep
from os.path import isdir, isfile, join, split, splitext, normpath
import re
from numbers import Integral
from prody import LOGGER, SETTINGS, PY3K
from prody.proteins import parsePDB
from prody.utilities import makePath, gunzip, relpath, copyFile, openURL
from prody.utilities import sympath, indentElement, isPDB, isURL, isListLike
if PY3K:
import urllib.parse as urllib
import urllib.request as urllib2
import urllib
import urllib2
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
__all__ = ['CATHDB', 'CATHElement']
CATH_URL = 'http://download.cathdb.info'
CATH_NAME_PATH = '/cath/releases/latest-release/cath-classification-data/cath-names.txt'
CATH_DOMAIN_PATH = '/cath/releases/latest-release/cath-classification-data/cath-domain-list.txt'
CATH_BOUNDARY_PATH = '/cath/releases/latest-release/cath-classification-data/cath-domain-boundaries-seqreschopping.txt'
isCATH = re.compile('^[0-9.]+$').match
# Note that if the chain id is blank, it will be represented by "0" in CATH domain ID.
isDomain = re.compile('^[A-Za-z0-9]{5}[0-9]{2}$').match
[docs]class CATHElement(ET.Element):
"""This class handles individual elements from the cath tree
including tree navigation and the getting of associated CATH domains,
PDB IDs and selection strings."""
def __init__(self, tag, attrib={}, parent=None, **extra):
super(CATHElement, self).__init__(tag, attrib, **extra)
self._parent = parent
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, Integral):
return super(CATHElement, self).__getitem__(index)
return self.attrib[index]
def __repr__(self):
if self.isDomain():
return '<CATHElement: {0}>'.format(self.id)
return '<CATHElement: {0} ({1} members)>'.format(self.id, len(self))
def isDomain(self):
return isDomain(self.id)
def getID(self):
return self.tag
def setID(self, value):
self.tag = value
id = property(getID, setID)
def getchildren(self):
children = super(CATHElement, self).getchildren()
collection = CATHCollection(children, self)
return collection
children = property(getchildren)
def getparent(self):
return self._parent
def setparent(self, value):
self._parent = value
parent = property(getparent, setparent)
def find(self, key):
for child in self:
if child.tag == key:
return child
return None
def numDomains(self):
n_leaves = 0
if self.isDomain():
n_leaves = 1
for child in self:
if child.isDomain():
n_leaves += 1
n_leaves += child.numDomains()
return n_leaves
def getDomains(self):
leaves = []
if self.isDomain():
for child in self:
if child.isDomain():
return leaves
def getDomainData(self, attr):
leaves = self.getDomains()
data = []
for leaf in leaves:
return data
def getPDBs(self, chain=True):
leaves = self.getDomains()
pdbs = []
for leaf in leaves:
pdb_id = leaf.attrib['pdb']
if chain:
pdb_id += leaf.attrib['chain']
return pdbs
def getSelstrs(self):
leaves = self.getDomains()
data = []
for leaf in leaves:
rangestr = leaf.attrib['range']
selstr = range2selstr(rangestr)
return data
def getCATH(self):
cath = self.attrib['cath']
except KeyError:
if self.parent is not None:
cath = self.parent.cath
cath = None # this is the case for the root
return cath
cath = property(getCATH)
def getName(self):
name = self.attrib['name'].lstrip(':')
if name == '':
name = 'Superfamily %s'%self.cath
except KeyError:
if self.parent is not None:
name = self.parent.name
name = None # this is the case for the root
return name
name = property(getName)
[docs] def parsePDBs(self, **kwargs):
"""Load PDB into memory as :class:`.AtomGroup` instances using :func:`.parsePDB` and
perform selection based on residue ranges given by CATH."""
pdbs = self.getPDBs(True)
selstrs = self.getSelstrs()
header = kwargs.get('header', False)
model = kwargs.get('model', None)
LOGGER.info('Parsing {0} PDB files...'.format(len(pdbs)))
ret = parsePDB(*pdbs, **kwargs)
if model != 0:
headers = None
if header:
prots, headers = ret
prots = ret
if not isinstance(prots, list):
prots = [prots]
if header:
headers = [headers]
ret = (prots, headers)
ret = prots
LOGGER.info('Extracting domains...')
for i in range(len(prots)):
sel = prots[i].select(selstrs[i])
prots[i] = sel
LOGGER.report('CATH domains are parsed and extracted in %.2fs', '_cath_parsePDB')
return ret
class CATHCollection(CATHElement):
""""This class handles collections of elements from the CATH tree
including the listing of names and IDs."""
def __init__(self, items, element=None):
if element is not None:
tag = element.tag
attrib = element.attrib
tag = 'cath'
attrib = {}
super(CATHCollection, self).__init__(tag=tag, attrib=attrib)
if not isListLike(items):
items = [items]
parents = []
for item in items:
uniq_parents = set(parents)
if len(uniq_parents) == 1:
self._parent = parents[0]
def __repr__(self):
names = []
n = 0
for child in self:
n += 1
if n > 100:
return '<CATHCollection:\n[%s]>'%'\n'.join(names)
def isDomain(self):
return False
def getCATH(self):
cath = []
for child in self:
return cath
cath = property(getCATH)
def getName(self):
names = []
for child in self:
return names
name = property(getName)
def getID(self):
tags = []
for child in self:
return tags
id = property(getID)
[docs]class CATHDB(ET.ElementTree):
"""This class is for handing the data in the CATH database.
It facilitates tree navigation and ID-based searching."""
def __init__(self, source=CATH_URL):
"""The class is initialised using data from *source*, which
is downloaded from the CATH website by default, but can
also be parsed from an XML file."""
self.root = CATHElement('root')
super(CATHDB, self).__init__(self.root)
self._source = source
self._raw_names = None
self._raw_domains = None
self._raw_boundaries = None
self._map = {'root': self.root}
# this property is only for debug purposes and will not be copied
self._unclassified = {}
if source is not None:
def __repr__(self):
return "<CATHDB: {0} members>".format(len(self.root))
def reset(self):
# by removing the immediate children of root,
# all the descendants will be removed
for child in self.root:
self._unclassified = {}
[docs] def update(self, source=None):
"""Update data and files from CATH."""
self._source = source = self._source or source
if source is None:
type_ = 0
tree = None
if isinstance(source, str):
if isfile(source):
type_ = 1
elif isURL(source):
type_ = 0
type_ = 2
elif hasattr(source, 'read'):
type_ = 1
raise TypeError('source must be either an url, file name, file handle, '
'or text in xml format')
if type_ == 0:
LOGGER.info('Fetching data from CATH...')
LOGGER.info('Parsing CATH files...')
elif type_ == 1:
LOGGER.info('Reading data from the local xml file...')
tree = ET.parse(source)
elif type_ == 2:
LOGGER.info('Parsing input string...')
tree = ET.fromstring(source)
# post-processing
if type_ > 0:
root = tree.getroot()
nodes = root.iter()
# remove prefix from node tags
for node in nodes:
node.tag = node.tag.lstrip('id.')
# convert int to str
length_nodes = root.findall('.//*[@length]')
for node in length_nodes:
node.attrib['length'] = int(node.attrib['length'])
copy2(root, self.root)
LOGGER.report('CATH local database built in %.2fs.', '_cath_update')
def _update_map(self, parent=None):
if parent is None:
parent = self.root
for child in parent:
self._map[child.id] = child
def copy(self):
db = CATHDB(source=None)
copy2(self.root, db.root)
db._map = self._map
db._source = self._source
db._raw_names = self._raw_names
db._raw_domains = self._raw_domains
db._raw_boundaries = self._raw_boundaries
return db
[docs] def save(self, filename='cath.xml'):
"""Write local CATH database to an XML file. *filename* can either be a
file name or a handle."""
if not isinstance(filename, str):
fn = filename.name
except AttributeError:
fn = repr(filename)
f = filename
fn = filename
LOGGER.info('Writing data to {0}...'.format(fn))
if not len(self.root):
raise ValueError('local database has not been built, '
'please call update() first')
tree = self.copy()
root = tree.getroot()
# convert int to str
length_nodes = root.findall('.//*[@length]')
for node in length_nodes:
node.attrib['length'] = str(node.attrib['length'])
# add prefix to node tags
nodes = root.iter()
for node in nodes:
node.tag = 'id.' + node.tag
# add indentation to nodes
if isinstance(filename, str):
f = open(filename, 'wb')
tree.write(f, encoding='utf-8')
LOGGER.report('CATH local database saved in %.2fs.', '_cath_write')
[docs] def find(self, identifier='root'):
"""Find an :class:`xml.etree.Element` object given *identifier*."""
if len(self.root) is None:
raise ValueError('local database has not been built, '
'please call update() first')
if identifier != 'root':
data = self._map[identifier]
except KeyError:
iter = self.iter(identifier)
data = next(iter)
except StopIteration:
data = None
data = self.root
return data
def _fetch(self):
"""Download CATH files via HTTP."""
response = urllib2.urlopen(CATH_URL + CATH_NAME_PATH)
name_data = response.read()
except Exception as error:
raise type(error)('HTTP connection problem when extracting CATH names: '\
+ repr(error))
response = urllib2.urlopen(CATH_URL + CATH_DOMAIN_PATH)
domain_data = response.read()
except Exception as error:
raise type(error)('HTTP connection problem when extracting domain information: '\
+ repr(error))
response = urllib2.urlopen(CATH_URL + CATH_BOUNDARY_PATH)
boundary_data = response.read()
except Exception as error:
raise type(error)('HTTP connection problem when extracting domain boundaries: '\
+ repr(error))
#if PY3K:
name_data = name_data.decode('utf-8')
domain_data = domain_data.decode('utf-8')
boundary_data = boundary_data.decode('utf-8')
self._raw_names = name_data
self._raw_domains = domain_data
self._raw_boundaries = boundary_data
def _parse(self):
"""Parse CATH files into a :class:`~xml.etree.ElementTree` structure.
The leaf nodes are tagged by domain names, e.g. 3hgnA02, and other nodes
are tagged by their full CATH identifiers, e.g. The parsing
process assumes the domain file is organized in a topdown fashion, i.e.
1 -> 1.20 -> 1.20.120 -> """
name_data = self._raw_names
domain_data = self._raw_domains
boundary_data = self._raw_boundaries
root = self.root
# parsing the name file
lines = name_data.splitlines()
for line in lines:
text = line.strip()
if not text:
if text.startswith('#'):
items = text.split(' ')
cath_id, domain_id, cath_name = items
#pdb_id = domain_id[:4]
#chain = domain_id[4]
level = getLevel(cath_id)
attrib = {'cath': cath_id,
'rep': domain_id,
'name': cath_name,}
#'pdb': pdb_id,
#'chain': chain}
if level == 1:
node = CATHElement(cath_id, attrib=attrib, parent=root)
self._map[cath_id] = node
parent_id = getParent(cath_id)
#parent = findNodeByCATH(root, parent_id)
parent = self.find(parent_id)
if parent is None:
LOGGER.warn('error encountered when building the tree: {0}'
node = CATHElement(cath_id, attrib=attrib, parent=parent)
self._map[cath_id] = node
# parsing the domain file
lines = domain_data.splitlines()
for line in lines:
# Column 1: CATH domain name (seven characters)
# Column 2: Class number
# Column 3: Architecture number
# Column 4: Topology number
# Column 5: Homologous superfamily number
# Column 6: S35 sequence cluster number
# Column 7: S60 sequence cluster number
# Column 8: S95 sequence cluster number
# Column 9: S100 sequence cluster number
# Column 10: S100 sequence count number
# Column 11: Domain length
# Column 12: Structure resolution (Angstroms)
# (999.000 for NMR structures and 1000.000 for obsolete PDB entries)
text = line.strip()
if not text:
if text.startswith('#'):
items = text.split()
domain_id = items[0]
pdb_id = domain_id[:4]
chain = domain_id[4]
if chain == '0':
chain = ''
cath_id = '.'.join(items[1:5])
#S35, S60, S95, S100 = items[5:9]
length = int(items[10])
#resolution = float(items[11])
attrib = {'cath': cath_id,
'pdb': pdb_id,
'chain': chain,
'length': length,
'range': ''}
#parent = findNodeByCATH(root, cath_id)
parent = self.find(cath_id)
if parent is None:
LOGGER.warn('error encountered when assigning domains: {0}'
node = CATHElement(domain_id, attrib=attrib, parent=parent)
self._map[domain_id] = node
# parsing the boundary file
lines = boundary_data.splitlines()
for line in lines:
# Example: 3hgnA02 13-111,228-240
text = line.strip()
if not text:
if text.startswith('#'):
items = text.split()
domain_id, resrange = items
if domain_id in self._map:
node = self.find(domain_id)
self._unclassified[domain_id] = resrange
if node is None:
LOGGER.warn('error encountered when assigning domain boundaries: {0}'
node.attrib['range'] = resrange
[docs] def search(self, identifier):
"""Search the *identifier* against the local CATH database and return a list
of :class:`~xml.etree.ElementTree` instances. *identifier* can be a 4-digit
PDB ID plus an 1-digit chain ID (optional), 7-digit domain ID, or CATH ID."""
ret = None
if isCATH(identifier):
ret = self.find(identifier)
elif isDomain(identifier):
identifier = identifier[:4].lower() + identifier[-3:]
ret = self.find(identifier)
elif isPDB(identifier):
pdb_id = identifier[:4].lower()
chain = identifier[4:]
for gap in ' -_:':
chain = chain.replace(gap, '')
root = self.find()
nodes = root.findall('.//*[@pdb="%s"]'%pdb_id)
if chain.strip() != '':
for i in range(len(nodes)-1, -1, -1):
node = nodes[i]
if node.attrib['chain'] != chain:
del nodes[i]
ret = nodes
raise ValueError('identifier can be a 4-digit PDB ID plus 1-digit chain ID '
'(optional), 7-digit domain ID, or CATH ID.')
if ret is not None:
if isinstance(ret, list):
ret = CATHCollection(ret)
return ret
# Note: all the following functions should be kept hidden from users
def splitCATH(cath_id, cumul=False):
fields = cath_id.split('.')
if cumul:
fields_ = list(fields)
for i in range(len(fields)):
fields_[i] = '.'.join(fields[:i+1])
fields = fields_
return fields
def findNodeByCATH(root, cath_id):
fields = splitCATH(cath_id, cumul=True)
node = root
for field in fields:
node = node.find(field)
if node is None:
return None
return node
def getParent(cath_id):
fields = splitCATH(cath_id)
parent = '.'.join(f for f in fields[:-1])
return parent
def getLevel(cath_id):
return len(splitCATH(cath_id))
def isLeaf(cath_id):
level = getLevel(cath_id)
if level > 4:
raise ValueError('invalid cath_id: {0}'.format(cath_id))
return level == 4
def copy2(a, b):
"""Copy a tree structure from *a* to *b*"""
for c in a:
node = CATHElement(c.tag, c.attrib, b)
copy2(c, node)
def range2selstr(rangestr):
if rangestr.strip() == '':
return None
frags = rangestr.split(',')
sels = []
for frag in frags:
fromtos = frag.split('-')
if len(fromtos) == 2:
fro, to = fromtos
LOGGER.warn('range "%s" is irregular'%rangestr)
fro = '1'
to = fromtos[-1]
fro_num = intResnum(fro)
to_num = intResnum(to)
if fro_num > to_num:
LOGGER.warn('range "%s" is irregular'%rangestr)
to_num = fro_num
fro_num = 1
fro = str(fro_num)
to = str(to_num)
except ValueError:
print('error occurred when parsing "%s"'%rangestr)
sels.append('resindex %s to %s'%(fro, to))
selstr = ' or '.join(sels)
return selstr
def intResnum(resnum):
match = re.findall('[0-9\\-]+', resnum)
num = None
if match:
num = int(match[0])
return num