Source code for prody.database.goa

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines functions for interfacing with the EBI's
Gene Ontology Annotation (GOA) database for analysing gene/protein functions 
through the Gene Ontology (GO).

This module is based on the tutorial notebook at"""

from io import BytesIO
from os.path import isdir, isfile, join, split, splitext, normpath
import os
import gzip
from ftplib import FTP

from collections import defaultdict
import re
import numpy as np
from prody.utilities import makePath, gunzip, relpath, copyFile, openURL
from prody.utilities import openFile, isListLike, sympath
from prody import LOGGER, PY3K
from prody.ensemble import Ensemble

if PY3K:
    import urllib.parse as urllib
    import urllib.request as urllib2
    import urllib
    import urllib2

__all__ = ['GOADictList', 'parseOBO', 'parseGAF',
           'queryGOA', 'showGoLineage',
           'calcGoOverlap', 'calcDeepFunctionOverlaps',
           'calcEnsembleFunctionOverlaps', 'findDeepestFunctions',
           'findDeepestCommonAncestor', 'calcMinBranchLength',

[docs]class GOADictList(object): """A class for handling the list of GOA Dictionaries returned by queryGOA """ def __init__(self, parsingList, title='unnamed', **kwargs): go = kwargs.pop('go', None) if go is None: go = parseOBO(**kwargs) self._title = title self._list = parsingList go_ids = np.unique([entry['GO_ID'] for entry in parsingList]) self._go_terms = [go[id] for id in go_ids] self.numTerms = len(self._go_terms) self._molecular = [ term for term in self._go_terms if term.namespace == 'molecular_function'] self._cellular = [ term for term in self._go_terms if term.namespace == 'cellular_component'] self._process = [ term for term in self._go_terms if term.namespace == 'biological_process'] def __getitem__(self, ind): return self._list[ind] def getTitle(self): return self._title def setTitle(self, value): self._title = value def getList(self): return self._list def __repr__(self): if self.numTerms == 1: return '<GOADictList: {0} (1 GOA dict)>'.format(self._title) return '<GOADictList: {0} ({1} GOA dicts)>'.format(self._title, self.numTerms) def __iter__(self): """Yield go_term instances.""" for item in self._list: yield item
[docs] def pop(self, index): """Pop dataBlock with the given index from the list of dataBlocks in GOADictList""" self._go_terms.pop(index) self.numTerms -= 1
def getGoTerms(self): return self._go_terms def getMolecularFunctions(self): return self._molecular def getCellularComponents(self): return self._cellular def getBiologicalProcesses(self): return self._process
[docs]def parseOBO(**kwargs): """Parse a GO OBO file containing the GO itself. See `OBO`_ for more information on the file format. .. _OBO: """ try: from goatools import obo_parser except: raise ImportError('GOATools needs to be installed to use parseOBO') go_obo_url = kwargs.get('go_obo_url', None) if go_obo_url is None: go_obo_url = '' data_folder = kwargs.get('data_folder', None) if data_folder is None: data_folder = os.getcwd() + '/Data' # Check if we have the ./data directory already if(not os.path.isfile(data_folder)): # Emulate mkdir -p (no error if folder exists) try: os.mkdir(data_folder) except OSError as e: if(e.errno != 17): raise e else: raise Exception('Data path (' + data_folder + ') exists as a file. ' 'Please rename, remove or change the desired location of the data path.') # Check if the file exists already if(not os.path.isfile(data_folder+'/go-basic.obo')): try: handle = openURL(go_obo_url) except Exception as err: raise Exception('{0} download failed ({1}).'.format( go_obo_url, str(err))) else: data = if len(data): go_obo = data_folder+'/go-basic.obo' with open(go_obo, 'w+b') as obofile: obofile.write(data) LOGGER.debug('{0} downloaded ({1})' .format(go_obo_url, sympath(go_obo))) else: raise Exception('{0} download failed, reason unknown.' .format(go_obo_url)) else: go_obo = data_folder+'/go-basic.obo' return obo_parser.GODag(go_obo)
[docs]def parseGAF(database='PDB', **kwargs): """Parse a GO Association File (GAF) corresponding to a particular database collection into a dictionary for ease of querying. See `GAF`_ for more information on the file format .. _GAF: :arg database: name of the database of interest default is PDB. Others include UNIPROT and common names of many organisms. :type database: str :arg filename: filename for the gaf of interest default is goa_ and the database name in lower case and .gaf.gz :type filename: str """ import Bio.UniProt.GOA as GOA if not isinstance(database, str): raise TypeError('database should be a string') database = database.upper() filename = kwargs.get('filename', None) if filename is None: if database == 'UNIPROT': filename = 'goa_' + database.lower() + '_all.gaf.gz' else: filename = 'goa_' + database.lower() + '.gaf' data_folder = kwargs.get('data_folder', os.getcwd()) # If the file doesn't already exist, download it gaf = os.path.join(data_folder, filename) if not(os.path.exists(gaf) and os.path.getsize(gaf) > 0):'Downloading file {0} to {1}'.format(filename, gaf)) data_stream = BytesIO() ftp_host = '' ftp = FTP(ftp_host) ftp.login() try: ftp.cwd('pub/databases/GO/goa') ftp.cwd(database) ftp.retrbinary('RETR {}.gz'.format(filename), data_stream.write) except: raise ValueError('Cannot find the requested GO association file') # Logout from FTP server ftp.quit() zip_data = data_stream.getvalue() data_stream.close() rawdata = gunzip(zip_data) if PY3K: rawdata = rawdata.decode() with open(filename, 'w') as gaf_fp: gaf_fp.write(rawdata)'Download completed for file {0}'.format(filename)) with open(filename, 'rt') as gaf_fp: funcs = defaultdict(list) # Initialise the dictionary of functions # Iterate on each function using Bio.UniProt.GOA library.'Iterating through entries in {0}'.format(gaf)) for entry in GOA.gafiterator(gaf_fp): id = entry.pop('DB_Object_ID') funcs[id].append(entry) return funcs
[docs]def queryGOA(*ids, **kwargs): """Query a GOA database by identifier. :arg ids: an identifier or a list-like of identifiers :type ids: str, tuple, list, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :arg database: name of the database of interest default is PDB. Others include UNIPROT and common names of many organisms. :type database: str """ database = kwargs.pop('database', 'PDB') gaf_dict = kwargs.pop('gaf_dict', None) if gaf_dict is None: gaf_dict = parseGAF(database=database, **kwargs)'GAF parsing completed.') n_ids = len(ids) if n_ids == 1: if isListLike(ids[0]): ids = ids[0] n_ids = len(ids) if n_ids == 1: ids = list(ids) results = [] unmapped = [] LOGGER.progress('Querying GOA for {0} ids...' .format(n_ids), n_ids, '_prody_queryGOA') for i, id in enumerate(ids): LOGGER.update(i, 'Querying GOA for id {0} of {1}...' .format(i+1, n_ids), label='_prody_queryGOA') if not isinstance(id, str): raise TypeError('each ID should be a string') id = id.upper() if database == 'PDB': if not len(id) in [4, 5, 6]: raise ValueError('PDB IDs should be strings of length 4 to 6') if len(id) == 5 and str.isalpha(id[-1]): id = id[:4] + '_' + id[-1] if id in list(gaf_dict.keys()): results.append(gaf_dict[id]) else: results.append([]) unmapped.append(id) rets = [] LOGGER.progress('Mapping GO terms back to GOA results for {0} ids...' .format(n_ids), n_ids, '_prody_mapGO') for i, result in enumerate(results): LOGGER.update(i, 'Mapping GO terms back to GOA results id {0} of {1}...' .format(i+1, n_ids), label='_prody_mapGO') rets.append(GOADictList(result, title=ids[i], **kwargs)) if n_ids == 1: rets = rets[0] return rets
[docs]def calcGoOverlap(*go_terms, **kwargs): """Calculate overlap between GO terms based on their distance in the graph. GO terms in different namespaces (molecular function, cellular component, and biological process) have undefined distances. :arg go_terms: a list of GO terms or GO IDs :type go_terms: list, tuple, `~numpy.ndarray` :arg pairwise: whether to calculate to a matrix of pairwise overlaps default is False :type pairwise: bool :arg distance: whether to return distances rather than calculating overlaps default is False :type distance: bool :arg go: GO graph. Default behaviour is to parse it with :func:`.parseOBO`. :type go: `~goatools.obo_parser.GODag` """ pairwise = kwargs.pop('pairwise', False) distance = kwargs.get('distance', False) operator = kwargs.get('operator', None) go = kwargs.get('go', None) if go is None: go = parseOBO(**kwargs) if not isListLike(go_terms): raise TypeError('please provide a list-like of go terms') if pairwise: distances = np.zeros((len(go_terms), len(go_terms))) for i, go_terms_i in enumerate(go_terms): for j, go_terms_j in enumerate(go_terms): distances[i, j] = calcGoOverlap( go_terms_i, go_terms_j, pairwise=False, **kwargs) else: go_terms1 = go_terms[0] flattened_term_list = [] for entry in go_terms[1:]: if isListLike(entry): flattened_term_list.extend(entry) else: flattened_term_list.append(entry) if not isListLike(go_terms1): go_terms1 = [go_terms1] if not isListLike(flattened_term_list): flattened_term_list = [flattened_term_list] try: flattened_term_list = [go[term] for term in flattened_term_list] go_terms1 = [go[term] for term in go_terms1] except: try: flattened_term_list = [ for term in flattened_term_list] go_terms1 = [ for term in go_terms1] except: raise TypeError('go_terms should contain go terms or IDs') for term in flattened_term_list: if not isinstance(term, str): term = for term in go_terms1: if not isinstance(term, str): term = distances = np.zeros((len(go_terms1), len(flattened_term_list))) for i, go_id1 in enumerate(go_terms1): for j, go_id2 in enumerate(flattened_term_list): distances[i, j] = calcMinBranchLength(go_id1, go_id2, go) if operator is not None and isListLike(distances): distances = operator(distances) if operator is None: if distances.shape[-1] == 1: distances = distances.flatten() if distances.shape == (1,): distances = distances[0] if distance: return distances else: return 1. / distances
[docs]def calcMinBranchLength(go_id1, go_id2, go): '''Find the minimum branch length between two terms in the GO DAG. :arg go_id1: the first GO ID :type go_id1: str :arg go_id2: the second GO ID :type go_id2:str :arg go: object containing a gene ontology (GO) directed acyclic graph (DAG) :type go: `~goatools.obo_parser.GODag` ''' # First get the deepest common ancestor dca = findDeepestCommonAncestor([go_id1, go_id2], go) if dca is None: LOGGER.warn('There are no common ancestors between {0} and {1} so no meaningful distance can be calculated.'.format( go_id1, go_id2)) return None # Then get the distance from the DCA to each term dca_depth = go[dca].depth d1 = go[go_id1].depth - dca_depth d2 = go[go_id2].depth - dca_depth # Return the total distance - i.e., to the deepest common ancestor and back. return d1 + d2
[docs]def findDeepestCommonAncestor(terms, go): '''Find the nearest common ancestor. Only returns single most specific - assumes unique exists. :arg terms: a list of GO terms :type terms: tuple, list, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :arg go: object containing a gene ontology (GO) directed acyclic graph (DAG) :type go: `~goatools.obo_parser.GODag` ''' # Take the element at maximum depth. common_parent = findCommonParentGoIds(terms, go) if common_parent == set(): return None return max(common_parent, key=lambda t: go[t].depth)
[docs]def findCommonParentGoIds(terms, go): '''This function finds the common ancestors in the GO tree of the list of terms in the input. :arg terms: a list of GO terms :type terms: tuple, list, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :arg go: object containing a gene ontology (GO) directed acyclic graph (DAG) :type go: `~goatools.obo_parser.GODag` ''' # Find candidates from first rec = go[terms[0]] candidates = rec.get_all_parents() candidates.update({terms[0]}) # Find intersection with second to nth term for term in terms[1:]: rec = go[term] parents = rec.get_all_parents() parents.update({term}) # Find the intersection with the candidates, and update. candidates.intersection_update(parents) return candidates
[docs]def showGoLineage(go_term, **kwargs): """Use pygraphviz and IPython notebook to show the lineage of a GO term :arg go: object containing a gene ontology (GO) directed acyclic graph (DAG) default is to parse with :func:`.parseOBO` :type go: `~goatools.obo_parser.GODag` arg out_format: format for output. Currently only output to file. This file will be displayed in Jupyter Notebook. type out_format: str arg filename: filename for output default behaviour is to use the GO term ID and append '_lineage.png' type filename: str """ out_format = kwargs.pop('format', 'png') if out_format == 'png': filename = kwargs.pop('filename', '_'.join(':')) + '_lineage.png') go = kwargs.pop('go', None) if go is None: go = parseOBO(**kwargs) go.draw_lineage([go_term], lineage_img=filename) from IPython.display import Image Image(filename)
[docs]def calcDeepFunctionOverlaps(*goa_data, **kwargs): """Calculate function overlaps between the deep (most detailed) molecular functions in particular from two sets of GO terms. :arg goa1: the first set of GO terms :type goa1: tuple, list, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :arg goa2: the second set of GO terms :type goa2: tuple, list, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` """ return_funcs = kwargs.pop('return_funcs', False) deepFuncs = [findDeepestFunctions(entry, **kwargs) for entry in goa_data] for i, entry in enumerate(deepFuncs): if len(entry) == 0: LOGGER.warn( 'ensemble member {0} has no deep molecular functions and was omitted' .format(goa_data[i]._title)) deepFuncs = [entry for entry in deepFuncs if len(entry) > 0] overlaps = calcGoOverlap(*deepFuncs, **kwargs) if return_funcs: return overlaps, deepFuncs return overlaps
[docs]def findDeepestFunctions(go_terms, **kwargs): """Find the deepest (most detailed) molecular functions in a list of GO terms. :arg go_terms: a list of GO terms :type go_terms: :class:`.GOADictList` """ if not isinstance(go_terms, GOADictList): raise TypeError('go_terms should be a GOADictList') go = kwargs.pop('go', None) if go is None: go = parseOBO(**kwargs) deep_functions = [] for function in go_terms.getMolecularFunctions(): if len(function.children) == 0: deep_functions.append(function) return deep_functions
[docs]def calcEnsembleFunctionOverlaps(ens, **kwargs): """Calculate function overlaps for an ensemble as the mean of the value from :func:`calcDeepFunctionOverlaps`. :arg ens: an ensemble with labels :type ens: :class:`Ensemble` """ if not isinstance(ens, Ensemble) and not isListLike(ens): raise TypeError('ens should be an ensemble or list-like') if isinstance(ens, Ensemble): ids = [label[:5] for label in ens.getLabels()] else: ids = ens if not isinstance(ids[0], str): raise TypeError('ens should have labels') goa_ens = queryGOA(ids, **kwargs) for entry in goa_ens: if len(entry._molecular) == 0: LOGGER.warn( 'ensemble member {0} has no molecular functions and was omitted'.format(entry._title)) goa_ens = [entry for entry in goa_ens if len(entry._molecular) > 0] overlaps = calcDeepFunctionOverlaps(*goa_ens, **kwargs) return overlaps