# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines classes and functions for browsing QuartataWeb.
Based on code written by the CHARMM-GUI team (http://charmm-gui.org) and modified by James Krieger
This suite uses the following softwares:
- python Splinter package (https://splinter.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)
- a web browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
- the corresponding driver such as chromedriver (https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads)
for Chrome or geckodriver (https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases) for Firefox
from prody import PY3K, LOGGER
from prody.utilities import openFile
import numpy as np
import os
__all__ = ['QuartataWebBrowser', 'QuartataChemicalRecord', 'searchQuartataWeb',
[docs]class QuartataWebBrowser(object):
"""Class to browse the QuartataWeb website.
:arg data_source: source database for QuartataWeb analysis
options are ``"DrugBank"`` or ``"STITCH"``. Default is ``"DrugBank"``
:type data_source: str
:arg drug_group: group of drugs if using DrugBank
options are ``"Approved"`` or ``"All"``. Default is ``"All"``
:type drug_group: str
:arg input_type: number corresponding to the input type, options are
``1`` (Chemical and/or target) or
``2`` (A list of chemicals, targets or chemical combinations).
Default is ``1``
:type input_type: int
:arg query_type: number corresponding to the query type. Options are
dependent on input_type.
With input_type 1, they are:
* ``1`` (chemical-target interaction)
* ``2`` (chemical-chemical similarity)
* ``3`` (target-target similarity)
With input_type 2, they are:
* ``1`` (chemicals)
* ``2`` (targets)
* ``3`` (chemical combinations)
Default is ``1``
:type query_type: int
:arg data: data to enter into the box or boxes. This varies depending on input type
and query type, but will always be a list of strings.
For input_type 1, a list with two items is expected. These will be one of the
following depending on query_type:
* With query_type 1, the first would be a chemical and the second a target.
One of these can also be left blank.
* With query_type 2, the first would be a chemical and the second a chemical.
* With query_type 3, the first would be a target and the second a target.
For input_type 2, a list with any length is expected. These will be one of the
following depending on query_type:
* With query_type 1, these would be chemicals.
* With query_type 2, these would be targets.
* With query_type 3, these would be pairs of chemicals, separated by semicolons.
:type data: list
:arg num_predictions: number of predictions to show or consider in addition to
known interactions. Default is ``0``.
With DrugBank and input_type 1, a second number can be provided in a list
for secondary interactions.
:type num_predictions: int, list
:arg browser_type: browser type for navigation
Default is ``"Chrome"``
:type browser_type: str
:arg job_id: job ID for accessing previous jobs
Default is ``None``
:type job_id: int
:arg tsv: a filename for a file that contains the results
or a file to save the results in tsv format
:type tsv: str
def __init__(self, data_source=None, drug_group=None, input_type=None, query_type=None,
data=None, num_predictions=None, browser_type=None, job_id=None,
tsv=None, chem_type='known'):
self.browser_type = None
self.browser = None
self.data_source = None
self.drug_group = None
self.input_type = None
self.query_type = None
self.data = None
self.num_predictions = None
self.chemical_data = {}
self.fields = {}
self.num_fields = {}
self.num_rows = {}
self.job_id = job_id
self.filename = None
self.no_data = {'known': True, 'predicted': True}
if tsv is not None:
self.parseChemicals(tsv, chem_type)
raise ValueError('please provide a valid filename')
[docs] def updateHomePage(self):
"""Update the home page with data from setting variables"""
url = "http://quartata.csb.pitt.edu"
if self.data_source == 'DrugBank':
url += '/index'
url += '/index_stitch'
if self.input_type == 2:
url += '_2'
url += '.php'
if self.data_source == 'DrugBank':
if self.drug_group == 'Approved':
if self.query_type is not None:
self.browser.find_by_name('pattern')[self.query_type - 1].click()
if self.data is not None:
if self.input_type == 1:
if self.query_type == 1:
elif self.query_type == 2:
if self.query_type == 1:
if self.query_type == 2:
if self.num_predictions is not None:
if self.data_source == 'DrugBank' and self.input_type == 1:
[docs] def setDataSource(self, data_source):
"""Set data_source and update home page
:arg data_source: source database for QuartataWeb analysis
options are ``"DrugBank"`` or ``"STITCH"``. Default is ``"DrugBank"``
:type data_source: str
if data_source is None:
data_source = 'DrugBank'
elif not isinstance(data_source, str):
raise TypeError('data_source should be a string or None')
elif data_source.lower() == 'drugbank':
data_source = 'DrugBank'
elif data_source.lower() == 'stitch':
data_source = 'STITCH'
raise ValueError('data_source should be DrugBank, STITCH or None')
self.data_source = data_source
if self.no_data:
[docs] def setDrugGroup(self, group):
"""Set drug_group and update home page
:arg group: group of drugs if using DrugBank
options are ``"Approved"`` or ``"All"``. Default is ``"All"``
:type group: str
if self.data_source == 'DrugBank':
if group is None:
group = 'All'
elif not isinstance(group, str):
raise TypeError('group must be string or None')
elif group.lower() == 'all':
group = 'All'
elif group.lower() == 'approved':
group = 'Approved'
raise ValueError('group should be approved, all or None')
self.drug_group = group
if self.no_data:
elif group is not None:
LOGGER.warn('there are no groups when using STITCH')
[docs] def setQueryType(self, query_type):
"""Set query_type and update home page
:arg query_type: number corresponding to the query type. Options are
dependent on input_type.
With input_type 1, they are:
* ``1`` (chemical-target interaction)
* ``2`` (chemical-chemical similarity)
* ``3`` (target-target similarity)
With input_type 2, they are:
* ``1`` (chemicals)
* ``2`` (targets)
* ``3`` (chemical combinations)
Default is ``1``
:type query_type: int
if query_type is None:
query_type = 1
elif not isinstance(query_type, int):
raise TypeError(
'query_type should be an integer (1, 2 or 3) or None')
elif not query_type in [1, 2, 3]:
raise ValueError('query_type should be 1, 2, 3 or None')
self.query_type = query_type
if self.no_data:
[docs] def setData(self, data):
"""Set data and update home page
:arg data: data to enter into the box or boxes. This varies depending on input type
and query type, but will always be a list of strings.
For input_type 1, a list with two items is expected. These will be one of the
following depending on query_type:
* With query_type 1, the first would be a chemical and the second a target.
One of these can also be left blank.
* With query_type 2, the first would be a chemical and the second a chemical.
* With query_type 3, the first would be a target and the second a target.
For input_type 2, a list with any length is expected. These will be one of the
following depending on query_type:
* With query_type 1, these would be chemicals.
* With query_type 2, these would be targets.
* With query_type 3, these would be pairs of chemicals, separated by semicolons.
:type data: list
if data is None:
LOGGER.warn('data is not set')
elif not isinstance(data, list):
raise TypeError('data should be a list')
for item in data:
if not isinstance(item, str):
raise TypeError('data should be a list of strings')
if self.input_type == 1:
if len(data) > 2:
raise ValueError(
'data can only have two values with input_type 1')
if len(data) == 1:
if self.input_type == 3:
for item in data:
if item.find(';') == -1:
raise ValueError(
'each item in data must be a pair with ; as delimiter')
self.data = data
if self.no_data:
[docs] def setNumPredictions(self, num_predictions):
"""Set num_predictions and update home page
:arg num_predictions: number of predictions to show or consider in addition to
known interactions. Default is ``0``.
With DrugBank and input_type 1, a second number can be provided in a list
for secondary interactions.
:type num_predictions: int, list
if num_predictions is None:
num_predictions = 0
if not isinstance(num_predictions, (int, list)):
raise TypeError(
'num_predictions should be an integer, a list or None')
if isinstance(num_predictions, int):
num_predictions = [num_predictions, 0]
if num_predictions[0] > 100:
raise ValueError('1st num_predictions must be <= 100')
if num_predictions[1] > 20:
raise ValueError('2nd num_predictions must be <= 20')
self.num_predictions = num_predictions
if self.no_data:
[docs] def setBrowserType(self, browser_type):
"""Set browser_type and update home page
:arg browser_type: browser type for navigation
Default is ``"Chrome"``
:type browser_type: str
if self.no_data:
self.browser_type, self.browser = initializeBrowser(browser_type)
[docs] def setJObID(self, job_id):
"""Set job_id and view results
:arg job_id: job ID for accessing previous jobs
Default is ``None``
:type job_id: int
self.job_id = job_id
if self.no_data:
[docs] def viewResults(self):
"""View results by clicking submit or using a job_id"""
if self.job_id is None or self.browser.url.find('index') != -1:
self.job_id = self.browser.url.split('_')[-1].split('=')[-1]
if self.data_source == 'DrugBank':
url = '_'.join(['http://quartata.csb.pitt.edu/quartata_result.php?job',
url = '_'.join(['http://quartata.csb.pitt.edu/quartata_result',
'stitch.php?job', 'id={0}'.format(self.job_id)])
[docs] def goToDownloads(self):
"""Go to downloads page"""
if self.job_id is None:
if self.data_source == 'DrugBank':
url = '_'.join(['http://quartata.csb.pitt.edu/quartata_download.php?job',
url = '_'.join(['http://quartata.csb.pitt.edu/quartata_download',
'stitch.php?job', 'id={0}'.format(self.job_id)])
[docs] def goToWorkDir(self):
"""Go to working directory"""
if self.job_id is None:
url = 'http://quartata.csb.pitt.edu/work/{0}'.format(self.job_id)
[docs] def parseChemicals(self, filename=None, chem_type='known'):
"""Go to working directory and parse chemicals for query protein.
Updates self.chemical_data"""
if filename is None:
filename = self.filename
if filename is not None:
if not self.no_data[chem_type]:
return True
if not isinstance(filename, str):
raise TypeError('filename should be a string')
if os.path.isfile(filename):
# read the contents
LOGGER.info('reading chemicals from {0}'.format(filename))
stream = openFile(filename, 'rt')
lines = stream.readlines()
self.no_data[chem_type] = False
# filename contains a filename for writing
self.no_data[chem_type] = True
self.filename = filename
if self.no_data[chem_type]:
if self.data_source == 'DrugBank':
data_filename = '%s_drugs_for_query_protein.txt' % chem_type
data_filename = '%s_chemicals_for_query_protein.txt' % chem_type
import requests
html = requests.get(self.browser.url).content
if PY3K:
html = html.decode()
if filename is not None:
LOGGER.info('writing chemicals to {0}'.format(filename))
out = open(filename, 'w')
lines = html.split('\n')
self.fields[chem_type] = lines[0].split('\t')
self.num_fields[chem_type] = len(self.fields[chem_type])
self.num_rows[chem_type] = len(lines[1:])
if lines[-1].strip() == '':
self.num_rows[chem_type] -= 1
dtypes = []
for i, item in enumerate(lines[1].split('\t')):
if item.isnumeric():
dtypes.append((self.fields[chem_type][i], int))
elif item.find('.') != -1 and item.replace('.','0').isnumeric():
dtypes.append((self.fields[chem_type][i], float))
dtypes.append((self.fields[chem_type][i], object))
self.chemical_data[chem_type] = np.empty(self.num_rows[chem_type], dtype=dtypes)
for i, line in enumerate(lines[1:self.num_rows[chem_type]+1]):
items = line.strip().split('\t')
if len(items) != self.num_fields[chem_type]:
raise ValueError('line {0} has the wrong number of fields'.format(i+1))
for j, item in enumerate(items):
self.chemical_data[chem_type][i][j] = item
self.no_data[chem_type] = True
self.no_data[chem_type] = False
return not self.no_data[chem_type]
def quit(self):
if self.browser is not None:
[docs]class QuartataChemicalRecord(object):
"""Class for handling chemical data from QuartataWebBrowser"""
def __init__(self, data_source=None, drug_group=None, input_type=None, query_type=None,
data=None, num_predictions=None, browser_type=None, job_id=None,
"""Instantiate a QuartataChemicalRecord object instance.
Inputs are the same as QuartataWebBrowser.
self._chemData = None
self._filterDict = None
self.data_source = data_source
self.drug_group = drug_group
self.input_type = input_type
self.query_type = query_type
self.data = data
self.num_predictions = num_predictions
self.job_id = job_id
self.filename = filename
self.isSuccess = self.fetch(data_source, drug_group, input_type, query_type,
data, num_predictions, browser_type, job_id, filename)
[docs] def fetch(self, data_source=None, drug_group=None, input_type=None, query_type=None,
data=None, num_predictions=None, browser_type=None, job_id=None, filename=None):
"""Fetch data"""
if data_source is None:
data_source = self.data_source
if drug_group is None:
drug_group = self.drug_group
if input_type is None:
input_type = self.input_type
if query_type is None:
query_type = self.query_type
if data is None:
data = self.data
if data is None:
raise ValueError('data cannot be None')
if num_predictions is None:
num_predictions = self.num_predictions
if job_id is None:
job_id = self.job_id
if filename is None:
filename = self.filename
self.qwb = QuartataWebBrowser(data_source, drug_group, input_type, query_type,
data, num_predictions, browser_type, job_id, filename)
isSuccess = self.qwb.parseChemicals()
if self.qwb.num_predictions[0] > 0:
isSuccess = self.qwb.parseChemicals(chem_type='predicted')
self._chemData = self.qwb.chemical_data
if self._chemData is None:
raise ValueError('')
chem_temp_dict = dict()
listAll = []
for key in self._chemData:
for temp in self._chemData[key]:
temp_dict = dict()
chem_name = temp[1]
temp_dict['DB_ID'] = temp[0]
temp_dict['chemical_name'] = chem_name
temp_dict['mol_weight'] = temp[2]
temp_dict['SMILES'] = temp[3]
temp_dict['conf_score'] = temp[4]
chem_temp_dict[chem_name] = temp_dict
self._listAll = tuple(listAll)
self._list = self._listAll
self._chemDict = chem_temp_dict
return isSuccess
[docs] def getChemicalList(self, filtered=True):
"""Returns chemical list (filters may be applied)"""
if not self.isSuccess:
LOGGER.warn('Quartata Chemical Record does not have any data yet. '
'Please run fetch again, possibly with different parameters.')
if filtered:
return self._list
return self._listAll
[docs] def getSMILESList(self, filtered=True):
"""Returns SMILES list (filters may be applied)"""
if not self.isSuccess:
LOGGER.warn('Quartata Chemical Record does not have any data yet.'
'Please run fetch again, possibly with different parameters.')
if filtered:
return [self._chemDict[key]['SMILES'] for key in self._list]
return self._chemData['SMILES']
[docs] def getParticularSMILES(self, key):
"""Returns SMILES for a particular chemical"""
if not self.isSuccess:
LOGGER.warn('Quartata Chemical Record does not have any data yet.'
'Please run fetch again, possibly with different parameters.')
return self._chemDict[key]['SMILES']
[docs] def getFilterList(self):
"""Returns a list of chemicals for the entries that were filtered out"""
filterDict = self._filterDict
if filterDict is None:
raise ValueError('You cannot obtain the list of filtered out entries before doing any filtering.')
temp_str = ', '.join([str(len(filterDict['lower_MW'])), str(len(filterDict['upper_MW'])),
LOGGER.info('Filtered out [' + temp_str + '] for [lower weight, upper weight, confidence score]')
return self._filterList
[docs] def filter(self, lower_weight=None, upper_weight=None, cutoff_score=None):
"""Filters out chemicals from the list and returns the updated list.
Chemicals that satisfy any of the following criterion will be filtered out.
(1) Molecular weight < lower_weight (must be a positive number);
(2) Molecular weight > upper_weight (must be a positive number);
(3) Confidence score < cutoff_score (must be a positive number);
Please note that every time this function is run, this overrides any previous runs.
Therefore, please provide all filters at once.
if not self.isSuccess:
LOGGER.warn('Quartata Chemical Record does not have any data yet.'
'Please run fetch again, possibly with different parameters.')
return None
if lower_weight == None:
lower_weight = 0
elif not isinstance(lower_weight, (float, int)):
raise TypeError('lower_weight must be a float or an integer')
if lower_weight >= 0:
lower_weight = float(lower_weight)
raise ValueError('lower_weight must be a number not less than 0')
if upper_weight == None:
upper_weight = 0
elif not isinstance(upper_weight, (float, int)):
raise TypeError('upper_weight must be a float or an integer')
if upper_weight >= 0:
upper_weight = float(upper_weight)
raise ValueError('upper_weight must be a number not less than 0')
if cutoff_score == None:
cutoff_score = 0
elif not isinstance(cutoff_score, (float, int)):
raise TypeError('cutoff_score must be a float or an integer')
elif cutoff_score >= 0:
cutoff_score = float(cutoff_score)
raise ValueError('cutoff_score must be a number not less than 0')
quartataInfo = self._chemDict
if quartataInfo is None:
raise ValueError("Quartata Chemical Record does not have any data yet. Please run fetch.")
listAll = self._listAll
ref_indices_set = set(range(self.qwb.num_rows))
filterListLowerMW = []
filterListUpperMW = []
filterListConf = []
for chem in listAll:
temp_dict = quartataInfo[chem]
if temp_dict['mol_weight'] < lower_weight:
if upper_weight > 0 and temp_dict['mol_weight'] > upper_weight:
if temp_dict['conf_score'] < cutoff_score:
filterList = filterListLowerMW + filterListUpperMW + filterListConf
filterDict = {'lower_MW': filterListLowerMW, 'upper_MW': filterListUpperMW, 'conf_score': filterListConf}
self._filterList = filterList
self._filterDict = filterDict
self._list = [item for item in self._listAll if not item in filterList]
LOGGER.info(str(len(self._listAll)-len(self._list)) + ' chemicals have been filtered out from '+str(len(self._listAll))+' QuartataWeb hits (remaining: '+str(len(self._list))+').')
return self._list
[docs]def searchQuartataWeb(data_source=None, drug_group=None, input_type=None, query_type=None,
data=None, num_predictions=None, browser_type=None, job_id=None,
filename=None, result_type='Chemical'):
"""Wrapper function for searching QuartataWeb.
:arg result_type: type of results to get from QuartataWeb.
So far only ``'Chemical'`` is supported.
:type result_type: str
All other arguments are the same as :class:`.QuartataWebBrowser`.
if result_type == 'Chemical':
return QuartataChemicalRecord(data_source, drug_group, input_type, query_type,
data, num_predictions, browser_type, job_id,
LOGGER.warn('No other result types are supported yet')
return None
def initializeBrowser(browser_type, url):
from splinter import Browser
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Browser module could not be imported. '
'install splinter package to solve the problem.')
from selenium.webdriver.common.service import WebDriverException
if url is None:
url = "http://quartata.csb.pitt.edu"
if browser_type is None:
browser = Browser('chrome')
except WebDriverException:
browser = Browser('firefox')
except WebDriverException:
raise ValueError('No web driver found for Chrome or Firefox. '
'Please specify a different browser type or download an appropriate driver.')
browser_type = 'firefox'
browser_type = 'chrome'
elif not isinstance(browser_type, str):
raise TypeError('browser_type should be a string or None')
browser = Browser(browser_type)
except WebDriverException:
raise ValueError('No web driver found for browser_type. '
'Please specify a different browser type or download an appropriate driver.')
browser_type = browser_type
return browser_type, browser