Source code for prody.database.uniprot

from prody import LOGGER
from prody.proteins import parsePDB
from prody.utilities import dictElement, dictElementLoop, openURL

import re
from xml.etree.cElementTree import XML

__all__ = ['UniprotRecord', 'searchUniprot', 'queryUniprot']

comma_splitter = re.compile(r'\s*,\s*').split

[docs]class UniprotRecord(object): """This class provides a wrapper for UniProt data including functions for accessing particular fields and parsing associated PDB entries.""" def __init__(self, data): self._rawdata = data self._pdbids = [] # self._selstrs = [] self._parse() def __repr__(self): return '<UniprotRecord: %s>'%self.getTitle() def __str__(self): return self.getTitle() def setData(self, value): self._rawdata = value self._parse() def getData(self): return self._rawdata def getPDBs(self): return self._pdbids # def getSelstrs(self): # return self._selstrs def getSequence(self, index=0): return self.getEntry('sequence', index) def getAccession(self, index=0): return self.getEntry('accession', index) def getName(self, index=0): return self.getEntry('name', index) def getTitle(self): uid = self.getAccession() name = self.getName() return '%s (%s)'%(uid, name) def getEntry(self, item, index=0): key = '%s%4d'%(item, index) if key in self._rawdata: return self._rawdata[key] else: raise KeyError('%s does not exist in the Uniprot record'%key) def _parse(self): data = self._rawdata PDBIDs = [] # SELSTRs = [] for key, value in data.items(): if not key.startswith('dbReference'): continue try: pdbid = value['PDB'] except (KeyError, TypeError) as e: continue pdbchains = value['chains'] # example chain strings: "A=27-139, B=140-150" or "A/B=27-150" chains = [] ranges = [] pdbchains = comma_splitter(pdbchains) for chain in pdbchains: chids, resrange = chain.split('=') chids = [chid.strip() for chid in chids.split('/')] resrange = resrange.split('-') for chid in chids: chains.append(chid) ranges.append(resrange) for chid, rng in zip(chains, ranges): pdbchid = pdbid + chid if chid != '@' else pdbid PDBIDs.append(pdbchid) # SELSTRs.append('resnum %s to %s'%tuple(rng)) self._pdbids = PDBIDs # self._selstrs = SELSTRs
[docs] def parsePDBs(self, **kwargs): """Load PDB into memory as :class:`.AtomGroup` instances using :func:`.parsePDB` and perform selection based on residue ranges given by CATH.""" pdbs = self.getPDBs() # selstrs = self.getSelstrs() header = kwargs.get('header', False) model = kwargs.get('model', None) LOGGER.timeit('_uniprot_parsePDB')'Parsing {0} PDB files...'.format(len(pdbs))) ret = parsePDB(*pdbs, **kwargs) if model != 0: headers = None if header: prots, headers = ret else: prots = ret if not isinstance(prots, list): prots = [prots] if header: headers = [headers] ret = (prots, headers) else: ret = prots'Extracting domains...') # for i in range(len(prots)): # sel = prots[i].select(selstrs[i]) # prots[i] = sel'Uniprot domains are parsed and extracted in %.2fs', '_uniprot_parsePDB') return ret
[docs]def queryUniprot(id, expand=[], regex=True): """Query Uniprot with *id* and return a `dict` containing the raw results. Regular users should use :func:`searchUniprot` instead. :arg expand: entries through which you want to loop dictElements until there aren't any elements left :type expand: list """ if not isinstance(id, str): raise TypeError('id should be a string') try: record_file = openURL('{0}.xml'.format(id)) except: raise ValueError('No Uniprot record found with that id') data = record_file.close() data = XML(data) data = dictElement(data[0], '{}', number_multiples=True) for key in data: value = data[key] if not key.startswith('dbReference'): continue try: if value.get('type') != 'PDB': continue except AttributeError: continue pdbid = value.get('id') refdata = {'PDB': pdbid} for prop in value: prop_key = prop.get('type') prop_val = prop.get('value') refdata[prop_key] = prop_val data[key] = refdata if expand: keys = [] if regex: for lt in expand: lt_re = re.compile(lt) for key in data: if lt_re.match(key): keys.append(key) else: keys = expand data = dictElementLoop(data, keys, '{}') return data
[docs]def searchUniprot(id): """Search Uniprot with *id* and return a :class:`UniprotRecord` containing the results. """ data = queryUniprot(id) return UniprotRecord(data)