Source code for prody.dynamics.essa

Copyright (c) 2020 Burak Kaynak, Pemra Doruker.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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__author__ = 'Burak Kaynak'
__credits__ = 'Pemra Doruker'
__email__ = ['', '']

from collections import defaultdict
from os import chdir, listdir, mkdir, system
from os.path import isdir
from numpy import argsort, arange, array, c_, count_nonzero, hstack, mean, median, quantile, save, where
from scipy.stats import zscore

from prody import LOGGER
from prody.atomic.functions import extendAtomicData
from .anm import ANM
from .gnm import GNM
from prody.proteins import parsePDB, writePDB
from .editing import reduceModel
from .plotting import showAtomicLines
from .signature import ModeEnsemble, saveModeEnsemble
from prody.utilities import which
from . import matchModes

__all__ = ['ESSA']

[docs]class ESSA: ''' ESSA determines the essentiality score of each residue based on the extent to which it can alter the global dynamics ([KB20]_). It can also rank potentially allosteric pockets by calculating their ESSA and local hydrophibic density z-scores using Fpocket algorithm ([LGV09]_). .. [KB20] Kaynak B.T., Bahar I., Doruker P., Essential site scanning analysis: A new approach for detecting sites that modulate the dispersion of protein global motions, *Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J.* **2020** 18:1577-1586. .. [LGV09] Le Guilloux, V., Schmidtke P., Tuffery P., Fpocket: An open source platform for ligand pocket detection, *BMC Bioinformatics* **2009** 10:168. Instantiate an ESSA object. ''' _single = {'GLY': 'G', 'ALA': 'A', 'LEU': 'L', 'MET': 'M', 'PHE': 'F', 'TRP': 'W', 'LYS': 'K', 'GLN': 'Q', 'GLU': 'E', 'SER': 'S', 'PRO': 'P', 'VAL': 'V', 'ILE': 'I', 'CYS': 'C', 'TYR': 'Y', 'HIS': 'H', 'ARG': 'R', 'ASN': 'N', 'ASP': 'D', 'THR': 'T'} def __init__(self): self._atoms = None self._title = None self._lig = None self._heavy = None self._ca = None self._n_modes = None self._enm = None self._cutoff = None self._lig = None self._ligres_idx = None self._ligres_code = None self._rib = None self._ri = None self._chrn = None self._dist = None self._ensemble = None self._labels = None self._zscore = None self._ref = None self._eigvals = None self._eigvecs = None
[docs] def setSystem(self, atoms, **kwargs): ''' Sets atoms, ligands and a cutoff distance for protein-ligand interactions. :arg atoms: *atoms* parsed by parsePDB :arg lig: String of ligands' chainIDs and resSeqs (resnum) separated by a whitespace, e.g., 'A 300 B 301'. Default is None. :type lig: str :arg dist: Atom-atom distance (A) to select the protein residues that are in contact with a ligand, default is 4.5 A. :type dist: float :arg lowmem: If True, a ModeEnsemble is not generated due to the lack of memory resources, and eigenvalue/eigenvectors are only stored, default it False. :type lowmem: bool ''' self._atoms = atoms self._title = atoms.getTitle() self._lig = kwargs.pop('lig', None) if self._lig: self._ligres_idx = {} self._ligres_code = {} self._dist = kwargs.pop('dist', 4.5) self._heavy ='protein and heavy and not hetatm') self._ca = self._lowmem = kwargs.pop('lowmem', False) if self._lowmem: self._eigvals = [] self._eigvecs = [] self._rib = all(self._ca.getResindices() == arange(self._ca.numAtoms())) if not self._rib: self._ri = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(self._ca.getResindices())} # --- resindices of protein residues that are within dist A of ligands --- # if self._lig: ligs = self._lig.split() ligs = list(zip(ligs[::2], ligs[1::2])) for chid, resnum in ligs: key = ''.join(chid + str(resnum)) sel_lig = 'calpha and not hetatm and (same residue as ' \ 'exwithin {} of (chain {} and resnum {}))'.format(self._dist, chid, resnum) self._ligres_idx[key] = for k, v in self._ligres_idx.items(): atoms ='resindex ' + ' '.join([str(i) for i in v])) tmp0 = defaultdict(list) for ch, rn in zip(atoms.getChids(), atoms.getResnums()): tmp0[ch].append(str(rn)) tmp1 = {ch: ' '.join(rn) for ch, rn in tmp0.items()} self._ligres_code[k] = ['chain {} and resnum {}'.format(ch, rn) for ch, rn in tmp1.items()]
[docs] def scanResidues(self, n_modes=10, enm='gnm', cutoff=None): ''' Scans residues to generate ESSA z-scores. :arg n_modes: Number of global modes. :type n_modes: int :arg enm: Type of elastic network model, 'gnm' or 'anm', default is 'gnm'. :type enm: str :arg cutoff: Cutoff distance (A) for pairwise interactions, default is 10 A for GNM and 15 A for ANM. :type cutoff: float ''' self._n_modes = n_modes self._enm = enm self._cutoff = cutoff self._ensemble = ModeEnsemble('{}'.format(self._title)) self._ensemble.setAtoms(self._ca) self._labels = ['ref'] # --- reference model --- # self._reference() # --- perturbed models --- # LOGGER.progress(msg='', steps=(self._ca.numAtoms())) for i, j in enumerate(self._ca.getResindices()): LOGGER.update(step=i+1, msg='scanning residue {}'.format(i+1)) self._perturbed(j) if self._lowmem: self._eigvals = array(self._eigvals) self._eigvecs = array(self._eigvecs) # --- ESSA computation part --- # if self._lowmem: denom = self._eigvals[0] num = self._eigvals[1:] - denom else: self._ensemble.setLabels(self._labels) self._ensemble.match() denom = self._ensemble[0].getEigvals() num = self._ensemble[1:].getEigvals() - denom eig_diff = num / denom * 100 eig_diff_mean = mean(eig_diff, axis=1) self._zscore = zscore(eig_diff_mean) if self._lig: self._zs_lig = {} for k, v in self._ligres_idx.items(): if self._rib: self._zs_lig[k] = [array(v), self._zscore[v]] else: vv = [self._ri[i] for i in v] self._zs_lig[k] = [array(vv), self._zscore[vv]]
def _reference(self): if self._enm == 'gnm': ca_enm = GNM('ca') if self._cutoff is not None: ca_enm.buildKirchhoff(self._ca, cutoff=self._cutoff) else: ca_enm.buildKirchhoff(self._ca) self._cutoff = ca_enm.getCutoff() if self._enm == 'anm': ca_enm = ANM('ca') if self._cutoff is not None: ca_enm.buildHessian(self._ca, cutoff=self._cutoff) else: ca_enm.buildHessian(self._ca) self._cutoff = ca_enm.getCutoff() ca_enm.calcModes(n_modes=self._n_modes) if self._lowmem: self._ref = ca_enm self._eigvals.append(ca_enm.getEigvals()) self._eigvecs.append(ca_enm.getEigvecs()) else: self._ensemble.addModeSet(ca_enm[:]) def _perturbed(self, arg): sel = 'calpha or resindex {}'.format(arg) tmp = if self._enm == 'gnm': tmp_enm = GNM('res_{}'.format(arg)) tmp_enm.buildKirchhoff(tmp, cutoff=self._cutoff) if self._enm == 'anm': tmp_enm = ANM('res_{}'.format(arg)) tmp_enm.buildHessian(tmp, cutoff=self._cutoff) tmp_enm_red, _ = reduceModel(tmp_enm, tmp, self._ca) tmp_enm_red.calcModes(n_modes=self._n_modes) tmp_enm_red.setTitle(tmp_enm_red.getTitle().split()[0]) if self._lowmem: _, matched = matchModes(self._ref, tmp_enm_red) self._eigvals.append(matched.getEigvals()) self._eigvecs.append(matched.getEigvecs()) else: self._ensemble.addModeSet(tmp_enm_red[:]) self._labels.append(tmp_enm_red.getTitle())
[docs] def getESSAZscores(self): 'Returns ESSA z-scores.' return self._zscore
[docs] def getESSAEnsemble(self): 'Returns ESSA mode ensemble, comprised of ENMS calculated for each scanned/perturbed residue.' if self._lowmem: LOGGER.warn('ModeEnsemble was not generated due to lowmem=True') else: return self._ensemble[:]
[docs] def saveESSAEnsemble(self): 'Saves ESSA mode ensemble, comprised of ENMS calculated for each scanned/perturbed residue.' if self._lowmem: LOGGER.warn('ModeEnsemble was not generated due to lowmem=True') else: saveModeEnsemble(self._ensemble, filename='{}_{}'.format(self._title, self._enm))
[docs] def saveESSAZscores(self): 'Saves ESSA z-scores to a binary file in Numpy `.npy` format.' save('{}_{}_zs'.format(self._title, self._enm), self._zscore)
[docs] def writeESSAZscoresToPDB(self): 'Writes a pdb file with ESSA z-scores placed in the B-factor column.' writePDB('{}_{}_zs'.format(self._title, self._enm), self._heavy, beta=extendAtomicData(self._zscore, self._ca, self._heavy)[0])
[docs] def getEigvals(self): 'Returns eigenvalues of the matched modes.' if self._lowmem: return self._eigvals else: return self._ensemble.getEigvals()
[docs] def getEigvecs(self): 'Returns eigenvectors of the matched modes.' if self._lowmem: return self._eigvecs else: return self._ensemble.getEigvecs().getArray()
[docs] def saveEigvals(self): 'Saves eigenvalues of the matched modes in Numpy `.npy` format.' if self._lowmem: save('{}_{}_eigvals'.format(self._title, self._enm), self._eigvals) else: save('{}_{}_eigvals'.format(self._title, self._enm), self._ensemble.getEigvals())
[docs] def saveEigvecs(self): 'Saves eigenvectors of the matched modes in Numpy `.npy` format.' if self._lowmem: save('{}_{}_eigvecs'.format(self._title, self._enm), self._eigvecs) else: save('{}_{}_eigvecs'.format(self._title, self._enm), self._ensemble.getEigvecs().getArray())
[docs] def getLigandResidueESSAZscores(self): 'Returns ESSA z-scores of the residues interacting with ligands as a dictionary. The keys of which are the corresponding chain ids and residue numbers of the ligands. Each value comprises the indices of the residue ESSA z-scores in the profile and the corresponding scores as separate arrays.' if self._lig: return self._zs_lig else: LOGGER.warning('No ligand provided.')
[docs] def saveLigandResidueESSAZscores(self): 'Saves the dictionary of ESSA z-scores of the residues interacting with ligands to a pickle `.pkl` file. The keys of the dictionary are the corresponding chain ids and residue numbers of the ligands. Each value comprises the indices of the residue ESSA z-scores in the profile and the corresponding scores as separate arrays.' if self._lig: from pickle import dump dump(self._zs_lig, open('{}_ligres_gnm_zs.pkl'.format(self._title), 'wb')) else: LOGGER.warning('No ligand provided.')
[docs] def getLigandResidueIndices(self): 'Returns residue indices of the residues interacting with ligands.' if self._lig: return self._ligres_idx else: LOGGER.warning('No ligand provided.')
[docs] def getLigandResidueCodes(self): 'Returns chain ids and residue numbers of the residues interacting with ligands.' if self._lig: return self._ligres_code else: LOGGER.warning('No ligand provided.')
[docs] def saveLigandResidueCodes(self): 'Saves chain ids and residue numbers of the residues interacting with ligands.' if self._lig: with open('{}_ligand_rescodes.txt'.format(self._title), 'w') as f: for k, v in self._ligres_code.items(): f.write(k + '\n') for x in v: f.write(x + '\n') else: LOGGER.warning('No ligand provided.')
def _codes(self, arg): sel ='resindex {}'.format(arg)) try: return self._single[sel.getResnames()[0]] + str(sel.getResnums()[0]) except KeyError: return sel.getResnames()[0] + str(sel.getResnums()[0])
[docs] def showESSAProfile(self, q=.75, rescode=False, sel=None): ''' Shows ESSA profile. :arg q: Quantile value to plot a baseline for z-scores, default is 0.75. If it is set to 0.0, then the baseline is not drawn. :type q: float :arg rescode: If it is True, the ligand interacting residues with ESSA scores larger than the baseline are denoted by their single letter codes and chain ids on the profile. If quantile vaue is 0.0, then all ligand-interacting residues denoted by their codes. :type rescode: bool :arg sel: It is a selection string, default is None. If it is provided, then selected residues are shown with their single letter codes and residue numbers on the profile. For example, 'chain A and resnum 33 47'. :type sel: str ''' from matplotlib.pyplot import text, legend, hlines, scatter, xlabel, ylabel, tight_layout showAtomicLines(self._zscore, atoms=self._ca, c='k', linewidth=1.) if self._lig: for k in self._zs_lig.keys(): scatter(*self._zs_lig[k], label=k) if rescode: if q != 0.0: idx = where(self._zs_lig[k][1] >= quantile(self._zscore, q=q))[0] if idx.size > 0: _x = self._zs_lig[k][0][idx] _y = self._zs_lig[k][1][idx] _i = self._ligres_idx[k][idx] else: break else: _x = self._zs_lig[k][0] _y = self._zs_lig[k][1] _i = self._ligres_idx[k] for x, y, i in zip(_x, _y, _i): text(x, y, self._codes(i), color='r') legend() if q != 0.0: hlines(quantile(self._zscore, q=q), xmin=0., xmax=self._ca.numAtoms(), linestyle='--', color='c') if sel: idx = if self._rib: _x = idx zs_sel = self._zscore[_x] else: _x = [self._ri[i] for i in idx] zs_sel = self._zscore[_x] scatter(_x, zs_sel) for x, y, i in zip(_x, zs_sel, idx): text(x, y, self._codes(i), color='r') xlabel('Residue') ylabel('Z-Score') tight_layout()
[docs] def scanPockets(self): 'Generates ESSA z-scores for pockets and parses pocket features. It requires both Fpocket 3.0 and Pandas being installed in your system.' from re import findall fpocket = which('fpocket') if fpocket is None: LOGGER.warning('Fpocket (version >= 3.0) was not found, please install it.') return None try: from pandas import Index, DataFrame except ImportError as ie: LOGGER.warning(ie.__str__() + ' was found, please install it.') return None rcr = {(i, j): k if self._rib else self._ri[k] for i, j, k in zip(self._ca.getChids(), self._ca.getResnums(), self._ca.getResindices())} writePDB('{}_pro'.format(self._title), self._heavy) direc = '{}_pro_out'.format(self._title) if not isdir(direc): system('fpocket -f {}_pro.pdb'.format(self._title)) chdir(direc + '/pockets') l = [x for x in listdir('.') if x.endswith('.pdb')] l.sort(key=lambda x:int(x.partition('_')[0][6:])) ps = [] for x in l: with open(x, 'r') as f: tmp0 = tmp1 = [(x[1].strip(), float(x[2])) for x in findall(r'(\w+\s\w+\s*-\s*)(.+):\s*([\d.-]+)(\n)', tmp0)] fea, sco = list(zip(*tmp1)) ps.append(sco) pdbs = parsePDB(l) chdir('../..') # ----- # ----- # ps = array(ps) pcn = {int(pdb.getTitle().partition('_')[0][6:]): set(zip(pdb.getChids().tolist(), pdb.getResnums().tolist())) for pdb in pdbs} pi = {p: [rcr[x] for x in crn] for p, crn in pcn.items()} pzs_max = {k: max(self._zscore[v]) for k, v in pi.items()} pzs_med = {k: median(self._zscore[v]) for k, v in pi.items()} # ----- # ----- # indices = Index(range(1, ps.shape[0] + 1), name='Pocket #') columns = Index(fea, name='Feature') self._df = DataFrame(index=indices, columns=columns, data=ps) # ----- # ----- # columns_zs = Index(['ESSA_max', 'ESSA_med', 'LHD'], name='Z-score') zps = c_[list(pzs_max.values())] zps = hstack((zps, c_[list(pzs_med.values())])) zps = hstack((zps, zscore(self._df[['Local hydrophobic density Score']]))) self._df_zs = DataFrame(index=indices, columns=columns_zs, data=zps)
[docs] def rankPockets(self): 'Ranks pockets in terms of their allosteric potential, based on their ESSA z-scores (max/median) with local hydrophobic density (LHD) screening.' from pandas import DataFrame, Index lhd = self._df_zs.loc[:, 'LHD'] n = count_nonzero(lhd >= 0.) q = quantile(lhd, q=.85) # ----- # ------ # s_max = ['ESSA_max', 'LHD'] zf_max = self._df_zs[s_max].copy() if n >= lhd.size // 4: f_max = zf_max.iloc[:, 1] >= 0. else: f_max = zf_max.iloc[:, 1] >= q zf_max = zf_max[f_max] zf_max.iloc[:, 0] = zf_max.iloc[:, 0].round(1) zf_max.iloc[:, 1] = zf_max.iloc[:, 1].round(2) self._idx_max = zf_max.sort_values(s_max, ascending=False).index # ----- # ----- # s_med = ['ESSA_med', 'LHD'] zf_med = self._df_zs[s_med].copy() if n >= lhd.size // 4: f_med = zf_med.iloc[:, 1] >= 0. else: f_med = zf_med.iloc[:, 1] >= q zf_med = zf_med[f_med] zf_med.iloc[:, 0] = zf_med.iloc[:, 0].round(1) zf_med.iloc[:, 1] = zf_med.iloc[:, 1].round(2) self._idx_med = zf_med.sort_values(s_med, ascending=False).index ranks = Index(range(1, zf_max.shape[0] + 1), name='Rank') columns_ranks = Index(['Pocket # (ESSA_max & LHD)', 'Pocket # (ESSA_med & LHD)']) self._pocket_ranks = DataFrame(index=ranks, columns=columns_ranks) self._pocket_ranks.iloc[:, 0] = self._idx_max self._pocket_ranks.iloc[:, 1] = self._idx_med
[docs] def getPocketFeatures(self): 'Returns pocket features as a Pandas dataframe.' return self._df
[docs] def getPocketZscores(self): 'Returns ESSA and local hydrophobic density (LHD) z-scores for pockets as a Pandas dataframe.' return self._df_zs
[docs] def getPocketRanks(self): 'Returns pocket ranks (allosteric potential).' return self._pocket_ranks
[docs] def showPocketZscores(self): 'Plots maximum/median ESSA and local hydrophobic density (LHD) z-scores for pockets.' from matplotlib.pyplot import style, xticks, xlabel, ylabel, tight_layout with style.context({'xtick.major.size': 10, 'xtick.labelsize': 30, 'ytick.major.size': 10, 'ytick.labelsize': 30, 'axes.labelsize': 35, 'legend.fontsize': 25, 'legend.title_fontsize': 0}): self._df_zs[['ESSA_max', 'ESSA_med', 'LHD']], 10)) xticks(rotation=0) xlabel('Pocket') ylabel('Z-score') tight_layout()
[docs] def savePocketFeatures(self): 'Saves pocket features to a pickle `.pkl` file.' self._df.to_pickle('{}_pocket_features.pkl'.format(self._title))
[docs] def savePocketZscores(self): 'Saves ESSA and local hydrophobic density (LHD) z-scores of pockets to a pickle `.pkl` file.' self._df_zs.to_pickle('{}_pocket_zscores.pkl'.format(self._title))
[docs] def savePocketRanks(self): 'Saves pocket ranks to a binary file in Numpy `.npy` format.' save('{}_{}_pocket_ranks_wrt_ESSAmax_LHD'.format(self._title, self._enm), self._idx_max) save('{}_{}_pocket_ranks_wrt_ESSAmed_LHD'.format(self._title, self._enm), self._idx_med)
[docs] def writePocketRanksToCSV(self): 'Writes pocket ranks to a `.csv` file.' self._pocket_ranks.to_csv('{}_{}_pocket_ranks.csv'.format(self._title, self._enm), index=False)