# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines input and output functions."""
import os
from os.path import abspath, join, isfile, isdir, split, splitext
import numpy as np
from prody import LOGGER, SETTINGS, PY3K
from prody.atomic import Atomic, AtomSubset
from prody.utilities import openFile, isExecutable, which, PLATFORM, addext
from .nma import NMA, MaskedNMA
from .anm import ANM, ANMBase, MaskedANM
from .gnm import GNM, GNMBase, ZERO, MaskedGNM
from .exanm import exANM, MaskedExANM
from .rtb import RTB
from .pca import PCA, EDA
from .imanm import imANM
from .exanm import exANM
from .mode import Vector, Mode
from .modeset import ModeSet
from .editing import sliceModel, reduceModel, trimModel
from .editing import sliceModelByMask, reduceModelByMask, trimModelByMask
__all__ = ['parseArray', 'parseModes', 'parseSparseMatrix',
'writeArray', 'writeModes',
'saveModel', 'loadModel', 'saveVector', 'loadVector',
[docs]def saveModel(nma, filename=None, matrices=False, **kwargs):
"""Save *nma* model data as :file:`filename.nma.npz`. By default,
eigenvalues, eigenvectors, variances, trace of covariance matrix,
and name of the model will be saved. If *matrices* is **True**,
covariance, Hessian or Kirchhoff matrices are saved too, whichever
are available. If *filename* is **None**, name of the NMA instance
will be used as the filename, after ``" "`` (white spaces) in the name
are replaced with ``"_"`` (underscores). Extension may differ based
on the type of the NMA model. For ANM models, it is :file:`.anm.npz`.
Upon successful completion of saving, filename is returned. This
function makes use of :func:`~numpy.savez` function."""
if not isinstance(nma, NMA):
raise TypeError('invalid type for nma, {0}'.format(type(nma)))
#if len(nma) == 0:
# raise ValueError('nma instance does not contain data')
add_attr = kwargs.pop('attr', [])
dict_ = nma.__dict__
attr_list = ['_title', '_trace', '_array', '_eigvals', '_vars', '_n_atoms',
'_dof', '_n_modes']
if add_attr:
for attr in add_attr:
if attr not in attr_list:
if filename is None:
filename = nma.getTitle().replace(' ', '_')
if isinstance(nma, GNMBase):
if matrices:
if isinstance(nma, ANMBase):
if isinstance(nma, ANMBase):
type_ = 'ANM'
type_ = 'GNM'
elif isinstance(nma, EDA):
type_ = 'EDA'
elif isinstance(nma, PCA):
type_ = 'PCA'
type_ = 'NMA'
if matrices:
attr_dict = {'type': type_}
for attr in attr_list:
value = dict_[attr]
if value is not None:
attr_dict[attr] = value
if isinstance(nma, MaskedNMA):
if isinstance(nma, MaskedGNM):
attr_dict['type'] = 'mGNM'
elif isinstance(nma, MaskedANM):
attr_dict['type'] = 'mANM'
raise TypeError('invalid MaskedNMA type: %s'%(str(type(nma))))
attr_dict['mask'] = nma.mask
attr_dict['masked'] = nma.masked
if isinstance(nma, RTB):
attr_dict['type'] = 'RTB'
if matrices:
attr_dict['_project'] = nma._project
if isinstance(nma, imANM):
attr_dict['type'] = 'imANM'
if isinstance(nma, exANM):
attr_dict['type'] = 'exANM'
suffix = '.' + attr_dict['type'].lower()
if not filename.lower().endswith('.npz'):
if not filename.lower().endswith(suffix):
filename += suffix + '.npz'
filename += '.npz'
ostream = openFile(filename, 'wb', **kwargs)
np.savez(ostream, **attr_dict)
return filename
[docs]def loadModel(filename, **kwargs):
"""Returns NMA instance after loading it from file (*filename*).
This function makes use of :func:`~numpy.load` function. See
also :func:`saveModel`."""
if not 'encoding' in kwargs:
kwargs['encoding'] = 'latin1'
if not 'allow_pickle' in kwargs:
kwargs['allow_pickle'] = True
with np.load(filename, **kwargs) as attr_dict:
type_ = attr_dict['type']
except KeyError:
raise IOError('{0} is not a valid NMA model file'.format(filename))
if isinstance(type_, np.ndarray):
type_ = np.asarray(type_, dtype=str)
type_ = str(type_)
title = attr_dict['_title']
except KeyError:
title = attr_dict['_name']
if isinstance(title, np.ndarray):
title = np.asarray(title, dtype=str)
title = str(title)
if type_ == 'ANM':
nma = ANM(title)
elif type_ == 'PCA':
nma = PCA(title)
elif type_ == 'EDA':
nma = EDA(title)
elif type_ == 'GNM':
nma = GNM(title)
elif type_ == 'mGNM':
nma = MaskedGNM(title)
elif type_ == 'mANM':
nma = MaskedANM(title)
elif type_ == 'exANM':
nma = exANM(title)
elif type_ == 'imANM':
nma = imANM(title)
elif type_ == 'NMA':
nma = NMA(title)
elif type_ == 'RTB':
nma = RTB(title)
raise IOError('NMA model type is not recognized: {0}'.format(type_))
dict_ = nma.__dict__
for attr in attr_dict.files:
if attr in ('type', '_name', '_title'):
elif attr in ('_trace', '_cutoff', '_gamma'):
dict_[attr] = attr_dict[attr][()]
elif attr in ('_dof', '_n_atoms', '_n_modes'):
dict_[attr] = int(attr_dict[attr])
elif attr in ('masked', ):
dict_[attr] = bool(attr_dict[attr])
elif attr in ('mask', ):
if not attr_dict[attr].shape:
dict_[attr] = bool(attr_dict[attr])
dict_[attr] = attr_dict[attr]
dict_[attr] = attr_dict[attr]
return nma
[docs]def saveVector(vector, filename, **kwargs):
"""Save *vector* data as :file:`filename.vec.npz`. Upon successful
completion of saving, filename is returned. This function makes use
of :func:`numpy.savez` function."""
if not isinstance(vector, Vector):
raise TypeError('invalid type for vector, {0}'.format(type(vector)))
attr_dict = {}
attr_dict['title'] = vector.getTitle()
attr_dict['array'] = vector._getArray()
attr_dict['is3d'] = vector.is3d()
if not filename.lower().endswith('.npz'):
if not filename.lower().endswith('.vec'):
filename += '.vec.npz'
filename += '.npz'
ostream = openFile(filename, 'wb', **kwargs)
np.savez(ostream, **attr_dict)
return filename
[docs]def loadVector(filename):
"""Returns :class:`.Vector` instance after loading it from *filename* using
:func:`numpy.load`. See also :func:`saveVector`."""
attr_dict = np.load(filename)
title = str(attr_dict['title'])
except KeyError:
title = str(attr_dict['name'])
return Vector(attr_dict['array'], title, bool(attr_dict['is3d']))
[docs]def writeModes(filename, modes, format='%.18e', delimiter=' '):
"""Write *modes* (eigenvectors) into a plain text file with name
*filename*. See also :func:`writeArray`."""
if not isinstance(modes, (NMA, ModeSet, Mode)):
raise TypeError('modes must be NMA, ModeSet, or Mode, not {0}'
return writeArray(filename, modes._getArray(), format=format,
[docs]def parseModes(normalmodes, eigenvalues=None, nm_delimiter=None,
nm_skiprows=0, nm_usecols=None, ev_delimiter=None,
ev_skiprows=0, ev_usecols=None, ev_usevalues=None):
"""Returns :class:`.NMA` instance with normal modes parsed from
In normal mode file *normalmodes*, columns must correspond to modes
(eigenvectors). Optionally, *eigenvalues* can be parsed from a separate
file. If eigenvalues are not provided, they will all be set to 1.
:arg normalmodes: File or filename that contains normal modes.
If the filename extension is :file:`.gz` or :file:`.bz2`, the file is
first decompressed.
:type normalmodes: str or file
:arg eigenvalues: Optional, file or filename that contains eigenvalues.
If the filename extension is :file:`.gz` or :file:`.bz2`,
the file is first decompressed.
:type eigenvalues: str or file
:arg nm_delimiter: The string used to separate values in *normalmodes*.
By default, this is any whitespace.
:type nm_delimiter: str
:arg nm_skiprows: Skip the first *skiprows* lines in *normalmodes*.
Default is ``0``.
:type nm_skiprows: 0
:arg nm_usecols: Which columns to read from *normalmodes*, with 0 being the
first. For example, ``usecols = (1,4,5)`` will extract the 2nd, 5th and
6th columns. The default, **None**, results in all columns being read.
:type nm_usecols: list
:arg ev_delimiter: The string used to separate values in *eigenvalues*.
By default, this is any whitespace.
:type ev_delimiter: str
:arg ev_skiprows: Skip the first *skiprows* lines in *eigenvalues*.
Default is ``0``.
:type ev_skiprows: 0
:arg ev_usecols: Which columns to read from *eigenvalues*, with 0 being the
first. For example, ``usecols = (1,4,5)`` will extract the 2nd, 5th and
6th columns. The default, **None**, results in all columns being read.
:type ev_usecols: list
:arg ev_usevalues: Which columns to use after the eigenvalue column is
parsed from *eigenvalues*, with 0 being the first.
This can be used if *eigenvalues* contains more values than the
number of modes in *normalmodes*.
:type ev_usevalues: list
See :func:`parseArray` for details of parsing arrays from files."""
modes = parseArray(normalmodes, delimiter=nm_delimiter,
skiprows=nm_skiprows, usecols=nm_usecols)
if eigenvalues is not None:
values = parseArray(eigenvalues, delimiter=ev_delimiter,
skiprows=ev_skiprows, usecols=ev_usecols)
values = values.flatten()
if ev_usevalues is not None:
values = values[ev_usevalues]
nma = NMA(splitext(split(normalmodes)[1])[0])
nma.setEigens(modes, values)
return nma
[docs]def writeArray(filename, array, format='%3.2f', delimiter=' '):
"""Write 1-d or 2-d array data into a delimited text file.
This function is using :func:`numpy.savetxt` to write the file, after
making some type and value checks. Default *format* argument is ``"%d"``.
Default *delimiter* argument is white space, ``" "``.
*filename* will be returned upon successful writing."""
if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError('array must be a Numpy ndarray, not {0}'
elif not array.ndim in (1, 2):
raise ValueError('array must be a 1 or 2-dimensional Numpy ndarray, '
'not {0}-d'.format(type(array.ndim)))
np.savetxt(filename, array, format, delimiter)
return filename
[docs]def parseArray(filename, delimiter=None, skiprows=0, usecols=None,
"""Parse array data from a file.
This function is using :func:`numpy.loadtxt` to parse the file. Each row
in the text file must have the same number of values.
:arg filename: File or filename to read. If the filename extension is
:file:`.gz` or :file:`.bz2`, the file is first decompressed.
:type filename: str or file
:arg delimiter: The string used to separate values. By default,
this is any whitespace.
:type delimiter: str
:arg skiprows: Skip the first *skiprows* lines, default is ``0``.
:type skiprows: int
:arg usecols: Which columns to read, with 0 being the first. For example,
``usecols = (1,4,5)`` will extract the 2nd, 5th and 6th columns.
The default, **None**, results in all columns being read.
:type usecols: list
:arg dtype: Data-type of the resulting array, default is :func:`float`.
:type dtype: :class:`numpy.dtype`."""
array = np.loadtxt(filename, dtype=dtype, delimiter=delimiter,
skiprows=skiprows, usecols=usecols)
return array
[docs]def parseSparseMatrix(filename, symmetric=False, delimiter=None, skiprows=0,
irow=0, icol=1, first=1):
"""Parse sparse matrix data from a file.
This function is using :func:`parseArray` to parse the file.
Input must have the following format::
1 1 9.958948135375977e+00
1 2 -3.788214445114136e+00
1 3 6.236155629158020e-01
1 4 -7.820609807968140e-01
Each row in the text file must have the same number of values.
:arg filename: File or filename to read. If the filename extension is
:file:`.gz` or :file:`.bz2`, the file is first decompressed.
:type filename: str or file
:arg symmetric: Set **True** if the file contains triangular part of a
symmetric matrix, default is **True**.
:type symmetric: bool
:arg delimiter: The string used to separate values. By default,
this is any whitespace.
:type delimiter: str
:arg skiprows: Skip the first *skiprows* lines, default is ``0``.
:type skiprows: int
:arg irow: Index of the column in data file corresponding to row indices,
default is ``0``.
:type irow: int
:arg icol: Index of the column in data file corresponding to column indices,
default is ``1``.
:type icol: int
:arg first: First index in the data file (0 or 1), default is ``1``.
:type first: int
Data-type of the resulting array, default is :func:`float`."""
irow = int(irow)
icol = int(icol)
first = int(first)
assert 0 <= irow <= 2 and 0 <= icol <= 2, 'irow/icol may be 0, 1, or 2'
assert icol != irow, 'irow and icol must not be equal'
idata = [0, 1, 2]
idata = idata[0]
sparse = parseArray(filename, delimiter, skiprows)
if symmetric:
dim1 = dim2 = int(sparse[:, [irow, icol]].max())
dim1, dim2 = sparse[:, [irow, icol]].max(0).astype(int)
matrix = np.zeros((dim1, dim2))
irow = (sparse[:, irow] - first).astype(int)
icol = (sparse[:, icol] - first).astype(int)
matrix[irow, icol] = sparse[:, idata]
if symmetric:
matrix[icol, irow] = sparse[:, idata]
return matrix
[docs]def calcENM(atoms, select=None, model='anm', trim='trim', gamma=1.0,
title=None, n_modes=None, **kwargs):
"""Returns an :class:`.ANM` or :class:`.GNM` instance and *atoms* used for the
calculations. The model can be trimmed, sliced, or reduced based on
the selection.
:arg atoms: atoms on which the ENM is performed. It can be any :class:`Atomic`
class that supports selection or a :class:`~numpy.ndarray`.
:type atoms: :class:`.Atomic`, :class:`.AtomGroup`, :class:`.Selection`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
:arg select: part of the atoms that is considered as the system.
If set to **None**, then all atoms will be considered as the system
:type select: str, :class:`.Selection`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
:arg model: type of ENM that will be performed. It can be either ``"anm"``
or ``"gnm"``
:type model: str
:arg trim: type of method that will be used to trim the model. It can
be either ``"trim"`` , ``"slice"``, or ``"reduce"``. If set to ``"trim"``,
the parts that is not in the selection will simply be removed
:type trim: str
if isinstance(select, (str, AtomSubset)):
if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
raise TypeError('atoms must be a Atomic instance in order to be selected')
if title is None:
title = atoms.getTitle()
except AttributeError:
title = 'Unknown'
mask = kwargs.pop('mask', None)
zeros = kwargs.pop('zeros', False)
turbo = kwargs.pop('turbo', True)
if model is GNM:
model = 'gnm'
elif model is ANM:
model = 'anm'
model = str(model).lower().strip()
if trim is reduceModel:
trim = 'reduce'
elif trim is sliceModel:
trim = 'slice'
elif trim is None:
trim = 'trim'
trim = str(trim).lower().strip()
enm = None
MaskedModel = None
if model == 'anm':
anm = ANM(title)
anm.buildHessian(atoms, gamma=gamma, **kwargs)
enm = anm
MaskedModel = MaskedANM
elif model == 'gnm':
gnm = GNM(title)
gnm.buildKirchhoff(atoms, gamma=gamma, **kwargs)
enm = gnm
MaskedModel = MaskedGNM
elif model == 'exanm':
exanm = exANM(title)
exanm.buildHessian(atoms, gamma=gamma, **kwargs)
enm = exanm
MaskedModel = MaskedExANM
raise TypeError('model should be either ANM or GNM instead of {0}'.format(model))
if select is None:
enm.calcModes(n_modes=n_modes, zeros=zeros, turbo=turbo)
if trim == 'slice':
enm.calcModes(n_modes=n_modes, zeros=zeros, turbo=turbo)
if isinstance(select, np.ndarray):
enm = sliceModelByMask(enm, select)
atoms = select
enm, atoms = sliceModel(enm, atoms, select)
elif trim == 'reduce':
if isinstance(select, np.ndarray):
enm = reduceModelByMask(enm, select)
atoms = select
enm, atoms = reduceModel(enm, atoms, select)
enm.calcModes(n_modes=n_modes, zeros=zeros, turbo=turbo)
elif trim == 'trim':
if isinstance(select, np.ndarray):
enm = trimModelByMask(enm, select)
atoms = select
enm, atoms = trimModel(enm, atoms, select)
enm.calcModes(n_modes=n_modes, zeros=zeros, turbo=turbo)
raise ValueError('trim can only be "trim", "reduce", or "slice"')
if mask is not None:
enm = MaskedModel(enm, mask)
return enm, atoms