# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines a class and a function for Gaussian network model
(GNM) calculations."""
import time
from types import FunctionType
import numpy as np
from prody import LOGGER
from prody.atomic import Atomic, AtomGroup
from prody.proteins import parsePDB
from prody.kdtree import KDTree
from prody.utilities import importLA, checkCoords, solveEig, ZERO
from .nma import NMA, MaskedNMA
from .gamma import Gamma
__all__ = ['GNM', 'MaskedGNM', 'calcGNM']
class GNMBase(NMA):
"""Class for Gaussian Network Model analysis of proteins."""
def __init__(self, name='Unknown'):
super(GNMBase, self).__init__(name)
self._is3d = False
self._cutoff = None
self._kirchhoff = None
self._gamma = None
def __repr__(self):
return ('<{0}: {1} ({2} modes; {3} nodes)>'
.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._title, self.__len__(),
def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + ' ' + self._title
def _reset(self):
super(GNMBase, self)._reset()
self._cutoff = None
self._gamma = None
self._kirchhoff = None
self._is3d = False
def _clear(self):
self._trace = None
self._cov = None
def getCutoff(self):
"""Returns cutoff distance."""
return self._cutoff
def getGamma(self):
"""Returns spring constant (or the gamma function or :class:`Gamma`
return self._gamma
def getKirchhoff(self):
"""Returns a copy of the Kirchhoff matrix."""
if self._kirchhoff is None:
return None
return self._getKirchhoff().copy()
def _getKirchhoff(self):
"""Returns the Kirchhoff matrix."""
return self._kirchhoff
def checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma):
"""Check type and values of *cutoff* and *gamma*."""
if not isinstance(cutoff, (float, int)):
raise TypeError('cutoff must be a float or an integer')
elif cutoff < 4:
raise ValueError('cutoff must be greater or equal to 4')
if isinstance(gamma, Gamma):
gamma_func = gamma.gamma
elif isinstance(gamma, FunctionType):
gamma_func = gamma
if not isinstance(gamma, (float, int)):
raise TypeError('gamma must be a float, an integer, derived '
'from Gamma, or a function')
elif gamma <= 0:
raise ValueError('gamma must be greater than 0')
gamma = float(gamma)
gamma_func = lambda dist2, i, j: gamma
return cutoff, gamma, gamma_func
[docs]class GNM(GNMBase):
"""A class for Gaussian Network Model (GNM) analysis of proteins
([IB97]_, [TH97]_).
See example :ref:`gnm`.
.. [IB97] Bahar I, Atilgan AR, Erman B. Direct evaluation of thermal
fluctuations in protein using a single parameter harmonic potential.
*Folding & Design* **1997** 2:173-181.
.. [TH97] Haliloglu T, Bahar I, Erman B. Gaussian dynamics of folded
proteins. *Phys. Rev. Lett.* **1997** 79:3090-3093."""
def __init__(self, name='Unknown'):
super(GNM, self).__init__(name)
[docs] def setKirchhoff(self, kirchhoff):
"""Set Kirchhoff matrix."""
if not isinstance(kirchhoff, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError('kirchhoff must be a Numpy array')
elif (not kirchhoff.ndim == 2 or
kirchhoff.shape[0] != kirchhoff.shape[1]):
raise ValueError('kirchhoff must be a square matrix')
elif kirchhoff.dtype != float:
kirchhoff = kirchhoff.astype(float)
raise ValueError('kirchhoff.dtype must be float')
self._kirchhoff = kirchhoff
self._n_atoms = kirchhoff.shape[0]
self._dof = kirchhoff.shape[0]
[docs] def buildKirchhoff(self, coords, cutoff=10., gamma=1., **kwargs):
"""Build Kirchhoff matrix for given coordinate set.
:arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
:type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`.Atomic`
:arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions
default is 10.0 Å, , minimum is 4.0 Å
:type cutoff: float
:arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
:type gamma: float
:arg sparse: elect to use sparse matrices, default is **False**. If
Scipy is not found, :class:`ImportError` is raised.
:type sparse: bool
:arg kdtree: elect to use KDTree for building Kirchhoff matrix faster,
default is **True**
:type kdtree: bool
Instances of :class:`Gamma` classes and custom functions are
accepted as *gamma* argument.
When Scipy is available, user can select to use sparse matrices for
efficient usage of memory at the cost of computation speed."""
coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
except AttributeError:
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
'with `getCoords` method')
cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
self._cutoff = cutoff
self._gamma = g
n_atoms = coords.shape[0]
start = time.time()
sparse = kwargs.get('sparse', False)
if sparse:
from scipy import sparse as scipy_sparse
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('failed to import scipy.sparse, which is '
'required for sparse matrix calculations')
kirchhoff = scipy_sparse.lil_matrix((n_atoms, n_atoms))
kirchhoff = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), 'd')
if kwargs.get('kdtree', True):
kdtree = KDTree(coords)
dist2 = kdtree.getDistances() ** 2
r = 0
for i, j in kdtree.getIndices():
g = gamma(dist2[r], i, j)
kirchhoff[i, j] = -g
kirchhoff[j, i] = -g
kirchhoff[i, i] = kirchhoff[i, i] + g
kirchhoff[j, j] = kirchhoff[j, j] + g
r += 1
LOGGER.info('Using slower method for building the Kirchhoff.')
cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
mul = np.multiply
for i in range(n_atoms):
xyz_i = coords[i, :]
i_p1 = i+1
i2j = coords[i_p1:, :] - xyz_i
mul(i2j, i2j, i2j)
for j, dist2 in enumerate(i2j.sum(1)):
if dist2 > cutoff2:
j += i_p1
g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
kirchhoff[i, j] = -g
kirchhoff[j, i] = -g
kirchhoff[i, i] = kirchhoff[i, i] + g
kirchhoff[j, j] = kirchhoff[j, j] + g
if sparse:
kirchhoff = kirchhoff.tocsr()
LOGGER.debug('Kirchhoff was built in {0:.2f}s.'
self._kirchhoff = kirchhoff
self._n_atoms = n_atoms
self._dof = n_atoms
[docs] def calcModes(self, n_modes=20, zeros=False, turbo=True):
"""Calculate normal modes. This method uses :func:`scipy.linalg.eigh`
function to diagonalize the Kirchhoff matrix. When Scipy is not found,
:func:`numpy.linalg.eigh` is used.
:arg n_modes: number of non-zero eigenvalues/vectors to calculate.
If **None** or ``'all'`` is given, all modes will be calculated.
:type n_modes: int or None, default is 20
:arg zeros: If **True**, modes with zero eigenvalues will be kept.
:type zeros: bool, default is **True**
:arg turbo: Use a memory intensive, but faster way to calculate modes.
:type turbo: bool, default is **True**
if self._kirchhoff is None:
raise ValueError('Kirchhoff matrix is not built or set')
if str(n_modes).lower() == 'all':
n_modes = None
assert n_modes is None or isinstance(n_modes, int) and n_modes > 0, \
'n_modes must be a positive integer'
assert isinstance(zeros, bool), 'zeros must be a boolean'
assert isinstance(turbo, bool), 'turbo must be a boolean'
values, vectors, vars = solveEig(self._kirchhoff, n_modes=n_modes, zeros=zeros,
turbo=turbo, expct_n_zeros=1)
self._eigvals = values
self._array = vectors
self._vars = vars
self._trace = self._vars.sum()
self._n_modes = len(self._eigvals)
if self._n_modes > 1:
LOGGER.report('{0} modes were calculated in %.2fs.'
.format(self._n_modes), label='_gnm_calc_modes')
LOGGER.report('{0} mode was calculated in %.2fs.'
.format(self._n_modes), label='_gnm_calc_modes')
[docs] def getNormDistFluct(self, coords):
"""Normalized distance fluctuation
model = self.getModel()
LOGGER.info('Number of chains: {0}, chains: {1}.'
.format(len(list(set(coords.getChids()))), \
#coords = coords.select('protein and name CA')
coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
except AttributeError:
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
'with `getCoords` method')
if not isinstance(model, NMA):
LOGGER.info('Calculating new model')
model = GNM('prot analysis')
LA = importLA()
n_atoms = model.numAtoms()
from .analysis import calcCrossCorr
# <dRi, dRi>, <dRj, dRj> = 1
crossC = 2-2*calcCrossCorr(model)
r_ij = np.zeros((n_atoms,n_atoms,3))
for i in range(n_atoms):
for j in range(i+1,n_atoms):
r_ij[i][j] = coords[j,:] - coords[i,:]
r_ij[j][i] = r_ij[i][j]
r_ij_n = LA.norm(r_ij, axis=2)
#with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
r_ij_n[np.diag_indices_from(r_ij_n)] = ZERO # div by 0
crossC = abs(crossC)
normdistfluct = np.divide(np.sqrt(crossC), r_ij_n)
LOGGER.report('NDF calculated in %.2lfs.', label='_ndf')
normdistfluct[np.diag_indices_from(normdistfluct)] = 0 # div by 0
return normdistfluct
def setEigens(self, vectors, values=None):
super(GNM, self).setEigens(vectors, values)
class MaskedGNM(GNM, MaskedNMA):
def __init__(self, name='Unknown', mask=False, masked=True):
GNM.__init__(self, name)
MaskedNMA.__init__(self, name, mask, masked)
def calcModes(self, n_modes=20, zeros=False, turbo=True):
self._maskedarray = None
super(MaskedGNM, self).calcModes(n_modes, zeros, turbo)
def _reset(self):
super(MaskedGNM, self)._reset()
self._maskedarray = None
def setKirchhoff(self, kirchhoff):
"""Set Kirchhoff matrix."""
if not isinstance(kirchhoff, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError('kirchhoff must be a Numpy array')
elif (not kirchhoff.ndim == 2 or
kirchhoff.shape[0] != kirchhoff.shape[1]):
raise ValueError('kirchhoff must be a square matrix')
elif kirchhoff.dtype != float:
kirchhoff = kirchhoff.astype(float)
raise ValueError('kirchhoff.dtype must be float')
mask = self.mask
if not self.masked:
if not np.isscalar(mask):
if self.is3d():
mask = np.repeat(mask, 3)
kirchhoff = kirchhoff[mask, :][:, mask]
except IndexError:
raise IndexError('size mismatch between Kirchhoff (%d) and mask (%d).'
'Try set masked to False or reset mask'%(len(kirchhoff), len(mask)))
super(MaskedGNM, self).setKirchhoff(kirchhoff)
def _getKirchhoff(self):
"""Returns the Kirchhoff matrix."""
kirchhoff = self._kirchhoff
if kirchhoff is None: return None
if not self._isOriginal():
kirchhoff = self._extend(kirchhoff, axis=None)
return kirchhoff
[docs]def calcGNM(pdb, selstr='calpha', cutoff=10, gamma=1., n_modes=20,
"""Returns a :class:`GNM` instance and atoms used for the calculations.
By default only alpha carbons are considered, but selection string helps
selecting a subset of it. *pdb* can be :class:`.Atomic` instance."""
if isinstance(pdb, str):
ag = parsePDB(pdb)
title = ag.getTitle()
elif isinstance(pdb, Atomic):
ag = pdb
if isinstance(pdb, AtomGroup):
title = ag.getTitle()
title = ag.getAtomGroup().getTitle()
raise TypeError('pdb must be an atom container, not {0}'
gnm = GNM(title)
sel = ag.select(selstr)
gnm.buildKirchhoff(sel, cutoff, gamma)
gnm.calcModes(n_modes, zeros)
return gnm, sel