# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines a class and a function for explicit membrane ANM calculations."""
import numpy as np
from prody import LOGGER
from prody.utilities import importLA, checkCoords, copy
from numpy import sqrt, zeros, ones, array, ceil, dot
from .anm import ANMBase
from .rtb import RTB
__all__ = ['imANM']
[docs]class imANM(RTB):
"""Class for implicit ANM (imANM) method ([FT00]_).
.. [TL12] Lezon TR, Bahar I, Constraints Imposed by the Membrane
Selectively Guide the Alternating Access Dynamics of the Glutamate
Transporter GltPh
def __init__(self, name='Unknown'):
super(imANM, self).__init__(name)
[docs] def buildHessian(self, coords, blocks, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
"""Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.
:arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
:type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg blocks: a list or array of block identifiers
:type blocks: list, :class:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
default is 15.0 Å
:type cutoff: float
:arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
:type gamma: float
:arg scale: scaling factor for force constant along Z-direction,
default is 16.0
:type scale: float
:arg membrane_low: minimum z-coordinate at which membrane scaling
is applied
default is 1.0
:type membrane_low: float
:arg membrane_high: maximum z-coordinate at which membrane scaling
is applied. If membrane_high < membrane_low, scaling will be
applied to the entire structure
default is -1.0
:type membrane_high: float
scale = kwargs.pop('scale', 16.0)
depth = kwargs.pop('depth', None)
h = depth / 2 if depth is not None else None
h = kwargs.pop('h', h)
if h is not None:
h = float(h)
hu = h
hl = -h
hu = kwargs.pop('membrane_high', 13.0)
hu = kwargs.pop('high', hu)
hu = float(hu)
hl = kwargs.pop('membrane_low', -13.0)
hl = kwargs.pop('low', hl)
hl = float(hl)
coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
except AttributeError:
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
'with `getCoords` method')
ANMBase.buildHessian(self, coords, cutoff=cutoff, gamma=gamma, **kwargs)
## Scale horizontal spring constants ##
natm = self._n_atoms
H = self._hessian
s = sqrt(sqrt(scale))
S0 = array([[s*s, s*s, s],
[s*s, s*s, s],
[s , s, 1]], dtype=float)
super_element = lambda i, j: H[i*3:(i+1)*3, j*3:(j+1)*3]
scaler = lambda coords: S0 if coords[2] < hu and coords[2] > hl else ones((3, 3), dtype=float)
for i in range(natm):
Si = scaler(coords[i])
for j in range(i+1, natm):
Sj = scaler(coords[j])
S = Si * Sj
Hij = super_element(i, j)
if np.any(Hij != 0) and np.any(S != 1):
# update off-diagonal super-element Hij
Hij *= S
# use Hij's twin, Hji, which is yet to be changed to obtain the difference
Hji = super_element(j, i)
D = Hji - Hij
# update Hji
Hji *= S
# update diagonal super-elements
Hii = super_element(i, i)
Hii += D
Hjj = super_element(j, j)
Hjj += D
self.calcProjection(coords, blocks, **kwargs)
def test(pdb='2nwl-mem.pdb', blk='2nwl.blk'):
from prody import parsePDB
from numpy import zeros, linalg
pdb = parsePDB(pdb, subset='ca')
pdb.setData('block', zeros(len(pdb), int))
with open(blk) as inp:
for line in inp:
if line.startswith('BLOCK'):
_, b, n1, c1, r1, n2, c2, r2 = line.split()
sel = pdb.select('chain {} and resnum {} to {}'
.format(c1, r1, r2))
if sel:
sel.setData('block', int(b))
coords = pdb.getCoords()
blocks = pdb.getBetas()
from prody import writePDB
writePDB('pdb2gb1_truncated.pdb', pdb)
anm = imANM('2nwl')
anm.buildHessian(coords, blocks, scale=64)
return anm