# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines functions for Mechanical Stiffness calculations."""
from numbers import Integral
import numpy as np
from prody import LOGGER
from prody.utilities import checkCoords
__all__ = ['calcMechStiff', 'calcStiffnessRange', 'calcMechStiffStatistic',
[docs]def calcMechStiff(modes, coords, kbt=1.):
"""Calculate stiffness matrix calculated using :class:`.ANM` instance.
Method described in [EB08]_ and [KMR17]_.
.. [KMR] Mikulska-Ruminska K., Kulik A.J., Benadiba C., Bahar I., Dietler G., Nowak W.
Nanomechanics of multidomain neuronal cell adhesion protein contactin revealed by
single molecule AFM and SMD. *Sci Rep* **2017** 7:8852.
:arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
:type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`.
:arg n_modes: number of non-zero eigenvalues/vectors to calculate.
If **None** is given, all modes will be calculated (3x number of atoms).
:type n_modes: int or **None**, default is 20.
Authors: Mustafa Tekpinar & Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska & Cihan Kaya
coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
except AttributeError:
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
'with `getCoords` method')
is3d = modes.is3d()
eigvecs = modes.getArray().T.flatten()
eigvals = modes.getEigvals()
raise TypeError('modes must be either an NMA or ModeSet object')
if not is3d:
raise TypeError('modes must be 3-dimensional')
n_atoms = modes.numAtoms()
n_modes = modes.numModes()
sm = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), np.double)
from .smtools import calcSM
LOGGER.info('Calculating stiffness matrix.')
calcSM(coords, sm, eigvecs, eigvals,
n_atoms, n_modes, float(kbt))
LOGGER.report('Stiffness matrix calculated in %.2lfs.', label='_sm')
LOGGER.info('The range of effective force constant is: {0} to {1}.'
return sm
[docs]def calcStiffnessRange(stiffness):
""" Return the range of effective spring constant."""
return np.min(stiffness[np.nonzero(stiffness)]), np.amax(stiffness)
[docs]def calcMechStiffStatistic(stiffness, rangeK, minAA=0, AA='all'):
"""Returns number of effective spring constant with set range of
amino acids of protein structure.
``AA`` can be a list with a range of analysed amino acids as:
[first_aa, last_aa, first_aa2, last_aa2],
minAA - eliminate amino acids that are within 20aa and
``rangeK`` is a list [minK, maxK]"""
if AA == 'all':
sm = stiffness
elif isinstance(AA, Integral):
sm = stiffness[0: AA, (-1)*AA-1:-1]
elif not np.isscalar(AA) and len(AA) == 1:
sm = stiffness[0: AA, (-1)*AA-1:-1]
elif not np.isscalar(AA) and len(AA) == 4:
sm = stiffness[AA[0]:AA[1],AA[2]:AA[3]]
if minAA > 0:
sm2 = sm[minAA:-1,0:-1-minAA] # matrix without close contacts
sm3 = np.tril(sm2, k=-1)
#sort_sm2 = np.sort((np.tril(sm2, k=-1)1).flatten())
a = np.where(np.logical_and(sm3>rangeK[0], sm3<rangeK[1]))
if minAA == 0:
sm2 = np.tril(sm, k=-1)
a = np.where(np.logical_and(sm2>rangeK[0], sm2<rangeK[1]))
return len(a[0])
[docs]def calcStiffnessRangeSel(stiffness, value, minAA=20, AA='all'):
"""Returns minimum or maximum value of sping constant from
mechanical stiffness calculations for residues that are within
more than ``min_aa`` from each other. ``Value`` should be 'minK'
or 'maxK'. It alow to avoid residues near each other.
``AA`` is a number of residues from both terminus (N and C)
of protein strcuture, it can be ``all`` or int value (than first
and last ``AA`` residues will be analysed.
With ``minAA=0`` it can be used to search the highest/lowest
values of interactions between N-C terminus if protein structure
has a shear, zipper or SD1-disconnected mechanical clamp
-it is common in FnIII/Ig like domains and determines the maximum
unfolding force in AFM or SMD method."""
if AA == 'all':
sm = stiffness
elif isinstance(AA, Integral):
sm = stiffness[0: AA, (-1)*AA-1:-1]
minK = np.min(sm[np.nonzero(sm)])
maxK = np.amax(sm)
if value == 'minK':
indices = np.where(sm == minK)
elif value == 'maxK':
indices = np.where(sm == maxK)
residue_diff = abs(indices[0][0]-indices[0][1])
residue_diff = abs(indices[0]-indices[1])
sm_mod = sm.copy()
checking = True
while checking:
if residue_diff < minAA:
sm_mod[indices[0][0],indices[0][1]] = 0
sm_mod[indices[1][0],indices[1][1]] = 0
if value == 'minK':
mK = np.min(sm_mod[np.nonzero(sm_mod)])
indices = np.where(sm_mod == np.min(sm_mod[np.nonzero(sm_mod)]))
elif value == 'maxK':
mK = np.amax(sm_mod)
indices = np.where(sm_mod == np.amax(sm_mod))
residue_diff = abs(indices[0][0]-indices[0][1])
except: residue_diff = abs(indices[0]-indices[1])
if value == 'minK':
mK = np.min(sm_mod[np.nonzero(sm_mod)])
indices = np.where(sm_mod == np.min(sm_mod[np.nonzero(sm_mod)]))
elif value == 'maxK':
mK = np.amax(sm_mod)
indices = np.where(sm_mod == np.amax(sm_mod))
checking = False
if len(indices[0]) == 2:
return mK, list(indices[0])
return mK, list(indices[0])+list(indices[1])