Source code for prody.dynamics.mode

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines classes for handling mode data."""

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['Mode', 'Vector']

class VectorBase(object):
    """A base class for :class:`Mode` and :class:`Vector`.

    This base class defines some shared methods, such as scalar multiplication
    or addition of mode instances.

    Defined operations are:

        * Absolute value (abs(mode)) returns mode length
        * Additive inverse (-mode)
        * Mode addition (mode1 + mode2)
        * Mode subtraction (mode1 - mode2)
        * Scalar multiplication (x*mode or mode*x)
        * Division by a scalar (mode/x)
        * Dot product (mode1*mode2)
        * Power (mode**x)"""

    __slots__ = []

    def __abs__(self):

        return np.sqrt((self._getArray()**2).sum())

    def __neg__(self):

        return Vector(-self._getArray(), '-({0})'.format(str(self)),

    def __div__(self, other):

            result = self._getArray() / other
        except Exception as err:
            raise TypeError('{0} is not a scalar {1}'
                            .format(other, str(err)))
        return Vector(result, '({0})/{1}'.format(str(self), other),

    def __idiv__(self, other):

        return self.__div__(other)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        """Returns scaled mode or dot product between modes."""

            other = other._getArray()
        except AttributeError:
                result = other * self._getArray()
            except Exception as err:
                raise TypeError('{0} is not a scalar or a mode ({1})'
                                .format(other, str(err)))
                return Vector(result, '({1})*{0}'.format(other, str(self)),
                return, other)
            except Exception:
                raise ValueError('{0} and {1} do not have same dimensions '
                                 '({2})'.format(str(self), str(other),

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        """Returns scaled mode or dot product between modes."""

            other = other._getArray()
        except AttributeError:
                result = other * self._getArray()
            except Exception as err:
                raise TypeError('{0} is not a scalar or a mode ({1})'
                                .format(other, str(err)))
                return Vector(result, '{0}*({1})'.format(other, str(self)),
                return, other)
            except Exception:
                raise ValueError('{0} and {1} do not have same dimensions '
                                 '({2})'.format(str(self), str(other),

    def __imul__(self, other):

        return self.__mul__(other)

    def __add__(self, other):

        if isinstance(other, VectorBase):
            if len(self) != len(other):
                raise ValueError('modes do not have the same length')
            return Vector(self._getArray() + other._getArray(),
                          '({0}) + ({1})'.format(str(self), str(other)),
            raise TypeError('{0} is not a mode instance'.format(other))

    def __radd__(self, other):

        if isinstance(other, VectorBase):
            if len(self) != len(other):
                raise ValueError('modes do not have the same length')
            return Vector(self._getArray() + other._getArray(),
                          '({0}) + ({1})'.format(str(other), str(self)),
            raise TypeError('{0} is not a mode instance'.format(other))

    def __iadd__(self, other):

        return self.__add__(other)

    def __sub__(self, other):

        if isinstance(other, VectorBase):
            if len(self) != len(other):
                raise ValueError('modes do not have the same length')
            return Vector(self._getArray() - other._getArray(),
                          '({0}) - ({1})'.format(str(self), str(other)),
            raise TypeError('{0} is not a mode instance'.format(other))

    def __rsub__(self, other):

        if isinstance(other, VectorBase):
            if len(self) != len(other):
                raise ValueError('modes do not have the same length')
            return Vector(other._getArray() - self._getArray(),
                          '({0}) - ({1})'.format(str(other), str(self)),
            raise TypeError('{0} is not a mode instance'.format(other))

    def __isub__(self, other):

        return self.__sub__(other)

    def __pow__(self, other):

            result = self._getArray() ** other
        except Exception as err:
            raise TypeError('{0} is not a scalar ({0})'
                            .format(other, str(err)))
            return Vector(result, '({0})**{1}'.format(str(self), other),

    def getArray(self):
        """Returns a copy of array."""


    def _getArray(self):
        """Returns array."""


    def numAtoms(self):
        """Returns number of atoms."""


    def is3d(self):
        """Returns **True** if vector is 3d."""


    def getArrayNx3(self):
        """Returns a copy of array with shape (N, 3)."""

        if self.is3d():
            return self.getArray().reshape((self.numAtoms(), 3))
            return self.getArray()

    def _getArrayNx3(self):
        """Returns a copy of array with shape (N, 3)."""

        if self.is3d():
            return self._getArray().reshape((self.numAtoms(), 3))
            return self._getArray()

    def numModes(self):
        """Returns 1."""

        return 1

[docs]class Mode(VectorBase): """A class to provide access to and operations on mode data. """ __slots__ = ['_model', '_index'] def __init__(self, model, index): """Initialize mode object as part of an NMA model. :arg model: a normal mode analysis instance :type model: :class:`.NMA`, :class:`.GNM`, or :class:`.PCA` :arg index: index of the mode :type index: int""" self._model = model self._index = int(index) def __len__(self): return self.numEntries() def __repr__(self): return '<Mode: {0} from {1}>'.format(self._index + 1, str(self._model)) def __str__(self): return 'Mode {0} from {1}'.format(self._index+1, str(self._model)) def __int__(self): return self._index def __float__(self): return self.getEigval()
[docs] def is3d(self): """Returns **True** if mode instance is from a 3-dimensional model.""" return self._model.is3d()
[docs] def numAtoms(self): """Returns number of atoms.""" return self._model.numAtoms()
[docs] def numDOF(self): """Returns number of degrees of freedom.""" return self._model.numDOF()
[docs] def numEntries(self): """Returns number of entries in the eigenvector.""" return len(self._getArray())
[docs] def getTitle(self): """A descriptive title for the mode instance.""" return str(self)
[docs] def getIndex(self): """Returns the index of the mode. Note that mode indices are zero-based.""" return self._index
[docs] def getModel(self): """Returns the model that the mode instance belongs to.""" return self._model
[docs] def getArray(self): """Returns a copy of the normal mode array (eigenvector).""" return self._model.getArray()[:, self._index].copy()
getEigvec = getArray getEigvecs = getEigvec def _getArray(self): """Returns a copy of the normal mode array (eigenvector).""" return self._model._getArray()[:, self._index]
[docs] def getEigval(self): """Returns normal mode eigenvalue. For :class:`.PCA` and :class:`.EDA` models built using coordinate data in Å, unit of eigenvalues is |A2|. For :class:`.ANM` and :class:`.GNM`, on the other hand, eigenvalues are in arbitrary or relative units but they correlate with stiffness of the motion along associated eigenvector.""" return self._model._eigvals[self._index]
getEigvals = getEigval
[docs] def getVariance(self): """Returns variance along the mode. For :class:`.PCA` and :class:`.EDA` models built using coordinate data in Å, unit of variance is |A2|. For :class:`.ANM` and :class:`.GNM`, on the other hand, variance is the inverse of the eigenvalue, so it has arbitrary or relative units.""" return self._model._vars[self._index]
getVariances = getVariance
[docs]class Vector(VectorBase): """A class to provide operations on a modified mode array. This class holds only mode array (i.e. eigenvector) data, and has no associations with an NMA instance. Scalar multiplication of :class:`Mode` instance or addition of two :class:`Mode` instances results in a :class:`Vector` instance.""" __slots__ = ['_title', '_array', '_is3d'] def __init__(self, array, title='Unknown', is3d=True): """Instantiate with a name, an array, and a 3d flag.""" try: ndim, shape = array.ndim, array.shape except AttributeError: array = np.array(array) ndim, shape = array.ndim, array.shape if ndim != 1: raise ValueError('array.ndim must be 1') is3d = bool(is3d) if is3d and shape[0] % 3 != 0: raise ValueError('len(array) must be a multiple of 3') self._title = str(title) self._array = array self._is3d = is3d def __len__(self): return len(self._array) def __repr__(self): return '<Vector: {0}>'.format(self._title) def __str__(self): return self._title
[docs] def is3d(self): """Returns **True** if vector instance describes a 3-dimensional property, such as a deformation for a set of atoms.""" return self._is3d
[docs] def getTitle(self): """Get the descriptive title for the vector instance.""" return self._title
[docs] def setTitle(self, title): """Set the descriptive title for the vector instance.""" self._title = str(title)
[docs] def getArray(self): """Returns a copy of array.""" return self._array.copy()
def _getArray(self): """Returns array.""" return self._array
[docs] def getNormed(self): """Returns mode after normalizing it.""" return Vector(self._array/(self._array**2).sum()**0.5, '({0})/||{0}||'.format(self._title), self._is3d)
[docs] def numDOF(self): """Returns number of degrees of freedom.""" return len(self._array)
[docs] def numEntries(self): """Returns number of entries in the vector.""" return len(self._array)
[docs] def numAtoms(self): """Returns number of atoms. For a 3-dimensional vector, returns length of the vector divided by 3.""" if self._is3d: return len(self._array)//3 else: return len(self._array)