# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines classes for principal component analysis (PCA) and
essential dynamics analysis (EDA) calculations."""
import time
import numpy as np
from prody import LOGGER, PY2K
from prody.atomic import Atomic
from prody.ensemble import Ensemble, PDBEnsemble
from prody.trajectory import TrajBase
from prody.utilities import importLA, solveEig, ZERO
from .nma import NMA
if PY2K:
range = xrange
__all__ = ['PCA', 'EDA']
[docs]class PCA(NMA):
"""A class for Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of conformational
ensembles. See examples in :ref:`pca`."""
def __init__(self, name='Unknown'):
NMA.__init__(self, name)
[docs] def setCovariance(self, covariance, is3d=True):
"""Set covariance matrix."""
if not isinstance(covariance, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError('covariance must be an ndarray')
elif not (covariance.ndim == 2 and
covariance.shape[0] == covariance.shape[1]):
raise ValueError('covariance must be square matrix')
elif covariance.dtype != float:
covariance = covariance.astype(float)
raise ValueError('covariance.dtype must be float')
self._is3d = is3d
self._cov = covariance
self._dof = covariance.shape[0]
if is3d:
self._n_atoms = self._dof // 3
self._n_atoms = self._dof
self._trace = self._cov.trace()
[docs] def buildCovariance(self, coordsets, **kwargs):
"""Build a covariance matrix for *coordsets* using mean coordinates
as the reference. *coordsets* argument may be one of the following:
* :class:`.Atomic`
* :class:`.Ensemble`
* :class:`.TrajBase`
* :class:`numpy.ndarray` with shape ``(n_csets, n_atoms, 3)``
For ensemble and trajectory objects, ``update_coords=True`` argument
can be used to set the mean coordinates as the coordinates of the
When *coordsets* is a trajectory object, such as :class:`.DCDFile`,
covariance will be built by superposing frames onto the reference
coordinate set (see :meth:`.Frame.superpose`). If frames are already
aligned, use ``aligned=True`` argument to skip this step.
.. note::
If *coordsets* is a :class:`.PDBEnsemble` instance, coordinates are
treated specially. Let's say **C**\_ij is the element of the
covariance matrix that corresponds to atoms *i* and *j*. This
super element is divided by number of coordinate sets (PDB models or
structures) in which both of these atoms are observed together."""
if not isinstance(coordsets, (Ensemble, Atomic, TrajBase, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError('coordsets must be an Ensemble, Atomic, Numpy '
'array instance')
mean = None
weights = None
ensemble = None
if isinstance(coordsets, np.ndarray):
if (coordsets.ndim != 3 or coordsets.shape[2] != 3 or
coordsets.dtype not in (np.float32, float)):
raise ValueError('coordsets is not a valid coordinate array')
elif isinstance(coordsets, Atomic):
coordsets = coordsets._getCoordsets()
elif isinstance(coordsets, Ensemble):
ensemble = coordsets
if isinstance(coordsets, PDBEnsemble):
weights = coordsets.getWeights() > 0
coordsets = coordsets._getCoordsets()
update_coords = bool(kwargs.get('update_coords', False))
if isinstance(coordsets, TrajBase):
nfi = coordsets.nextIndex()
n_atoms = coordsets.numSelected()
dof = n_atoms * 3
cov = np.zeros((dof, dof))
#mean = coordsets._getCoords().flatten()
n_confs = 0
n_frames = len(coordsets)
LOGGER.info('Covariance will be calculated using {0} frames.'
coordsum = np.zeros(dof)
LOGGER.progress('Building covariance', n_frames, '_prody_pca')
align = not kwargs.get('aligned', False)
for frame in coordsets:
if align:
coords = frame._getCoords().flatten()
coordsum += coords
cov += np.outer(coords, coords)
n_confs += 1
LOGGER.update(n_confs, label='_prody_pca')
cov /= n_confs
coordsum /= n_confs
mean = coordsum
cov -= np.outer(coordsum, coordsum)
self._cov = cov
if update_coords:
coordsets.setCoords(mean.reshape((n_atoms, 3)))
n_confs = coordsets.shape[0]
if n_confs < 3:
raise ValueError('coordsets must have more than 3 coordinate '
n_atoms = coordsets.shape[1]
if n_atoms < 3:
raise ValueError('coordsets must have more than 3 atoms')
dof = n_atoms * 3
LOGGER.info('Covariance is calculated using {0} coordinate sets.'
s = (n_confs, dof)
if weights is None:
if coordsets.dtype == float:
self._cov = np.cov(coordsets.reshape((n_confs, dof)).T,
cov = np.zeros((dof, dof))
coordsets = coordsets.reshape((n_confs, dof))
mean = coordsets.mean(0)
LOGGER.progress('Building covariance', n_confs,
for i, coords in enumerate(coordsets.reshape(s)):
deviations = coords - mean
cov += np.outer(deviations, deviations)
LOGGER.update(n_confs, label='_prody_pca')
cov /= n_confs
self._cov = cov
# PDB ensemble case
mean = np.zeros((n_atoms, 3))
for i, coords in enumerate(coordsets):
mean += coords * weights[i]
mean /= weights.sum(0)
d_xyz = ((coordsets - mean) * weights).reshape(s)
divide_by = weights.astype(float).repeat(3, axis=2).reshape(s)
self._cov = np.dot(d_xyz.T, d_xyz) / np.dot(divide_by.T,
if update_coords and ensemble is not None:
if mean is None:
mean = coordsets.mean(0)
self._trace = self._cov.trace()
self._dof = dof
self._n_atoms = n_atoms
LOGGER.report('Covariance matrix calculated in %2fs.', '_prody_pca')
[docs] def calcModes(self, n_modes=20, turbo=True):
"""Calculate principal (or essential) modes. This method uses
:func:`scipy.linalg.eigh`, or :func:`numpy.linalg.eigh`, function
to diagonalize the covariance matrix.
:arg n_modes: number of non-zero eigenvalues/vectors to calculate,
default is 20,
if **None** or ``'all'`` is given, all modes will be calculated
:type n_modes: int
:arg turbo: when available, use a memory intensive but faster way to
calculate modes, default is **True**
:type turbo: bool"""
if self._cov is None:
raise ValueError('covariance matrix is not built or set')
start = time.time()
if str(n_modes).lower() == 'all':
n_modes = None
values, vectors, _ = solveEig(self._cov, n_modes=n_modes, zeros=True,
turbo=turbo, reverse=True)
which = values > ZERO
self._eigvals = values[which]
self._array = vectors[:, which]
self._vars = values
self._n_modes = len(self._eigvals)
if self._n_modes > 1:
LOGGER.debug('{0} modes were calculated in {1:.2f}s.'
.format(self._n_modes, time.time()-start))
LOGGER.debug('{0} mode was calculated in {1:.2f}s.'
.format(self._n_modes, time.time()-start))
[docs] def addEigenpair(self, eigenvector, eigenvalue=None):
"""Add eigen *vector* and eigen *value* pair(s) to the instance.
If eigen *value* is omitted, it will be set to 1. Eigenvalues
are set as variances."""
NMA.addEigenpair(self, eigenvector, eigenvalue)
self._vars = self._eigvals
[docs] def setEigens(self, vectors, values=None):
"""Set eigen *vectors* and eigen *values*. If eigen *values* are
omitted, they will be set to 1. Eigenvalues are set as variances."""
NMA.setEigens(self, vectors, values)
self._vars = self._eigvals
[docs]class EDA(PCA):
"""A class for Essential Dynamics Analysis (EDA) [AA93]_.
See examples in :ref:`eda`.
.. [AA93] Amadei A, Linssen AB, Berendsen HJ. Essential dynamics of
proteins. *Proteins* **1993** 17(4):412-25."""