Source code for prody.dynamics.perturb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines functions for performing perturbation response scanning
from PCA and normal modes."""

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.arraysetops import isin

from prody.atomic import AtomGroup, Selection, Atomic, sliceAtomicData
from prody.utilities import div0

from .nma import NMA
from .modeset import ModeSet
from .mode import Mode

__all__ = ['calcPerturbResponse', 'calcDynamicFlexibilityIndex',

[docs]def calcPerturbResponse(model, **kwargs): """This function implements the perturbation response scanning (PRS) method described in [CA09]_ and [IG14]_. It returns a PRS matrix, and effectiveness and sensitivity profiles. Rows of the matrix are the average magnitude of the responses obtained by perturbing the atom/node position at that row index, i.e. ``prs_matrix[i,j]`` will give the response of residue/node *j* to perturbations in residue/node *i*. PRS is performed using the covariance matrix from a *model*, e.g. a :class:`.ANM` instance. To use an external matrix, please provide it to a :class:`.PCA` instance using the :meth:`.PCA.setCovariance`. When an *atoms* instance is given, the PRS matrix will be added as data, which can be retrieved with ``atoms.getData('prs_matrix')``. *model* and *atoms* must have the same number of atoms. *atoms* must be an :class:`.AtomGroup` instance. .. [CA09] Atilgan C, Atilgan AR, Perturbation-Response Scanning Reveals Ligand Entry-Exit Mechanisms of Ferric Binding Protein. *PLoS Comput Biol* **2009** 5(10):e1000544. .. [IG14] General IJ, Liu Y, Blackburn ME, Mao W, Gierasch LM, Bahar I. ATPase subdomain IA is a mediator of interdomain allostery in Hsp70 molecular chaperones. *PLoS Comput. Biol.* **2014** 10:e1003624. """ if not isinstance(model, (NMA, ModeSet, Mode)): raise TypeError('model must be an NMA, ModeSet, or Mode instance') if isinstance(model, NMA) and len(model) == 0: raise ValueError('model must have normal modes calculated') atoms = kwargs.get('atoms', None) suppress_diag = kwargs.get('suppress_diag', False) no_diag = kwargs.get('no_diag', suppress_diag) if atoms is not None: if isinstance(atoms, Selection): atoms = atoms.copy() if not isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup): raise TypeError('atoms must be an AtomGroup instance') elif atoms.numAtoms() != model.numAtoms(): raise ValueError('model and atoms must have the same number atoms') n_atoms = model.numAtoms() # LOGGER.timeit('_prody_prs_all') #'Calculating covariance matrix') # LOGGER.timeit('_prody_cov') cov = model.getCovariance() # LOGGER.clear() #'Covariance matrix calculated in %.1fs.', '_prody_cov') #'Calculating perturbation response') # LOGGER.timeit('_prody_prs_mat') if not model.is3d(): prs_matrix = cov**2 else: cov_squared = cov**2 n_by_3n_cov_squared = np.zeros((n_atoms, 3 * n_atoms)) prs_matrix = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms)) i3 = -3 i3p3 = 0 for i in range(n_atoms): i3 += 3 i3p3 += 3 n_by_3n_cov_squared[i,:] = (cov_squared[i3:i3p3,:]).sum(0) j3 = -3 j3p3 = 0 for j in range(n_atoms): j3 += 3 j3p3 += 3 prs_matrix[:,j] = (n_by_3n_cov_squared[:,j3:j3p3]).sum(1) # LOGGER.clear() #'Perturbation response matrix calculated in %.1fs.', # '_prody_prs_mat') norm_prs_matrix = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms)) self_dp = np.diag(prs_matrix) self_dp = self_dp.reshape(n_atoms, 1) re_self_dp = np.repeat(self_dp, n_atoms, axis=1) norm_prs_matrix = div0(prs_matrix, re_self_dp) if no_diag: # suppress the diagonal (self displacement) to facilitate # visualizing the response profile norm_prs_matrix = norm_prs_matrix - np.diag(np.diag(norm_prs_matrix)) W = 1 - np.eye(n_atoms) effectiveness = np.average(norm_prs_matrix, weights=W, axis=1) sensitivity = np.average(norm_prs_matrix, weights=W, axis=0) #'Perturbation response scanning completed in %.1fs.', # '_prody_prs_all') if atoms is not None: try: ag = atoms.getAtomGroup() defdata = np.zeros(ag.numAtoms(), dtype=float) ag.setData('effectiveness', defdata.copy()) ag.setData('sensitivity', defdata.copy()) except AttributeError: pass atoms.setData('effectiveness', effectiveness) atoms.setData('sensitivity', sensitivity) #atoms.setData('prs_matrix', norm_prs_matrix) return norm_prs_matrix, effectiveness, sensitivity
[docs]def calcDynamicFlexibilityIndex(model, atoms, select, **kwargs): """ Calculate the dynamic flexibility index for the selected residue(s). This function implements the dynamic flexibility index (Dfi) method described in [ZNG13]_. :arg model: 3D model from which to calculate covariance matrix :type model: :class:`.ANM`, :class:`.PCA` :arg atoms: an Atomic object from which residues are selected :type atoms: :class:`.Atomic` :arg select: a selection string or selection for residues of interest :type select: str, :class:`.Selection` :arg norm: whether to normalise the covariance, default False :type norm: bool .. [ZNG13] Gerek ZN, Kumar S, Ozkan SB, Structural dynamics flexibility informs function and evolution at a proteome scale. *Evol Appl.* **2013** 6(3):423-33. """ if not isinstance(model, NMA) or not model.is3d(): raise TypeError('model must be of type ANM or PCA, not {0}' .format(type(model))) if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic): raise TypeError('atoms should be an Atomic object') norm = kwargs.get('norm', False) if norm: prs_matrix, _, _ = calcPerturbResponse(model, atoms=atoms, **kwargs) else: prs_matrix = model.getCovariance() if not isinstance(select, (str, Selection)): raise TypeError('select should be a Selection or selection string') profiles = sliceAtomicData(prs_matrix, atoms, select, axis=0) return np.sum(profiles, axis=1)/np.sum(prs_matrix)
[docs]def calcDynamicCouplingIndex(model, atoms, select, func_sel, **kwargs): """ Calculate the dynamic coupling index for the selected residue(s). This function implements the dynamic coupling index (DCI) or functional DFI method described in [AK15]_. :arg model: 3D model from which to calculate covariance matrix :type model: :class:`.ANM`, :class:`.PCA` :arg atoms: an Atomic object from which residues are selected :type atoms: :class:`.Atomic` :arg select: a selection string or selection for residues of interest :type select: str, :class:`.Selection` :arg func_sel: a selection string or selection for functional residues :type func_sel: str, :class:`.Selection` :arg norm: whether to normalise the covariance, default False :type norm: bool .. [AK15] Kumar A, Glembo TJ, Ozkan SB. The Role of Conformational Dynamics and Allostery in the Disease Development of Human Ferritin. *Biophys J.* **2015** 109(6):1273-81. """ if not isinstance(model, NMA) or not model.is3d(): raise TypeError('model must be of type ANM or PCA, not {0}' .format(type(model))) if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic): raise TypeError('atoms should be an Atomic object') norm = kwargs.get('norm', False) if norm: prs_matrix, _, _ = calcPerturbResponse(model, atoms=atoms, **kwargs) else: prs_matrix = model.getCovariance() if not isinstance(select, (str, Selection)): raise TypeError('select should be a Selection or selection string') if not isinstance(func_sel, (str, Selection)): raise TypeError('func_sel should be a Selection or selection string') profiles = sliceAtomicData(prs_matrix, atoms, select, axis=0) func_profiles = sliceAtomicData(profiles, atoms, func_sel, axis=1) if isinstance(func_sel, str): func_sel = N_functional = func_sel.numAtoms() numerator = np.sum(func_profiles, axis=1) / N_functional denominator = np.sum(profiles, axis=1) / atoms.numAtoms() return numerator/denominator