Source code for prody.dynamics.vmdfile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines TCL file for VMD program.

__all__ = ['writeVMDstiffness', 'writeDeformProfile', 'calcChainsNormDistFluct']

import os

import numpy as np

from prody import LOGGER
from prody.atomic import sliceAtoms
from prody.utilities import openFile, addext, checkCoords
from prody.proteins import writePDB

from .nmdfile import viewNMDinVMD, pathVMD, getVMDpath, setVMDpath

[docs]def writeVMDstiffness(stiffness, pdb, indices, k_range, filename='vmd_out', \ select='protein and name CA', loadToVMD=False): """ Returns three files starting with the provided filename and having their own extensions: (1) A PDB file that can be used in the TCL script. (2) TCL file containing vmd commands for loading PDB file with accurate vmd representation. Pair of residues with selected *k_range* of effective spring constant are shown in VMD respresentation with solid line between them. If more than one residue is selected in *indices*, different pair for each residue will be colored in the different colors. (3) TXT file containing pair of residues with effective spring constant in selected range *k_range*. .. note:: #. This function skips modes with zero eigenvalues. #. If a :class:`.Vector` instance is given, it will be normalized before it is written. It's length before normalization will be written as the scaling factor of the vector. :arg stiffness: mechanical stiffness profile calculated with :func:`.calcMechStiff` :type stiffness: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :arg pdb: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method :type pdb: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, :class:`.Atomic` :arg indices: an amino acid number or a pair of amino acid numbers :type indices: list :arg k_range: effective force constant value or range of values :type k_range: int, float, list :arg select: a selection or selection string default is 'protein and name CA' :type select: :class:`.Select`, str :arg loadToVMD: whether to load VMD and run the tcl file default is False :type loadToVMD: bool """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError('filename should be a string') try: _, coords_sel = sliceAtoms(pdb, select) resnum_list = coords_sel.getResnums() coords = (coords_sel._getCoords() if hasattr(coords_sel, '_getCoords') else coords_sel.getCoords()) except AttributeError: try: checkCoords(coords_sel) except TypeError: raise TypeError('pdb must be a Numpy array or an object ' 'with `getCoords` method') if len(indices) == 0: raise ValueError('indices cannot be an empty array') if len(indices) == 1: indices0 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0] indices1 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0] elif len(indices) == 2: indices0 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0] indices1 = indices[1] - resnum_list[0] out = openFile(addext(filename, '.tcl'), 'w') out_txt = openFile(addext(filename,'.txt'), 'w') writePDB(filename + '.pdb', pdb)'Creating VMD file.') out.write('display rendermode GLSL \n') out.write('display projection orthographic\n') out.write('color Display Background white\n') out.write('display shadows on\n') out.write('display depthcue off\n') out.write('axes location off\n') out.write('stage location off\n') out.write('light 0 on\n') out.write('light 1 on\n') out.write('light 2 off\n') out.write('light 3 on\n') out.write('display resetview\n') out.write('mol new {./'+str(filename)+'.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1\n') out.write('mol addrep 0\n') out.write('mol modselect 0 0 protein\n') out.write('mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0\n') out.write('mol modcolor 0 0 Structure\n') out.write('mol color Structure\n') out.write('mol representation NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0\n') out.write('mol selection protein\n') out.write('mol material Opaque\n') colors = ['blue', 'red', 'gray', 'orange','yellow', 'tan','silver', 'green', \ 'white', 'pink', 'cyan', 'purple', 'lime', 'mauve', 'ochre', 'iceblue', 'black', \ 'yellow2','yellow3','green2','green3','cyan2','cyan3','blue2','blue3','violet', \ 'violet2','magenta','magenta2','red2','red3','orange2','orange3']*50 color_nr = 1 # starting from red color in VMD ResCounter = [] for r in range(indices0, indices1 + 1): baza_col = [] # Value of Kij is here for each residue nr_baza_col = [] # Resid of aa are here out.write("draw color "+str(colors[color_nr])+"\n") for nr_i, i in enumerate(stiffness[r]): if k_range[0] < float(i) < k_range[1]: baza_col.append(i) nr_baza_col.append(nr_i+resnum_list[0]) resid_r = str(coords_sel.getResnames()[r])+str(r+resnum_list[0]) resid_r2 = str(coords_sel.getResnames()[nr_i])+str(nr_i+resnum_list[0]) if len(baza_col) == 0: # if base is empty then it will not change the color color_nr = 0 else: out.write("draw line "+'{'+str(coords[r])[1:-1]+'} {'+\ str(coords[nr_i])[1:-1]+'} width 3 style solid \n') out_txt.write(resid_r + '\t' + resid_r2 + '\t' + str(i) + '\n') ResCounter.append(len(baza_col)) else: pass if len(baza_col) != 0: out.write('mol addrep 0\n') out.write('mol modselect '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 protein and name CA and resid '+ \ str(r+resnum_list[0])+' '+str(nr_baza_col)[1:-1].replace(',','')+'\n') out.write('mol modcolor '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 ColorID '+str(color_nr)+'\n') out.write('mol modstyle '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 VDW 0.600000 12.000000\n') out.write('mol color ColorID '+str(color_nr)+'\n') out.write('mol representation VDW 1.000000 12.000000 \n') out.write('mol selection protein and name CA and resid '+ \ str(r+resnum_list[0])+' '+str(nr_baza_col)[1:-1].replace(',','')+'\n') out.write('mol material Opaque \n') color_nr = color_nr + 1 out.write('mol addrep 0\n') out.close() out_txt.close() if loadToVMD: from prody import pathVMD'File will be loaded to VMD program.') os.system(pathVMD()+" -e "+str(filename)+".tcl") if len(ResCounter) > 0: return out elif len(ResCounter) == 0:'There is no residue pair in this Kij range.') return 'None'
[docs]def writeDeformProfile(stiffness, pdb, filename='dp_out', \ select='protein and name CA', \ pdb_selstr='protein', loadToVMD=False): """Calculate deformability (plasticity) profile of molecule based on mechanical stiffness matrix (see [EB08]_). :arg stiffness: mechanical stiffness matrix :type stiffness: :class:`~numpy.ndarray :arg pdb: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method :type pdb: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Note: selection can be done using ``select`` and ``pdb_selstr``. ``select`` defines ``model`` selection (used for building :class:`.ANM` model) and ``pdb_selstr`` will be used in VMD program for visualization. By default files are saved as *filename* and loaded to VMD program. To change it use ``loadToVMD=False``. Mean value of mechanical stiffness for molecule can be found in occupancy column in PDB file. """ _, pdb = sliceAtoms(pdb, pdb_selstr) _, coords = sliceAtoms(pdb, select) meanStiff = np.mean(stiffness, axis=0) out_mean = open(filename+'_mean.txt','w') # mean value of Kij for each residue for nr_i, i in enumerate(meanStiff): out_mean.write("{} {}\n".format(nr_i, i)) out_mean.close() from collections import Counter aa_counter = Counter(pdb.getResindices()) meanStiff_all = [] for i in range(coords.numAtoms()): meanStiff_all.extend(list(aa_counter.values())[i]*[round(meanStiff[i], 2)]) writePDB(filename, pdb, occupancy=meanStiff_all)'PDB file with deformability profile has been saved.')'Creating TCL file.') out_tcl = open(filename+'.tcl','w') out_tcl.write('display resetview \nmol addrep 0 \ndisplay resetview \n') out_tcl.write('mol new {./'+filename+'.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1 \n') out_tcl.write('animate style Loop \ndisplay projection Orthographic \n') out_tcl.write('display depthcue off \ndisplay rendermode GLSL \naxes location Off \n') out_tcl.write('color Display Background white \n') out_tcl.write('mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0 \n') out_tcl.write('mol modmaterial 0 0 Diffuse \nmol modcolor 0 0 Occupancy \n') out_tcl.write('menu colorscalebar on \n') out_tcl.close() if loadToVMD: from prody import pathVMD'File will be loaded to VMD program.') os.system(pathVMD()+" -e "+str(filename)+".tcl")
[docs]def calcChainsNormDistFluct(coords, ch1, ch2, cutoff=10., percent=5, rangeAng=5, \ filename='ch_ndf_out', loadToVMD=False): '''Calculate protein-protein interaction using getNormDistFluct() from :class:`.GNM` model. It is assigned to protein complex. :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method. :type coords: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. :arg ch1: first chain name :type ch1: 'A' or other letter as a string :arg ch2: second chain name :type ch2: string :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions in Kirchhoff matrix, default is 10.0 Å :type cutoff: float :arg percent: percent of the highest and lowest results displayed in _VMD program, default is 5% :type percent: int or float :arg rangeAng: cutoff range of protein-protein interactions, default is 5 Å :type rangeAng: int or float :arg filename: name of tcl file from _VMD program :type filename: str By default files are saved as *filename* and loaded to VMD program. To change it use ``loadToVMD=False``. UNDER PREPARATION.. problems with not complete structures ''' sele1 ='name CA and same residue as exwithin '+str(rangeAng) \ +' of chain '+str(ch1)) sele2 ='name CA and same residue as exwithin '+str(rangeAng) \ +' of chain '+str(ch2)) num1 = len(list(set(sele1.getResnums()))) num2 = len(list(set(sele2.getResnums())))'Analized chains: {0}, {1}'.format(ch1, ch2))'Number of selected amino acids: chain {0}-{1}aa, chain {2}-{3}aa' .format(ch1, num2, ch2, num1)) seleALL = sele1 + sele2 seleALL_ca ='protein and name CA') from .gnm import GNM model = GNM('prot analysis') model.buildKirchhoff(seleALL_ca, cutoff) model.calcModes() ndf_matrix0 = model.getNormDistFluct(seleALL_ca) ndf_c1 = np.delete(ndf_matrix0, np.s_[0:num1], axis=0) # rows ndf_matrix = np.delete(ndf_c1, np.s_[num1:(num1+num2)], axis=1) perc = (np.amax(ndf_matrix)-np.min(ndf_matrix))*percent*0.01 maxRange = np.amax(ndf_matrix)-perc minRange = np.min(ndf_matrix)+perc writePDB(filename, coords) out_tcl = open(filename+'.tcl','w') out_tcl.write('display resetview \nmol addrep 0 \ndisplay resetview \n') out_tcl.write('mol new {./'+filename+'.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1 \n') out_tcl.write('animate style Loop \ndisplay projection Orthographic \n') out_tcl.write('display depthcue off \ndisplay rendermode GLSL \naxes location Off \n') out_tcl.write('color Display Background white \n') out_tcl.write('mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0 \n') out_tcl.write('mol modselect 0 0 protein \nmol modcolor 0 0 Chain \n') out_tcl.write('mol modmaterial 0 0 BrushedMetal\n') out_tcl.write('m') mmRange = {'minRange':minRange,'maxRange':maxRange} ch = [ch2, ch1] color = ['1','7'] # red-maxRange, red-minRange out_pairs = open(filename+'_pairs.txt','w') for nr_j,j in enumerate(mmRange): if j == 'minRange': x,y = np.where(ndf_matrix < mmRange[j]) out_pairs.write(j+' (< '+str(mmRange[j])+') \n') elif j == 'maxRange': x,y = np.where(ndf_matrix > mmRange[j]) out_pairs.write(j+' (> '+str(mmRange[j])+') \n') vmd_ch_list = [[],[]] for i in range(len(x)): out_pairs.write("{}{} {}{} {}\n".format('protein and name \ CA').getResnames()[y[i]],'protein and name CA').getResnums()[y[i]], \'protein and name CA').getResnames()[x[i]],'protein and \ name CA').getResnums()[x[i]], ndf_matrix[x[i],y[i]])) vmd_ch_list[0].append('protein and name CA').getResnums()[y[i]]) vmd_ch_list[1].append('protein and name CA').getResnums()[x[i]]) out_pairs.write('\n') for k in range(len(vmd_ch_list)): out_tcl.write('mol addrep 0\n') out_tcl.write('mol modselect '+color[nr_j]+' 0 protein and name chain '+ch[k]+\ ' and resid '+str(list(set(vmd_ch_list[k]))).replace(',','')[1:-1]+'\n') out_tcl.write('mol modcolor '+color[nr_j]+' 0 ColorID '+color[nr_j]+'\n') out_tcl.write('mol modstyle '+color[nr_j]+' 0 CPK 1.000000 0.300000 12.000000 12.000000\n') out_tcl.write('mol color ColorID '+color[nr_j]+'\n') out_tcl.write('mol representation CPK 1.000000 0.300000 12.000000 12.000000\n') out_tcl.write('mol selection protein and chain '+ch[k]+' and resid '\ +str(list(set(vmd_ch_list[k]))).replace(',','')[1:-1]+'\n') out_tcl.write('mol material Opaque \n') #out_tcl.write('mol addrep 0\n')'Found residues in {0}: {1}'.format(mmRange.keys()[nr_j],\ len(list(set(vmd_ch_list[1])))+len(list(set(vmd_ch_list[0])))))'chain {0} and resid {1}'.format(ch[0], \ str(list(set(vmd_ch_list[0]))).replace(',','')[1:-1]))'chain {0} and resid {1}'.format(ch[1], \ str(list(set(vmd_ch_list[1]))).replace(',','')[1:-1])) out_tcl.write('mol addrep 0\n')'Created TCL file.') out_tcl.close() out_pairs.close() if loadToVMD: from prody import pathVMD'File will be loaded to VMD program.') os.system(pathVMD()+" -e "+str(filename)+".tcl") return ndf_matrix