Source code for prody.ensemble.ensemble

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines a class for handling ensembles of conformations."""

from numbers import Integral

from numpy import dot, add, subtract, array, ndarray, sign, concatenate
from numpy import zeros, ones, arange, isscalar, max, asarray
from numpy import newaxis, unique, repeat, sum, empty, tile

from prody import LOGGER
from prody.atomic import Atomic, sliceAtoms
from prody.atomic.atomgroup import checkLabel
from prody.measure import getRMSD, calcDeformVector
from prody.utilities import importLA, checkCoords, checkWeights, copy, isListLike

from .conformation import *

__all__ = ['Ensemble']

[docs]class Ensemble(object): """A class for analysis of arbitrary conformational ensembles. Indexing (e.g. ``ens[0]``) returns a :class:`.Conformation` instance that points to a coordinate set in the ensemble. Slicing (e.g. ``ens[0:10]``) returns an :class:`Ensemble` instance that contains a copy of the subset of conformations (coordinate sets). """ def __init__(self, title='Unknown'): """Instantiate with a *title* or a :class:`.Atomic` instance. All coordinate sets from atomic instances will be added to the ensemble.""" self._title = str(title).strip() self._coords = None # reference self._n_atoms = 0 self._n_csets = 0 # number of conformations/frames/coordinate sets self._weights = None self._atoms = None self._indices = None # indices of selected atoms self._confs = None # coordinate sets self._data = dict() if isinstance(title, Ensemble): self._atoms = title.getAtoms() elif isinstance(title, Atomic): self._atoms = title if isinstance(title, (Atomic, Ensemble)): self.setCoords(title) self.addCoordset(title) def __repr__(self): if self._indices is None: return ('<{0}: {1} ({2} conformations; {3} atoms)>' ).format(self.__class__.__name__, self.getTitle(), len(self), self._n_atoms) else: return ('<{0}: {1} ({2} conformations; selected {3} of ' '{4} atoms)>').format(self.__class__.__name__, self.getTitle(), len(self), self.numSelected(), self._n_atoms) def __str__(self): return 'Ensemble {0}'.format(self.getTitle()) def __len__(self): return self._n_csets def __getitem__(self, index): """Returns a conformation at given index.""" if self._confs is None: return None # use sth like follows # which = arange(self._n_csets)[index].nonzero()[0] # if len(which) == 1: # return getConf... # else: # return SubEnsemble if isinstance(index, Integral): return self.getConformation(index) elif isinstance(index, slice): ens = type(self)('{0} ({1[0]}:{1[1]}:{1[2]})'.format( self.getTitle(), index.indices(len(self)))) if self._coords is not None: ens.setCoords(self._coords.copy()) ens.addCoordset(self._confs[index].copy()) for key in self._data: ens._data[key] = self._data[key][index].copy() if self._weights is not None: ens.setWeights(self._weights.copy()) ens.setAtoms(self._atoms) ens._indices = self._indices return ens elif isinstance(index, (list, ndarray)): ens = type(self)('{0}'.format(self.getTitle())) if self._coords is not None: ens.setCoords(self._coords.copy()) ens.addCoordset(self._confs[index].copy()) for key in self._data: ens._data[key] = self._data[key][index].copy() if self._weights is not None: ens.setWeights(self._weights.copy()) ens.setAtoms(self._atoms) ens._indices = self._indices return ens else: raise IndexError('invalid index') def __add__(self, other): """Concatenate ensembles. The reference coordinates, atoms, and weights of *self* is used in the resulting ensemble.""" if not isinstance(other, Ensemble): raise TypeError('an Ensemble instance cannot be added to an {0} ' 'instance'.format(type(other))) elif self._n_atoms != other._n_atoms: raise ValueError('Ensembles must have same number of atoms.') ensemble = type(self)('{0} + {1}'.format(self.getTitle(), other.getTitle())) if self._coords is not None: ensemble.setCoords(self._coords.copy()) if self._confs is not None: ensemble.addCoordset(self._confs.copy()) if other._confs is not None: ensemble.addCoordset(other._confs.copy()) all_keys = set(list(self._data.keys()) + list(other._data.keys())) for key in all_keys: if key in self._data and key in other._data: self_data = self._data[key] other_data = other._data[key] elif key in self._data: self_data = self._data[key] other_data = zeros(other.numConfs(), dtype=self_data.dtype) elif key in other._data: other_data = other._data[key] self_data = zeros(other.numConfs(), dtype=other_data.dtype) ensemble._data[key] = concatenate((self_data, other_data), axis=0) if self._weights is not None:'Atom weights from {0} are used in {1}.' .format(repr(self._title), repr(ensemble.getTitle()))) ensemble.setWeights(self._weights.copy()) elif other._weights is not None: ensemble.setWeights(other._weights.copy()) if self._atoms is not None: ensemble.setAtoms(self._atoms) ensemble._indices = self._indices else: ensemble.setAtoms(other._atoms) ensemble._indices = other._indices return ensemble def __iter__(self): n_csets = self._n_csets for i in range(n_csets): if n_csets != self._n_csets: raise RuntimeError('number of conformations in the ensemble ' 'changed during iteration') yield Conformation(self, i)
[docs] def getTitle(self): """Returns title of the ensemble.""" return self._title
[docs] def setTitle(self, title): """Set title of the ensemble.""" self._title = str(title)
[docs] def numAtoms(self, selected=True): """Returns number of atoms.""" if selected: return self.numSelected() return self._n_atoms
[docs] def numConfs(self): """Returns number of conformations.""" return self._n_csets
numCoordsets = numConfs
[docs] def numSelected(self): """Returns number of selected atoms. Number of all atoms will be returned if a selection is not made. A subset of atoms can be selected by passing a selection to :meth:`setAtoms`.""" return self._n_atoms if self._indices is None else len(self._indices)
[docs] def isSelected(self): """Returns if a subset of atoms are selected.""" return self._indices is not None
[docs] def getAtoms(self, selected=True): """Returns associated/selected atoms.""" if self._atoms is None: return None if self._indices is None or not selected: return self._atoms return self._atoms[self._indices]
[docs] def setAtoms(self, atoms): """Set *atoms* or specify a selection of atoms to be considered in calculations and coordinate requests. When a selection is set, corresponding subset of coordinates will be considered in, for example, alignments and RMSD calculations. Setting atoms also allows some functions to access atomic data when needed. For example, :class:`.Ensemble` and :class:`.Conformation` instances become suitable arguments for :func:`.writePDB`. Passing **None** as *atoms* argument will deselect atoms.""" if atoms is None: self._atoms = self._indices = None return try: atoms.getACSIndex() except AttributeError: raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance') n_atoms = self._n_atoms if n_atoms: if atoms.numAtoms() > n_atoms: raise ValueError('atoms must be same size or smaller than ' 'the ensemble') try: dummies = atoms.numDummies() except AttributeError: pass else: if not dummies: indices = atoms._getIndices() if any(indices != unique(indices)): raise ValueError('atoms must be ordered by indices') if atoms.numAtoms() == n_atoms: # atoms is a complete set (AtomSubset can be a complete set) self._atoms = atoms self._indices = None else: # atoms is a subset if not self._atoms: try: ag = atoms.getAtomGroup() except AttributeError: ag = atoms if ag.numAtoms() != n_atoms: raise ValueError('size mismatch between this ensemble ({0} atoms) and atoms ({1} atoms)' .format(n_atoms, ag.numAtoms())) self._atoms = ag self._indices, _ = sliceAtoms(self._atoms, atoms) else: # if assigning atoms to a new ensemble self._n_atoms = atoms.numAtoms() self._atoms = atoms self._indices = None
[docs] def select(self, selection): """Selects columns corresponding to a part of the atoms.""" atoms = self.getAtoms() if atoms is None: raise ValueError('to use select, atoms must be set for the ensemble') sel = self.setAtoms(sel)
[docs] def deselect(self): """Undoes the selection.""" self._indices = None
[docs] def getCoords(self, selected=True): """Returns a copy of reference coordinates for selected atoms.""" if self._coords is None: return None if self._indices is None or not selected: return self._coords.copy() return self._coords[self._indices].copy()
[docs] def getIndices(self): """Returns a copy of indices of selected columns""" return copy(self._indices)
def setIndices(self, value): if not isListLike(value): raise TypeError('value must be a list or numpy.ndarray instance') array = asarray(value) if len(array) != self._n_atoms: raise ValueError('length mismatch between this ensemble ' '(%d) and indices (%d)'%(self._n_atoms, len(array))) self._indices = value def _getCoords(self, selected=True): """Returns a view of reference coordinates for selected atoms.""" if self._coords is None: return None if self._indices is None or not selected: return self._coords return self._coords[self._indices].copy()
[docs] def setCoords(self, coords): """Set *coords* as the ensemble reference coordinate set. *coords* may be an array with suitable data type, shape, and dimensionality, or an object with :meth:`getCoords` method.""" atoms = coords try: if isinstance(coords, Ensemble): coords = copy(coords._coords) else: coords = coords.getCoords() except AttributeError: pass finally: if coords is None: raise ValueError('coordinates of {0} are not set' .format(str(atoms))) try: checkCoords(coords, natoms=self._n_atoms) except TypeError: raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object ' 'with `getCoords` method') self._coords = coords self._n_atoms = coords.shape[0] if isinstance(atoms, Ensemble): self._indices = atoms._indices self._atoms = atoms._atoms
[docs] def getWeights(self, selected=True): """Returns a copy of weights of selected atoms.""" if self._weights is None: return None if self._indices is None or not selected: return self._weights.copy() if self._weights.ndim == 2: return self._weights[self._indices].copy() else: return self._weights[:, self._indices].copy()
def _getWeights(self, selected=True): if self._weights is None: return None if self._indices is None or not selected: return self._weights if self._weights.ndim == 2: return self._weights[self._indices] else: return self._weights[:, self._indices]
[docs] def setWeights(self, weights): """Set atomic weights.""" if weights is None: self._weights = None else: if self._n_atoms == 0: raise AttributeError('first set reference coordinates') try: self._weights = checkWeights(weights, self._n_atoms, None) except ValueError: weights = checkWeights(weights, self.numSelected(), None) if not self._weights: self._weights = ones((self._n_atoms, 1), dtype=float) self._weights[self._indices, :] = weights
[docs] def addCoordset(self, coords, **kwargs): """Add coordinate set(s) to the ensemble. :arg coords: must be a :class:`~numpy.ndarray` with suitable data type, shape and dimensionality, or an object with :meth:`getCoordsets` method. :kwarg data: associated data to be added along with *coords*. :type data: dict """ n_atoms = self._n_atoms n_select = self.numSelected() adddata = kwargs.pop('data', {}) try: if self._coords is not None: if isinstance(coords, Ensemble): coords = coords._getCoordsets(selected=False) elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoordsets'): coords = coords._getCoordsets() elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoords'): coords = coords._getCoords() coords = array(coords) else: if isinstance(coords, Ensemble): coords = coords.getCoordsets(selected=False) elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoordsets'): coords = coords.getCoordsets() elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoords'): coords = coords.getCoords() coords = array(coords) except AttributeError: pass else: if coords is None: raise ValueError('coordinates are not set') try: checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_atoms) except: try: checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_select) except TypeError: raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object ' 'with `getCoords` method') # update coordinates if coords.ndim == 2: n_nodes, _ = coords.shape coords = coords.reshape((1, n_nodes, 3)) n_confs = 1 else: n_confs, n_nodes, _ = coords.shape if not n_atoms: self._n_atoms = n_atoms = n_nodes if n_nodes == n_select and self.isSelected(): full_coords = repeat(self._coords[newaxis, :, :], n_confs, axis=0) full_coords[:, self._indices, :] = coords coords = full_coords if self._confs is None: self._confs = coords else: self._confs = concatenate((self._confs, coords), axis=0) # appending new data if self._data is None: self._data = {} all_keys = set(list(self._data.keys()) + list(adddata.keys())) for key in all_keys: if key in self._data: data = self._data[key] if key not in adddata: shape = [n_confs] for s in data.shape[1:]: shape.append(s) newdata = zeros(shape, dtype=data.dtype) else: newdata = asarray(adddata[key]) if newdata.shape[0] != n_confs: raise ValueError('the length of data["%s"] does not match that of coords'%key) else: newdata = asarray(adddata[key]) shape = [self._n_csets] for s in newdata.shape[1:]: shape.append(s) data = zeros(shape, dtype=newdata.dtype) self._data[key] = concatenate((data, newdata), axis=0) # update the number of coordinate sets self._n_csets += n_confs
[docs] def getCoordsets(self, indices=None, selected=True): """Returns a copy of coordinate set(s) at given *indices*, which may be an integer, a list of integers or **None**. **None** returns all coordinate sets. For reference coordinates, use :meth:`getCoords` method.""" coords = self._getCoordsets(indices, selected) return copy(coords)
def _getCoordsets(self, indices=None, selected=True): if self._confs is None: return None if self._indices is None or not selected: if indices is None: return self._confs try: return self._confs[indices] except IndexError: pass else: selids = self._indices if indices is None: return self._confs[:, selids] try: return self._confs[indices, selids] except IndexError: pass raise IndexError('indices must be an integer, a list/array of ' 'integers, a slice, or None')
[docs] def delCoordset(self, index): """Delete a coordinate set from the ensemble.""" if isscalar(index): index = [index] else: index = list(index) length = self._n_csets which = ones(length, bool) which[index] = False if which.sum() == 0: self._confs = None self._weights = None else: self._confs = self._confs[which] if self._weights is not None: self._weights = self._weights[which] self._n_csets -= len(index)
[docs] def iterCoordsets(self): """Iterate over coordinate sets. A copy of each coordinate set for selected atoms is returned. Reference coordinates are not included.""" if self._indices is None: for conf in self._confs: yield conf.copy() else: indices = self._indices for conf in self._confs: yield conf[indices].copy()
[docs] def getConformation(self, index): """Returns conformation at given index.""" if self._confs is None: raise AttributeError('conformations are not set') if not isinstance(index, Integral): raise TypeError('index must be an integer') n_confs = self._n_csets if -n_confs <= index < n_confs: if index < 0: index = n_confs + index return Conformation(self, index) else: raise IndexError('conformation index out of range')
[docs] def superpose(self, **kwargs): """Superpose the ensemble onto the reference coordinates. :arg ref: index of the reference coordinate. If **None**, the average coordinate will be assumed as the reference. Default is **None** :type ref: int """ ref = kwargs.pop('ref', None) if self._coords is None: raise ValueError('coordinates are not set, use `setCoords`') if self._confs is None or len(self._confs) == 0: raise ValueError('conformations are not set, use `addCoordset`') LOGGER.timeit('_prody_ensemble') self._superpose(ref=ref) # trans kwarg is used by PDBEnsemble'Superposition completed in %.2f seconds.', '_prody_ensemble')
def _superpose(self, **kwargs): """Superpose conformations and update coordinates.""" ref = kwargs.pop('ref', None) quiet = kwargs.pop('quiet', False) indices = self._indices weights = self._weights mobs = self._confs if indices is None: idx = False tar = self._coords movs = None else: idx = True if self._weights is not None: weights = weights[indices] tar = self._coords[indices] movs = self._confs linalg = importLA() svd = linalg.svd det = linalg.det if weights is None: if ref is None: tar_com = tar.mean(0) else: tar_com = tar[ref] tar_org = (tar - tar_com) mob_org = zeros(tar_org.shape, dtype=mobs.dtype) tar_org = tar_org.T else: weights_sum = weights.sum() weights_dot = dot(weights.T, weights) if ref is None: tar_com = (tar * weights).sum(axis=0) / weights_sum else: tar_com = (tar[ref] * weights[ref]).sum(axis=0) / sum(weights[ref]) tar_org = (tar - tar_com) mob_org = zeros(tar_org.shape, dtype=mobs.dtype) if not quiet: LOGGER.progress('Superposing ', len(mobs), '_prody_ensemble') for i, mob in enumerate(mobs): if idx: mob = mob[indices] if weights is None: mob_com = mob.mean(0) matrix = dot(tar_org, subtract(mob, mob_com, mob_org)) else: mob_com = (mob * weights).sum(axis=0) / weights_sum subtract(mob, mob_com, mob_org) matrix = dot((tar_org * weights).T, (mob_org * weights)) / weights_dot U, s, Vh = svd(matrix) Id = array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, sign(det(matrix))]]) rotation = dot(Vh.T, dot(Id, U.T)) if movs is None: mobs[i] = dot(mob_org, rotation) add(mobs[i], tar_com, mobs[i]) else: add(dot(movs[i], rotation), (tar_com - dot(mob_com, rotation)), movs[i]) if not quiet: LOGGER.update(i + 1, label='_prody_ensemble') LOGGER.finish()
[docs] def iterpose(self, rmsd=0.0001, quiet=False): """Iteratively superpose the ensemble until convergence. Initially, all conformations are aligned with the reference coordinates. Then mean coordinates are calculated, and are set as the new reference coordinates. This is repeated until reference coordinates do not change. This is determined by the value of RMSD between the new and old reference coordinates. Note that at the end of the iterative procedure the reference coordinate set will be average of conformations in the ensemble. :arg rmsd: change in reference coordinates to determine convergence, default is 0.0001 Å RMSD :type rmsd: float""" if self._coords is None: raise AttributeError('coordinates are not set, use `setCoords`') if self._confs is None or len(self._confs) == 0: raise AttributeError('conformations are not set, use' '`addCoordset`')'Starting iterative superposition:') LOGGER.timeit('_prody_ensemble') rmsdif = 1 step = 0 weights = self._weights length = len(self) if weights is not None: if weights.ndim == 3: weightsum = weights.sum(axis=0) weightsum[weightsum==0.] = 1. # add pseudocount to avoid nan else: weightsum = length while rmsdif > rmsd: self._superpose(quiet=quiet) if weights is None: newxyz = self._confs.sum(0) / length else: newxyz = (self._confs * weights).sum(0) / weightsum rmsdif = getRMSD(self._coords, newxyz) self._coords = newxyz step += 1'Step #{0}: RMSD difference = {1:.4e}' .format(step, rmsdif))'Iterative superposition completed in %.2fs.', '_prody_ensemble')
[docs] def getMSFs(self): """Returns mean square fluctuations (MSFs) for selected atoms. Conformations can be aligned using one of :meth:`superpose` or :meth:`iterpose` methods prior to MSF calculation.""" if self._confs is None: return indices = self._indices if indices is None: mean = self._confs.mean(0) ssqf = zeros(mean.shape) for conf in self._confs: ssqf += (conf - mean) ** 2 else: mean = self._confs[:, indices].mean(0) ssqf = zeros(mean.shape) for conf in self._confs[:, indices]: ssqf += (conf - mean) ** 2 return ssqf.sum(1) / self._n_csets
[docs] def getRMSFs(self): """Returns root mean square fluctuations (RMSFs) for selected atoms. Conformations can be aligned using one of :meth:`superpose` or :meth:`iterpose` methods prior to RMSF calculation.""" return self.getMSFs() ** 0.5
[docs] def getDeviations(self): """Returns deviations from reference coordinates for selected atoms. Conformations can be aligned using one of :meth:`superpose` or :meth:`iterpose` methods prior to calculating deviations.""" if not isinstance(self._confs, ndarray): LOGGER.warning('Conformations are not set.') return None if not isinstance(self._coords, ndarray): LOGGER.warning('Coordinates are not set.') return None return self._getCoordsets() - self._getCoords()
[docs] def getRMSDs(self, pairwise=False): """Returns root mean square deviations (RMSDs) for selected atoms. Conformations can be aligned using one of :meth:`superpose` or :meth:`iterpose` methods prior to RMSD calculation. :arg pairwise: if **True** then it will return pairwise RMSDs as an n-by-n matrix. n is the number of conformations. :type pairwise: bool """ if self._confs is None or self._coords is None: return None indices = self._indices if indices is None: indices = arange(self._confs.shape[1]) weights = self._weights[indices] if self._weights is not None else None if pairwise: n_confs = self.numConfs() RMSDs = zeros((n_confs, n_confs)) for i in range(n_confs): for j in range(i+1, n_confs): RMSDs[i, j] = RMSDs[j, i] = getRMSD(self._confs[i, indices], self._confs[j, indices], weights) else: RMSDs = getRMSD(self._coords[indices], self._confs[:, indices], weights) return RMSDs
[docs] def getDefvecs(self, pairwise=False): """Calculate and return deformation vectors (defvecs). Note that you might need to align the conformations using :meth:`superpose` or :meth:`iterpose` before calculating defvecs. :arg pairwise: if **True** then it will return pairwise defvecs as an n-by-n matrix. n is the number of conformations. :type pairwise: bool """ if self._confs is None or self._coords is None: return None indices = self._indices if indices is None: indices = arange(self._confs.shape[1]) if self._weights is not None: if self._weights.ndim == 2: # Ensemble but not PDBEnsemble weights = tile(self._weights, (self.numConfs(), 1, 1)) weights = self._weights[:, indices] else: weights = None if pairwise: n_confs = self.numConfs() defvecs = empty((n_confs, n_confs), dtype=ndarray) for i in range(n_confs): for j in range(i, n_confs): if weights is None: w = None else: wi = weights[i]; wj = weights[j] w = wi * wj defvecs[i, j] = defvecs[j, i] = calcDeformVector(self._confs[i, indices], self._confs[j, indices], w) else: defvecs = [calcDeformVector(self._coords[indices], conf[indices], weights[i]) for i, conf in enumerate(self._confs)] return defvecs
[docs] def setData(self, label, data): """Store atomic *data* under *label*, which must: * start with a letter * contain only alphanumeric characters and underscore * not be a reserved word (see :func:`.listReservedWords`) *data* must be a :func:`list` or a :class:`~numpy.ndarray` and its length must be equal to the number of atoms. If the dimension of the *data* array is 1, i.e. ``data.ndim==1``, *label* may be used to make atom selections, e.g. ``"label 1 to 10"`` or ``"label C1 C2"``. Note that, if data with *label* is present, it will be overwritten.""" label = checkLabel(label) if isscalar(data): data = [data] * self._n_csets data = asarray(data) ndim, dtype, shape = data.ndim, data.dtype, data.shape if ndim == 1 and dtype == bool: raise TypeError('1 dimensional boolean arrays are not ' 'accepted, use `setFlags` instead') if len(data) != self._n_csets: raise ValueError('len(data) must match number of coordinate sets') self._data[label] = data
[docs] def delData(self, label): """Return data associated with *label* and remove from the instance. If data associated with *label* is not found, return **None**.""" return self._data.pop(label, None)
[docs] def getData(self, label): """Returns a copy of the data array associated with *label*, or **None** if such data is not present.""" data = self._getData(label) if data is not None: return data.copy()
def _getData(self, label): """Returns data array associated with *label*, or **None** if such data is not present.""" try: return self._data[label] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def isDataLabel(self, label): """Returns **True** if data associated with *label* is present.""" if label in self._data: return True else: try: return self._getData(label) is not None except: return False
[docs] def getDataLabels(self, which=None): """Returns data labels. For ``which='user'``, return only labels of user provided data.""" if str(which).startswith('u'): # user labels = [key for key in (self._data or {})] else: labels = list(self._data or []) labels.sort() return labels
[docs] def getDataType(self, label): """Returns type of the data (i.e. ``data.dtype``) associated with *label*, or **None** label is not used.""" try: return self._data[label].dtype except KeyError: return None