# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines functions for parsing `mmCIF files`_.
.. _mmCIF files: http://mmcif.wwpdb.org/docs/tutorials/mechanics/pdbx-mmcif-syntax.html"""
from collections import OrderedDict
import os.path
import numpy as np
from prody.atomic import AtomGroup
from prody.atomic import flags
from prody.atomic import ATOMIC_FIELDS
from prody.utilities import openFile
from prody import LOGGER, SETTINGS
from .localpdb import fetchPDB
from .starfile import parseSTARLines, StarDict
__all__ = ['parseMMCIFStream', 'parseMMCIF', ]
class mmCIFParseError(Exception):
_parseMMCIFdoc = """
:arg title: title of the :class:`.AtomGroup` instance, default is the
PDB filename or PDB identifier
:type title: str
:arg chain: chain identifiers for parsing specific chains, e.g.
``chain='A'``, ``chain='B'``, ``chain='DE'``, by default all
chains are parsed
:type chain: str
:arg subset: a predefined keyword to parse subset of atoms, valid keywords
are ``'calpha'`` (``'ca'``), ``'backbone'`` (``'bb'``), or **None**
(read all atoms), e.g. ``subset='bb'``
:type subset: str
:arg model: model index or None (read all models), e.g. ``model=10``
:type model: int, list
:arg altloc: if a location indicator is passed, such as ``'A'`` or ``'B'``,
only indicated alternate locations will be parsed as the single
coordinate set of the AtomGroup, if *altloc* is set **True** all
alternate locations will be parsed and each will be appended as a
distinct coordinate set, default is ``"A"``
:type altloc: str
_PDBSubsets = {'ca': 'ca', 'calpha': 'ca', 'bb': 'bb', 'backbone': 'bb'}
[docs]def parseMMCIF(pdb, **kwargs):
"""Returns an :class:`.AtomGroup` and/or a :class:`.StarDict` containing header data
parsed from an mmCIF file. If not found, the mmCIF file will be downloaded
from the PDB. It will be downloaded in uncompressed format regardless of
the compressed keyword.
This function extends :func:`.parseMMCIFStream`.
:arg pdb: a PDB identifier or a filename
If needed, mmCIF files are downloaded using :func:`.fetchPDB()` function.
:type pdb: str
:arg chain: comma separated string or list-like of chain IDs
:type chain: str, tuple, list, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
chain = kwargs.pop('chain', None)
title = kwargs.get('title', None)
if not os.path.isfile(pdb):
if len(pdb) == 5 and pdb.isalnum():
if chain is None:
chain = pdb[-1]
pdb = pdb[:4]
raise ValueError('Please provide chain as a keyword argument or part of the PDB ID, not both')
chain = chain
if len(pdb) == 4 and pdb.isalnum():
if title is None:
title = pdb
kwargs['title'] = title
if os.path.isfile(pdb + '.cif'):
filename = pdb + '.cif'
elif os.path.isfile(pdb + '.cif.gz'):
filename = pdb + '.cif.gz'
filename = fetchPDB(pdb, report=True,
format='cif', compressed=False)
if filename is None:
raise IOError('mmCIF file for {0} could not be downloaded.'
pdb = filename
raise IOError('{0} is not a valid filename or a valid PDB '
if title is None:
title, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(pdb)[1])
if ext == '.gz':
title, ext = os.path.splitext(title)
if len(title) == 7 and title.startswith('pdb'):
title = title[3:]
kwargs['title'] = title
cif = openFile(pdb, 'rt')
result = parseMMCIFStream(cif, chain=chain, **kwargs)
return result
[docs]def parseMMCIFStream(stream, **kwargs):
"""Returns an :class:`.AtomGroup` and/or a class:`.StarDict`
containing header data parsed from a stream of CIF lines.
:arg stream: Anything that implements the method ``readlines``
(e.g. :class:`file`, buffer, stdin)
model = kwargs.get('model')
subset = kwargs.get('subset')
chain = kwargs.get('chain')
altloc = kwargs.get('altloc', 'A')
header = kwargs.get('header', False)
if model is not None:
if isinstance(model, int):
if model < 0:
raise ValueError('model must be greater than 0')
raise TypeError('model must be an integer, {0} is invalid'
title_suffix = ''
if subset:
subset = _PDBSubsets[subset.lower()]
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError('subset must be a string')
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid subset'
title_suffix = '_' + subset
if chain is not None:
if not isinstance(chain, str):
raise TypeError('chain must be a string')
elif len(chain) == 0:
raise ValueError('chain must not be an empty string')
title_suffix = '_' + chain + title_suffix
ag = None
if 'ag' in kwargs:
ag = kwargs['ag']
if not isinstance(ag, AtomGroup):
raise TypeError('ag must be an AtomGroup instance')
n_csets = ag.numCoordsets()
elif model != 0:
ag = AtomGroup(str(kwargs.get('title', 'Unknown')) + title_suffix)
n_csets = 0
if model != 0:
lines = stream.readlines()
except AttributeError as err:
lines = stream.read().split('\n')
except AttributeError:
raise err
if not len(lines):
raise ValueError('empty PDB file or stream')
if header:
ag, header = _parseMMCIFLines(ag, lines, model, chain, subset,
altloc, header)
ag = _parseMMCIFLines(ag, lines, model, chain, subset,
altloc, header)
if ag.numAtoms() > 0:
LOGGER.report('{0} atoms and {1} coordinate set(s) were '
'parsed in %.2fs.'.format(ag.numAtoms(),
ag.numCoordsets() - n_csets))
ag = None
LOGGER.warn('Atomic data could not be parsed, please '
'check the input file.')
if header:
return ag, StarDict(*header, title=str(kwargs.get('title', 'Unknown')))
return ag
parseMMCIFStream.__doc__ += _parseMMCIFdoc
def _parseMMCIFLines(atomgroup, lines, model, chain, subset,
altloc_torf, header):
"""Returns an AtomGroup. See also :func:`.parsePDBStream()`.
:arg lines: mmCIF lines
if subset is not None:
if subset == 'ca':
subset = set(('CA',))
elif subset in 'bb':
subset = flags.BACKBONE
protein_resnames = flags.AMINOACIDS
asize = 0
i = 0
models = []
nModels = 0
fields = OrderedDict()
fieldCounter = -1
foundAtomBlock = False
doneAtomBlock = False
start = 0
stop = 0
while not doneAtomBlock:
line = lines[i]
if line[:11] == '_atom_site.':
fieldCounter += 1
fields[line.split('.')[1].strip()] = fieldCounter
if line.startswith('ATOM ') or line.startswith('HETATM'):
if not foundAtomBlock:
foundAtomBlock = True
start = i
if models[asize] != models[asize-1]:
nModels += 1
asize += 1
if foundAtomBlock:
doneAtomBlock = True
stop = i
i += 1
if nModels == 0:
nModels = 1
if model is not None and model != 1:
for i in range(start, stop):
if str(models[i]) != model and str(models[i+1]) == model:
start = i+1
if str(models[i]) == model and str(models[i+1]) != model:
stop = i+1
if not str(model) in models:
raise mmCIFParseError('model {0} is not found'.format(model))
addcoords = False
if atomgroup.numCoordsets() > 0:
addcoords = True
if isinstance(altloc_torf, str):
if altloc_torf.strip() != 'A':
LOGGER.info('Parsing alternate locations {0}.'
which_altlocs = '.' + ''.join(altloc_torf.split())
which_altlocs = '.A'
altloc_torf = False
which_altlocs = '.A'
altloc_torf = True
coordinates = np.zeros((asize, 3), dtype=float)
atomnames = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['name'].dtype)
resnames = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['resname'].dtype)
resnums = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['resnum'].dtype)
chainids = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['chain'].dtype)
segnames = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['segment'].dtype)
hetero = np.zeros(asize, dtype=bool)
termini = np.zeros(asize, dtype=bool)
altlocs = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['altloc'].dtype)
icodes = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['icode'].dtype)
serials = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['serial'].dtype)
elements = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['element'].dtype)
bfactors = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['beta'].dtype)
occupancies = np.zeros(asize, dtype=ATOMIC_FIELDS['occupancy'].dtype)
n_atoms = atomgroup.numAtoms()
if n_atoms > 0:
asize = n_atoms
acount = 0
for line in lines[start:stop]:
startswith = line.split()[fields['group_PDB']]
atomname = line.split()[fields['auth_atom_id']]
resname = line.split()[fields['auth_comp_id']]
if subset is not None:
if not (atomname in subset and resname in protein_resnames):
chID = line.split()[fields['auth_asym_id']]
if chain is not None:
if isinstance(chain, str):
chain = chain.split(',')
if not chID in chain:
segID = line.split()[fields['label_asym_id']]
alt = line.split()[fields['label_alt_id']]
if alt not in which_altlocs:
if model is not None:
if int(models[acount]) < model:
elif int(models[acount]) > model:
coordinates[acount] = [line.split()[fields['Cartn_x']],
atomnames[acount] = atomname
resnames[acount] = resname
resnums[acount] = line.split()[fields['auth_seq_id']]
chainids[acount] = chID
segnames[acount] = segID
hetero[acount] = startswith == 'HETATM' # True or False
if chainids[acount] != chainids[acount-1]:
termini[acount-1] = True
altlocs[acount] = alt
icodes[acount] = line.split()[fields['pdbx_PDB_ins_code']]
if icodes[acount] == '?':
icodes[acount] = ''
serials[acount] = line.split()[fields['id']]
elements[acount] = line.split()[fields['type_symbol']]
bfactors[acount] = line.split()[fields['B_iso_or_equiv']]
occupancies[acount] = line.split()[fields['occupancy']]
acount += 1
if model is not None:
nModels = 1
modelSize = acount//nModels
if addcoords:
atomgroup.setFlags('hetatm', hetero[:modelSize])
atomgroup.setFlags('pdbter', termini[:modelSize])
from prody.utilities.misctools import getMasses
for n in range(1, nModels):
if header:
header = parseSTARLines(lines[:start-fieldCounter-2] + lines[stop:],
return atomgroup, header
return atomgroup