Source code for prody.proteins.pdbclusters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines functions for handling PDB sequence clusters."""

import os.path

from numpy import array, abs

from prody import LOGGER, SETTINGS, getPackagePath
from prody.utilities import openFile, openURL, pystr, isListLike

from numbers import Integral

__all__ = ['fetchPDBClusters', 'loadPDBClusters', 'listPDBCluster']

PDB_CLUSTERS = {30: None, 40: None, 50: None, 70: None,
                90: None, 95: None, 100: None}
PDB_CLUSTERS_SQID_STR = ', '.join([str(key) for key in PDB_CLUSTERS_SQIDS])

[docs]def loadPDBClusters(sqid=None): """Load previously fetched PDB sequence clusters from disk to memory.""" PDB_CLUSTERS_PATH = os.path.join(getPackagePath(), 'pdbclusters') if sqid is None: sqid_list = list(PDB_CLUSTERS)'Loading all PDB sequence clusters.') else: assert isinstance(sqid, Integral), 'sqid must be an integer' if sqid not in PDB_CLUSTERS: raise ValueError('PDB cluster data is not available for sequence ' 'identity {0}%, try one of {1}' .format(sqid, PDB_CLUSTERS_SQID_STR))'Loading PDB sequence clusters for sequence identity ' '{0}.'.format(sqid)) sqid_list = [sqid] global PDB_CLUSTERS_UPDATE_WARNING for sqid in sqid_list: filename = os.path.join(PDB_CLUSTERS_PATH, 'bc-{0}.out.gz'.format(sqid)) if not os.path.isfile(filename): fetchPDBClusters(sqid) if PDB_CLUSTERS_UPDATE_WARNING: import time diff = (time.time() - os.path.getmtime(filename)) / 604800. if diff > 1.: LOGGER.warning('PDB sequence clusters are {0:.1f} week(s) old,' ' call `fetchPDBClusters` to receive updates.' .format(diff)) PDB_CLUSTERS_UPDATE_WARNING = False inp = openFile(filename) clusters_str = pystr( clusters = [] for cluster_str in clusters_str.split('\n'): cluster_str = cluster_str.strip() if len(cluster_str): cluster = [tuple(item.split('_')) for item in cluster_str.split()] clusters.append(cluster) PDB_CLUSTERS[sqid] = clusters inp.close() if sqid is None: return PDB_CLUSTERS else: return clusters
[docs]def listPDBCluster(pdb, ch, sqid=95): """Returns the PDB sequence cluster that contains chain *ch* in structure *pdb* for sequence identity level *sqid*. PDB sequence cluster will be returned in as a list of tuples, e.g. ``[('1XXX', 'A'), ]``. Note that PDB clusters individual chains, so the same PDB identifier may appear twice in the same cluster if the corresponding chain is present in the structure twice. Before this function is used, :func:`fetchPDBClusters` needs to be called. This function will load the PDB sequence clusters for *sqid* automatically using :func:`loadPDBClusters`.""" assert isinstance(pdb, str) and len(pdb) == 4, \ 'pdb must be 4 char long string' assert isinstance(ch, str) and len(ch) == 1, \ 'ch must be a one char long string' try: sqid = int(sqid) except TypeError: raise TypeError('sqid must be an integer') if not (30 <= sqid <= 100): raise ValueError('sqid must be between 30 and 100') sqid = PDB_CLUSTERS_SQIDS[abs(PDB_CLUSTERS_SQIDS-sqid).argmin()] clusters = PDB_CLUSTERS[sqid] if clusters is None: loadPDBClusters(sqid) clusters = PDB_CLUSTERS[sqid] pdb_ch = (pdb.upper(), ch) for cluster in clusters: if pdb_ch in cluster: return cluster return
[docs]def fetchPDBClusters(sqid=None): """Retrieve PDB sequence clusters. PDB sequence clusters are results of the weekly clustering of protein chains in the PDB generated by blastclust. They are available at FTP site: This function will download about 10 Mb of data and save it after compressing in your home directory in :file:`.prody/pdbclusters`. Compressed files will be less than 4 Mb in size. Cluster data can be loaded using :func:`loadPDBClusters` function and be accessed using :func:`listPDBCluster`.""" if sqid is not None: if isListLike(sqid): for s in sqid: if s not in PDB_CLUSTERS: raise ValueError('sqid must be one or more of ' + PDB_CLUSTERS_SQID_STR) keys = list(sqid) else: if sqid not in PDB_CLUSTERS: raise ValueError('sqid must be one or more of ' + PDB_CLUSTERS_SQID_STR) keys = [sqid] else: keys = list(PDB_CLUSTERS) PDB_CLUSTERS_PATH = os.path.join(getPackagePath(), 'pdbclusters') if not os.path.isdir(PDB_CLUSTERS_PATH): os.mkdir(PDB_CLUSTERS_PATH) LOGGER.progress('Downloading sequence clusters', len(keys), '_prody_fetchPDBClusters') count = 0 for i, x in enumerate(keys): filename = 'bc-{0}.out'.format(x) url = ('' + filename) try: inp = openURL(url) except IOError: LOGGER.warning('Clusters at {0}% sequence identity level could ' 'not be downloaded.'.format(x)) continue else: out = openFile(filename+'.gz', 'w', folder=PDB_CLUSTERS_PATH) out.write( inp.close() out.close() count += 1 LOGGER.update(i, label='_prody_fetchPDBClusters') LOGGER.finish() if len(keys) == count:'All selected PDB clusters were downloaded successfully.') elif count == 0: LOGGER.warn('PDB clusters could not be downloaded.')