Source code for prody.sequence.msa

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines MSA analysis functions."""

from numbers import Integral

from numpy import all, zeros, dtype, array, char, cumsum, ceil, reshape
from numpy import where, sort, concatenate, vstack, isscalar, chararray

from Bio import AlignIO
from Bio import pairwise2

from prody import LOGGER, PY3K
from prody.atomic import Atomic
from prody.utilities import toChararray, pystr, splitSeqLabel
from .sequence import Sequence

import sys

__all__ = ['MSA', 'refineMSA', 'mergeMSA', 'specMergeMSA',]

[docs]class MSA(object): """Store and manipulate multiple sequence alignments.""" def __init__(self, msa, title='Unknown', labels=None, **kwargs): """*msa* must be a 2D Numpy character array. *labels* is a list of sequence labels (or titles). *mapping* should map label or part of label to sequence index in *msa* array. If *mapping* is not given, one will be build from *labels*.""" self._aligned = aligned = kwargs.get('aligned', True) msa = toChararray(msa, aligned) numseq = msa.shape[0] if labels and len(labels) != numseq: raise ValueError('len(labels) must be equal to number of ' 'sequences') if labels is None: labels = [str(i+1) for i in range(numseq)] if PY3K: for i, label in enumerate(labels): if not isinstance(label, str): labels[i] = label.decode() self._labels = labels mapping = kwargs.get('mapping') self._map(mapping) self._msa = msa self._title = str(title) or 'Unknown' self._split = bool(kwargs.get('split', True)) def _map(self, mapping=None): labels = self._labels if mapping is not None: try: mapping['isdict'] except KeyError: pass except Exception: raise TypeError('mapping must be a dictionary') for key, value in mapping.items(): values = [value] if isscalar(value) else value for i in values: if not key in labels[i]: labels[i] = key self._mapping = mapping = {} for index, label in enumerate(labels): label = splitSeqLabel(label)[0] try: value = mapping[label] except KeyError: mapping[label] = index else: try: value.append(index) except AttributeError: mapping[label] = [value, index] return mapping def __str__(self): return 'MSA ' + self._title def __repr__(self): if self._aligned: return ('<MSA: {0} ({1} sequences, {2} residues)>' ).format(self._title, self.numSequences(), self.numResidues()) else: return ('<MSA: {0} ({1} sequences, not aligned)>' ).format(self._title, self.numSequences()) def __len__(self): return len(self._msa) def __add__(self, other): """Concatenate two MSAs.""" A = self.getArray() B = other.getArray() try: AB = vstack((A, B)) except: raise ValueError('failed to add {0} and {1} together: shapes do not match' .format(repr(self), repr(other))) aligned = self._aligned or other._aligned labels = list(self._labels) labels.extend(other._labels) split = self._split or other._split msa = MSA(AB, title='%s + %s'%(self.getTitle(), other.getTitle()), aligned=aligned, labels=labels, split=split) return msa def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, Integral): return Sequence(self, index) if isinstance(index, str): try: rows = self._mapping[index] except KeyError: raise KeyError('label {0} is not mapped to a sequence' .format(index)) else: msa = self._msa[rows] if msa.ndim == 1: return Sequence(self, rows) else: if msa.base is not None: msa = msa.copy() labels = self._labels return MSA(msa, title='{0}[{1}]'.format(self._title, index), labels=[labels[i] for i in rows]) elif isinstance(index, tuple): if len(index) == 1: return self[index[0]] elif len(index) == 2: rows, cols = index else: raise IndexError('invalid index: ' + str(index)) else: rows, cols = index, None # handle list of labels if isinstance(rows, list): rows = self.getIndex(rows) or rows elif isinstance(rows, int): return Sequence(self._msa[rows, cols].tostring(), self._labels[rows]) elif isinstance(rows, str): try: rows = self._mapping[rows] except KeyError: raise KeyError('label {0} is not mapped to a sequence' .format(index)) else: if isinstance(rows, int): return Sequence(self._msa[rows, cols].tostring(), self._labels[rows]) if cols is None: msa = self._msa[rows] else: try: msa = self._msa[rows, cols] except TypeError: raise IndexError('invalid index: ' + str(index)) try: lbls = list(array(self._labels)[rows]) except TypeError: labels = self._labels lbls = [labels[i] for i in rows] finally: if not isinstance(lbls, list): lbls = [lbls] if msa.ndim == 0: msa = msa.reshape((1, 1)) elif msa.ndim == 1: msa = msa.reshape((1, len(msa))) if msa.base is not None: msa = msa.copy() return MSA(msa=msa, title=self._title, labels=lbls, aligned=self._aligned) def __iter__(self): for i in range(len(self._msa)): yield Sequence(self, i) def __contains__(self, key): try: return key in self._mapping except Exception: pass return False def __eq__(self, other): try: other = other._getArray() except AttributeError: return False try: return all(other == self._msa) except Exception: pass return False def _getSplit(self): return self._split def _setSplit(self, split): self._split = bool(split) split = property(_getSplit, _setSplit, doc='Return split label when iterating or indexing.')
[docs] def extend(self, other): """Adds *other* to this MSA.""" A = self.getArray() if isinstance(other, MSA): B = other.getArray() otherlabels = other._labels elif isinstance(other, Sequence): B = other.getArray() B = reshape(B, (1, B.shape[0])) otherlabels = other.getLabel(full=True) else: try: B = toChararray(other, aligned=False) numA, numB = A.shape[0], B.shape[0] otherlabels = [str(i+1) for i in range(numA, numA+numB)] except: raise ValueError('failed to add {1} to {0}' .format(repr(self), repr(other))) try: AB = vstack((A, B)) except: raise ValueError('failed to add {1} to {0}: shapes do not match' .format(repr(self), repr(other))) labels = list(self._labels) labels.extend(otherlabels) self._msa = AB self._labels = labels self._map()
[docs] def isAligned(self): """Returns **True** if MSA is aligned.""" return self._aligned
[docs] def numSequences(self): """Returns number of sequences.""" return self._msa.shape[0]
[docs] def numResidues(self): """Returns number of residues (or columns in the MSA), if MSA is aligned.""" if self._aligned: return self._msa.shape[1]
[docs] def numIndexed(self): """Returns number of sequences that are indexed using the identifier part or all of their labels. The return value should be equal to number of sequences.""" count = len(self._mapping) if len(self._msa) == count: return count else: count = len(self._mapping) for val in self._mapping.values(): try: count += len(val) - 1 except TypeError: pass return count
[docs] def getTitle(self): """Returns title of the instance.""" return self._title
[docs] def setTitle(self, title): """Set title of the instance.""" self._title = str(title)
[docs] def getLabel(self, index, full=False): """Returns label of the sequence at given *index*. Residue numbers will be removed from the sequence label, unless *full* is **True**.""" index = self._mapping.get(index, index) if full: return self._labels[index] else: return splitSeqLabel(self._labels[index])[0]
[docs] def getResnums(self, index): """Returns starting and ending residue numbers (:term:`resnum`) for the sequence at given *index*.""" index = self._mapping.get(index, index) return splitSeqLabel(self._labels[index])[1:]
[docs] def getArray(self): """Returns a copy of the MSA character array.""" return self._msa.copy()
def _getArray(self): """Returns MSA character array.""" return self._msa
[docs] def getIndex(self, label): """Returns index of the sequence that *label* maps onto. If *label* maps onto multiple sequences or *label* is a list of labels, a list of indices is returned. If an index for a label is not found, return **None**.""" try: index = self._mapping[label] except KeyError: try: return [v for k, v in self._mapping.items() if label in k][0] except: return None except TypeError: mapping = self._mapping indices = [] append, extend = indices.append, indices.extend for key in label: try: index = mapping[key] except KeyError: return None try: extend(index) except TypeError: append(index) return indices else: try: return list(index) except TypeError: return index
[docs] def iterLabels(self, full=False): """Yield sequence labels. By default the part of the label used for indexing sequences is yielded.""" if full: for label in self._labels: yield label else: for label in self._labels: yield splitSeqLabel(label)[0]
[docs] def getLabels(self, full=False): """Returns all labels""" labels = [label for label in self.iterLabels(full=full)] return labels
[docs] def countLabel(self, label): """Returns the number of sequences that *label* maps onto.""" try: return len(self._mapping[label]) except KeyError: return 0 except TypeError: return 1
[docs]def refineMSA(msa, index=None, label=None, rowocc=None, seqid=None, colocc=None, **kwargs): """Refine *msa* by removing sequences (rows) and residues (columns) that contain gaps. :arg msa: multiple sequence alignment :type msa: :class:`.MSA` :arg index: remove columns that are gaps in the sequence with that index :type index: int :arg label: remove columns that are gaps in the sequence matching label, ``msa.getIndex(label)`` must return a sequence index, a PDB identifier is also acceptable :type label: str :arg rowocc: row occupancy, sequences with less occupancy will be removed after *label* refinement is applied :type rowocc: float :arg seqid: keep unique sequences at specified sequence identity level, unique sequences are identified using :func:`.uniqueSequences` :type seqid: float :arg colocc: column occupancy, residue positions with less occupancy will be removed after other refinements are applied :type colocc: float :arg keep: keep columns corresponding to residues not resolved in the PDB structure, default is **False**, applies when *label* is a PDB identifier :arg type: bool For Pfam MSA data, *label* is UniProt entry name for the protein. You may also use PDB structure and chain identifiers, e.g. ``'1p38'`` or ``'1p38A'``, for *label* argument and UniProt entry names will be parsed using :func:`.parsePDBHeader` function (see also :class:`.Polymer` and :class:`.DBRef`). The order of refinements are applied in the order of arguments. If *label* and *unique* is specified, sequence matching *label* will be kept in the refined :class:`.MSA` although it may be similar to some other sequence.""" # if msa is a char array, it will be refined but label won't work try: ndim, dtype_ = msa.ndim, msa.dtype except AttributeError: try: arr = msa._getArray() except AttributeError: raise TypeError('msa must be a character array or an MSA instance') ndim, dtype_ = arr.ndim, arr.dtype else: arr, msa = msa, None if dtype('|S1') != dtype_: raise ValueError('msa must be a character array or an MSA instance') if ndim != 2: raise ValueError('msa must be a 2D array or an MSA instance') title = [] cols = None if index is not None: before = arr.shape[1] LOGGER.timeit('_refine') cols = char.isalpha(arr[index]).nonzero()[0] arr = arr.take(cols, 1) title.append('index=' + str(index))'Index refinement reduced number of columns from {0} to ' '{1} in %.2fs.'.format(before, arr.shape[1]), '_refine') if label is not None: if index is not None:'An index was provided so the label will be ignored.') else: before = arr.shape[1] LOGGER.timeit('_refine') try: upper, lower = label.upper(), label.lower() except AttributeError: raise TypeError('label must be a string') if msa is None: raise TypeError('msa must be an MSA instance, ' 'label cannot be used') index = msa.getIndex(label) if index is None: index = msa.getIndex(upper) if index is None: index = msa.getIndex(lower) chain = None if index is None and (len(label) == 4 or len(label) == 5): from prody import parsePDB try: structure, header = parsePDB(label[:4], header=True) except Exception as err: raise IOError('failed to parse header for {0} ({1})' .format(label[:4], str(err))) chid = label[4:].upper() for poly in header['polymers']: if chid and poly.chid != chid: continue for dbref in poly.dbrefs: if index is None: index = msa.getIndex(dbref.idcode) if index is not None:'{0} idcode {1} for {2}{3} ' 'is found in chain {4}.'.format( dbref.database, dbref.idcode, label[:4], poly.chid, str(msa))) break if index is None: index = msa.getIndex(dbref.accession) if index is not None:'{0} accession {1} for {2}{3} ' 'is found in chain {4}.'.format( dbref.database, dbref.accession, label[:4], poly.chid, str(msa))) break if index is not None: chain = structure[poly.chid] resnums = if index is None: raise ValueError('label is not in msa, or msa is not indexed') try: len(index) except TypeError: pass else: raise ValueError('label {0} maps onto multiple sequences, ' 'so cannot be used for refinement'.format(label)) title.append('label=' + label) cols = char.isalpha(arr[index]).nonzero()[0] arr = arr.take(cols, 1)'Label refinement reduced number of columns from {0} to ' '{1} in %.2fs.'.format(before, arr.shape[1]), '_refine') if chain is not None and not kwargs.get('keep', False): before = arr.shape[1] LOGGER.timeit('_refine') from Bio import pairwise2 from prody.utilities import MATCH_SCORE, MISMATCH_SCORE from prody.utilities import GAP_PENALTY, GAP_EXT_PENALTY, ALIGNMENT_METHOD chseq = chain.getSequence() algn = pairwise2.align.localms(pystr(arr[index].tostring().upper()), pystr(chseq), MATCH_SCORE, MISMATCH_SCORE, GAP_PENALTY, GAP_EXT_PENALTY, one_alignment_only=1) torf = [] for s, c in zip(*algn[0][:2]): if s == '-': continue elif c != '-': torf.append(True) else: torf.append(False) torf = array(torf) tsum = torf.sum() assert tsum <= before, 'problem in mapping sequence to structure' if tsum < before: arr = arr.take(torf.nonzero()[0], 1) resnums = resnums.take(torf.nonzero()[0]-torf.nonzero()[0][0]+1)'Structure refinement reduced number of ' 'columns from {0} to {1} in %.2fs.' .format(before, arr.shape[1]), '_refine') else: LOGGER.debug('All residues in the sequence are contained in ' 'PDB structure {0}.'.format(label)) labels = msa._labels labels[index] = splitSeqLabel(labels[index])[0] + '/' + str(resnums[0]) + '-' + str(resnums[-1]) from .analysis import calcMSAOccupancy, uniqueSequences rows = None if rowocc is not None: before = arr.shape[0] LOGGER.timeit('_refine') try: rowocc = float(rowocc) except Exception as err: raise TypeError('rowocc must be a float ({0})'.format(str(err))) assert 0. <= rowocc <= 1., 'rowocc must be between 0 and 1' rows = calcMSAOccupancy(arr, 'row') >= rowocc if index is not None: index = rows[:index].sum() rows = (rows).nonzero()[0] arr = arr[rows] title.append('rowocc>=' + str(rowocc))'Row occupancy refinement reduced number of rows from ' '{0} to {1} in %.2fs.'.format(before, arr.shape[0]), '_refine') if seqid is not None: before = arr.shape[0] LOGGER.timeit('_refine') unique = uniqueSequences(arr, seqid) if index is not None: unique[index] = True unique = unique.nonzero()[0] arr = arr[unique] title.append('seqid>=' + str(seqid)) if rows is not None: rows = rows[unique] else: rows = unique'Sequence identity refinement reduced number of rows ' 'from {0} to {1} in %.2fs.'.format(before, arr.shape[0]), '_refine') if colocc is not None: before = arr.shape[1] LOGGER.timeit('_refine') try: colocc = float(colocc) except Exception as err: raise TypeError('colocc must be a float ({0})'.format(str(err))) assert 0. <= colocc <= 1., 'colocc must be between 0 and 1' cols = (calcMSAOccupancy(arr, 'col') >= colocc).nonzero()[0] arr = arr.take(cols, 1) title.append('colocc>=' + str(colocc))'Column occupancy refinement reduced number of columns ' 'from {0} to {1} in %.2fs.'.format(before, arr.shape[1]), '_refine') if not title: raise ValueError('label, index, seqid, rowocc, colocc all cannot be None') # depending on slicing of rows, arr may not have it's own memory if arr.base is not None: arr = arr.copy() if msa is None: return arr else: if rows is None: from copy import copy labels = copy(msa._labels) else: labels = msa._labels labels = [labels[i] for i in rows] return MSA(arr, title=msa.getTitle() + ' refined ({0})' .format(', '.join(title)), labels=labels)
[docs]def mergeMSA(*msa, **kwargs): """Returns an :class:`.MSA` obtained from merging parts of the sequences of proteins present in multiple *msa* instances. Sequences are matched based on protein identifiers found in the sequence labels. Order of sequences in the merged MSA will follow the order of sequences in the first *msa* instance. Note that protein identifiers that map to multiple sequences will be excluded.""" if len(msa) <= 1: raise ValueError('more than one msa instances are needed') try: arrs = [m._getArray() for m in msa] sets = [] for m in msa: aset = set([]) count = m.countLabel for label in m.iterLabels(): if count(label) == 1: aset.add(label) sets.append(aset) except AttributeError: raise TypeError('all msa arguments must be MSA instances') sets = iter(sets) common = next(sets) for aset in sets: common = common.intersection(aset) if not common: return None lens = [m.numResidues() for m in msa] rngs = [0] rngs.extend(cumsum(lens)) rngs = [(start, end) for start, end in zip(rngs[:-1], rngs[1:])] idx_arr_rng = list(zip([m.getIndex for m in msa], arrs, rngs)) merger = zeros((len(common), sum(lens)), '|S1') labels = [] for index, label in enumerate(common): if label not in common: continue for idx, arr, (start, end) in idx_arr_rng: merger[index, start:end] = arr[idx(label)] labels.append(label) merger = MSA(merger, labels=labels, title=' + '.join([m.getTitle() for m in msa])) return merger
[docs]def specMergeMSA(*msa, **kwargs): """Returns an :class:`.MSA` obtained from merging parts of the sequences of proteins present in multiple *msa* instances. Sequences are matched based on species section of protein identifiers found in the sequence labels. Order of sequences in the merged MSA will follow the order of sequences in the first *msa* instance. Note that protein identifiers that map to multiple sequences will be excluded.""" if len(msa) <= 1: raise ValueError('more than one msa instances are needed') lbl={} try: arrs = [m._getArray() for m in msa] sets = [] labells = [] for m in msa: aset = set([]) labell = {} count = m.countLabel for label in m.iterLabels(): lbl[label]=label.rsplit('_')[1] if count(label) == 1 and lbl[label] not in aset: aset.add(lbl[label]) labell[lbl[label]]=label sets.append(aset) labells.append(labell) except AttributeError: raise TypeError('all msa arguments must be MSA instances') sets = iter(sets) common = next(sets) for aset in sets: common = common.intersection(aset) if not common: return None lens = [m.numResidues() for m in msa] rngs = [0] rngs.extend(cumsum(lens)) rngs = [(start, end) for start, end in zip(rngs[:-1], rngs[1:])] idx_arr_rng = list(zip([m.getIndex for m in msa], arrs, rngs)) merger = zeros((len(common), sum(lens)), '|S1') labels = [] for index, lbl in enumerate(common): for idx, arr, (start, end) in idx_arr_rng: merger[index, 0:start]=list(str(msa[0][msa[0].getIndex(labells[0][lbl])])) merger[index, start:end]=list(str(msa[1][msa[1].getIndex(labells[1][lbl])])) label = labells[0][lbl] labels.append(label) merger = MSA(merger, labels=labels, title=' + '.join([m.getTitle() for m in msa])) return merger