Source code for prody.sequence.msafile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines functions and classes for parsing, manipulating, and
analyzing multiple sequence alignments."""

__author__ = 'Anindita Dutta, Ahmet Bakan'

from os.path import isfile, splitext, split, getsize

from numpy import array, fromstring, empty

from .sequence import splitSeqLabel, Sequence

from prody import LOGGER, PY3K
from prody.utilities import openFile, isListLike

__all__ = ['MSAFile', 'splitSeqLabel', 'parseMSA', 'writeMSA']

if PY3K:
    basestring = str

STOCKHOLM = 'Stockholm'
    FASTA.lower(): FASTA,
    SELEX.lower(): SELEX,
    CLUSTAL.lower(): CLUSTAL,
    PIR.lower(): PIR,
    FASTA: '.fasta',
    SELEX: '.slx',
    STOCKHOLM: '.sth',
    CLUSTAL: '.aln',
    PIR: '.ali',
    FASTA.lower(): '.fasta',
    SELEX.lower(): '.slx',
    STOCKHOLM.lower(): '.sth',
    CLUSTAL.lower(): '.aln', 
    PIR.lower(): '.ali',
    '.sth': STOCKHOLM,
    '.slx': SELEX,
    '.fasta': FASTA,
    '.aln': CLUSTAL,
    '.ali': PIR,

WSJOIN = ' '.join
ESJOIN = ''.join


[docs]class MSAFile(object): """Handle MSA files in FASTA, SELEX, CLUSTAL and Stockholm formats.""" def __init__(self, msa, mode='r', format=None, aligned=True, **kwargs): """*msa* may be a filename or a stream. Multiple sequence alignments can be read from or written in FASTA (:file:`.fasta`), Stockholm (:file:`.sth`), CLUSTAL (:file:`.aln`), or SELEX (:file:`.slx`) *format*. For specified extensions, *format* argument is not needed. If *aligned* is **True**, unaligned sequences in the file or stream will cause an :exc:`IOError` exception. *filter*, a function that returns a boolean, can be used for filtering sequences, see :meth:`MSAFile.setFilter` for details. *slice* can be used to slice sequences, and is applied after filtering, see :meth:`MSAFile.setSlice` for details.""" if mode[0] not in 'rwa': raise ValueError("mode string must be one of 'r', 'w', or 'a', " "not {0}".format(repr(mode))) if 'b' in mode: mode = mode.replace('b', '') if 't' not in mode: mode += 't' self._format = None if format is not None: try: self._format = format = MSAFORMATS[format.lower()] except AttributeError: raise TypeError('format argument must be a string') except KeyError: raise ValueError('format argument is not recognized') self._filename = filename = None if mode.startswith('r'): try: torf = isfile(msa) except: pass else: if torf: self._filename = filename = msa else: try: msa.lower, msa.strip except AttributeError: pass else: self._filename = filename = msa if filename is not None: self._filename = filename title, ext = splitext(split(filename)[1]) if ext.lower() == '.gz': title, ext = splitext(split(title)[1]) if format is None: try: self._format = format = MSAEXTMAP[ext.lower()] except KeyError: raise TypeError('format is not specified and could not be ' 'determined from file extension') self._title = title self._stream = openFile(msa, mode) else: if self._format is None: raise ValueError('format must be specified when msa is a ' 'stream') self._stream = msa self._title = 'stream' try: closed = self._stream.closed except AttributeError: closed = self._stream.myfileobj.closed if closed: raise ValueError('msa stream must not be closed') self._lenseq = None self._closed = False self._readline = None self._aligned = bool(aligned) if mode.startswith('r'): self._readline = self._stream.readline try: self._readlines = self._stream.readlines except AttributeError: pass self.setFilter(kwargs.get('filter', None), kwargs.get('filter_full', False)) self.setSlice(kwargs.get('slice', None)) self._iter = self._itermap[format](self) else: try: self._write = write = self._stream.write except AttributeError: raise TypeError('msa must be a filename or a stream with ' 'write method') if mode.startswith('w') and format == STOCKHOLM: write('# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n') if format.startswith('S'): self._selex_line = '{0:' + str(LEN_SELEX_LABEL) + 's} {1}\n' self._mode = mode def __del__(self): self.close() def __iter__(self): if not self._mode.startswith('r'): raise IOError('File not open for reading') filter = self._filter slicer = self._slicer if filter is None: for seq, label in self._iter: yield Sequence(slicer(seq), label) else: if self._filter_full: for seq, label in self._iter: if filter(label, seq): yield Sequence(slicer(seq), label) else: for seq, label in self._iter: if filter(splitSeqLabel(label)[0], seq): yield Sequence(slicer(seq), label) def __str__(self): return 'MSAFile ' + self._title def __repr__(self): if self._closed: return '<MSAFile: {0} ({1}; closed)>'.format(self._title, self._format) else: return ('<MSAFile: {0} ({1}; mode {2})>' ).format(self._title, self._format, repr(self._mode)) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self.close() def _readlines(self, size=None): """Read multiple lines, in case stream does not have this method.""" if self._closed: raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file') import sys size = size or sys.maxint lines = [] append = lines.append readline = self._stream.readline for i in range(size): line = readline() if line: append(line) else: break return lines
[docs] def close(self): """Close the file. This method will not affect a stream.""" if self._filename is None: self._closed = True return if not self._mode.startswith('r') and self._format == STOCKHOLM: try: self._write('//\n') except ValueError:'Failed to write terminal slash characters to ' 'closed file.') try: self._stream.close() except Exception: pass self._closed = True
def _isClosed(self): return self._closed closed = property(_isClosed, None, doc="True for closed file.") def _getFormat(self): """Returns format of the MSA file.""" return self._format format = property(_getFormat, None, doc="Format of the MSA file.")
[docs] def reset(self): """Returns to the beginning of the file.""" self._readline() self._iterator = self._iter()
[docs] def isAligned(self): """Returns **True** if MSA is aligned.""" return self._aligned
def _iterBio(self): """Yield sequences from a Biopython MSA object.""" aligned = self._aligned lenseq = self._lenseq numseq = 0 for record in self._bio: label, seq =, str(record.seq) if not lenseq: self._lenseq = lenseq = len(seq) if aligned and lenseq != len(seq): raise IOError('sequence for {0} does not have ' 'expected length {1}' .format(label, lenseq)) numseq += 1 yield seq, label def _iterFasta(self): """Yield sequences from a file or stream in FASTA format.""" aligned = self._aligned lenseq = self._lenseq temp = [] label = '' lines = [] while not label.startswith('>'): if not lines: lines = self._readlines(NUMLINES) label = lines.pop(0) label = label[1:].strip() while lines: for line in lines: if line.startswith('>'): seq = ESJOIN(temp) if not lenseq: self._lenseq = lenseq = len(seq) if aligned and lenseq != len(seq): raise IOError('sequence for {0} does not have ' 'expected length {1}' .format(label, lenseq)) yield seq, label temp = [] label = line[1:].strip() else: temp.append(line.strip()) lines = self._readlines(NUMLINES) yield ESJOIN(temp), label def _iterSelex(self): """Yield sequences from an MSA file in Stockholm/SELEX format.""" aligned = self._aligned lenseq = self._lenseq readlines = self._readlines lines = readlines(NUMLINES) while lines: for line in lines: ch = line[0] if ch == '#' or ch == '/': continue items = line.split() if len(items) == 2: label = items[0] seq = items[1] else: label = WSJOIN(items[:-1]) seq = items[-1] if not lenseq: self._lenseq = lenseq = len(seq) if aligned and lenseq != len(seq): raise IOError('sequence for {0} does not have ' 'expected length {1}' .format(label, lenseq)) yield seq, label lines = readlines(NUMLINES) _itermap = { FASTA: _iterFasta, SELEX: _iterSelex, STOCKHOLM: _iterSelex, }
[docs] def getTitle(self): """Returns title of the instance.""" return self._title
[docs] def setTitle(self, title): """Set title of the instance.""" self._title = str(title)
[docs] def getFilename(self): """Returns filename, or **None** if instance is handling a stream.""" return self._filename
[docs] def getFormat(self): """Returns file format.""" return self._format
[docs] def getFilter(self): """Returns function used for filtering sequences.""" return self._filter
[docs] def setFilter(self, filter, filter_full=False): """Set function used for filtering sequences. *filter* will be applied to split sequence label, by default. If *filter_full* is **True**, filter will be applied to the full label. """ self._filter_full = bool(filter_full) if filter is None: self._filter = None return if not callable(filter): raise TypeError('filter must be callable') try: result = filter('TEST_TITLE', 'SEQUENCE-WITH-GAPS') except Exception as err: raise TypeError('filter function must not raise exceptions, ' 'e.g. ' + str(err)) else: try: result = result or not result except Exception as err: raise ValueError('filter function must return a boolean, ' 'e.g. ' + str(err)) self._filter = filter
[docs] def getSlice(self): """Returns object used to slice sequences.""" return self._slice
[docs] def setSlice(self, slice): """Set object used to *slice* sequences, which may be a :func:`slice` or a :func:`list` of numbers.""" if slice is None: self._slice = None self._slicer = lambda seq: seq else: seq = 'SEQUENCE' * 1000 try: seq[slice] except Exception: arr = fromstring(seq, '|S1') try: arr[slice] except Exception: raise TypeError('invalid slice: ' + repr(slice)) else: self._slice = slice self._slicer = lambda seq, slc=slice: fromstring(seq, '|S1')[slc].tostring() else: self._slice = slice self._slicer = lambda seq, slc=slice: seq[slc]
[docs] def write(self, seq): """Write *seq*, an :class:`.Sequence` instance, into the MSA file.""" if self._closed: raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file') write = self._write try: label, sequence = seq.getLabel(True), str(seq) except AttributeError: raise TypeError('seq must be a Sequence instance') if self._lenseq is None: lenseq = self._lenseq = len(sequence) else: lenseq = self._lenseq if self._aligned and lenseq != self._lenseq: raise ValueError('writing an aligned MSA file, ' 'len(sequence) must be ' + str(lenseq)) if self._format == FASTA: write('>') write(label) write('\n') beg = 0 end = LEN_FASTA_LINE lenseq = len(sequence) while beg < lenseq: write(sequence[beg:end]) write('\n') beg += LEN_FASTA_LINE end += LEN_FASTA_LINE else: write(self._selex_line.format(label, sequence))
def parseMSAHeader(filename, **kwargs): try: fileok = isfile(filename) except TypeError: raise TypeError('filename must be a string') else: if not fileok: raise IOError('[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ' + repr(filename)) # if MSA is a compressed file or filter/slice is passed, use # Python parsers LOGGER.timeit('_parsemsa') title, ext = splitext(filename) title = split(title)[1] aligned = kwargs.get('aligned', True) if (ext.lower() == '.gz' or 'filter' in kwargs or 'slice' in kwargs or not aligned): if ext.lower() == '.gz': title = splitext(title)[0] else: filesize = getsize(filename) format = MSAEXTMAP.get(splitext(filename)[1]) if format == STOCKHOLM: from collections import defaultdict lines = defaultdict(list) stream = open(filename, 'r') for loc, line in enumerate(stream): startswith = line.split()[0] if line[0] != '#': break lines[startswith].append((loc, line)) stream.close() else: raise TypeError('Only STOCKHOLM type MSAs are supported at present.') return lines
[docs]def parseMSA(filename, **kwargs): """Returns an :class:`.MSA` instance that stores multiple sequence alignment and sequence labels parsed from Stockholm, SELEX, CLUSTAL, PIR, or FASTA format *filename* file, which may be a compressed file. Uncompressed MSA files are parsed using C code at a fraction of the time it would take to parse compressed files in Python.""" from .msa import MSA try: fileok = isfile(filename) except TypeError: raise TypeError('filename must be a string') else: if not fileok: raise IOError('[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ' + repr(filename)) # if MSA is a compressed file or filter/slice is passed, use # Python parsers LOGGER.timeit('_parsemsa') title, ext = splitext(filename) title = split(title)[1] aligned = kwargs.get('aligned', True) if (ext.lower() == '.gz' or 'filter' in kwargs or 'slice' in kwargs or not aligned): if ext.lower() == '.gz': title = splitext(title)[0] msa = MSAFile(filename, **kwargs) seqlist = [] sappend = seqlist.append labels = [] lappend = labels.append mapping = {} maxlen = 0 for i, seq in enumerate(msa): label = seq.getLabel(True) lappend(label) if aligned: sappend(seq._array) else: if len(seq) > maxlen: maxlen = len(seq) sappend(seq) key = splitSeqLabel(label)[0] if key in mapping: try: mapping[key].append(i) except AttributeError: mapping[key] = [mapping[key], i] else: mapping[key] = i if not seqlist: LOGGER.warn('No sequences were parsed from {0}.'.format(filename)) return if aligned: msaarr = array(seqlist, '|S1') else: msaarr = array(seqlist, '|S' + str(maxlen)) else: filesize = getsize(filename) format = MSAEXTMAP.get(splitext(filename)[1]) format = kwargs.get('format', format) if format == FASTA: from .msaio import parseFasta as parser msaarr = empty(filesize, '|S1') elif format == SELEX or format == STOCKHOLM: from .msaio import parseSelex as parser msaarr = empty(filesize, '|S1') elif format == CLUSTAL: parser = parseClustal msaarr = [] elif format == PIR: parser = parsePIR msaarr = [] else: raise IOError('MSA file format is not recognized from the ' 'extension') msaarr, labels, mapping, lcount = parser(filename, msaarr) if lcount != len(msaarr): LOGGER.warn('Failed to parse {0} sequence labels.' .format(len(msaarr) - lcount)) msa = MSA(msa=msaarr, title=title, labels=labels, mapping=mapping, aligned=aligned) if aligned:'{0} sequence(s) with {1} residues were parsed in ' '%.2fs.'.format(*msaarr.shape), '_parsemsa') else:'{0} sequence(s) were parsed in %.2fs.' .format(*msaarr.shape), '_parsemsa') return msa
def parseClustal(filename, msaarr): """ Parses a CLUSTAL format (:file:`.aln`) alignment file. """ msafile = open(filename,'r') lines = msafile.readlines() msafile.close() msa_dict = {} keys = [] for line in lines: foundBadItem = False try: key = line.strip().split()[0] seq = line.strip().split()[1] except: continue for badItem in ['*', ' ', ':', 'CLUSTAL', '.']: if badItem in key: foundBadItem = True continue if foundBadItem: continue if not key in keys: keys.append(key) msa_dict[key] = seq else: msa_dict[key] = msa_dict[key] + seq for key in keys: msaarr.append(list(msa_dict[key])) return array(msaarr), keys, None, len(keys) def parsePIR(filename, msaarr): msafile = open(filename,'r') lines = msafile.readlines() msafile.close() labels = [] i = -1 for line in lines: if line.startswith('>P1;'): labels.append(line.strip()[len('>P1;'):]) i += 1 msaarr.append([]) elif line.startswith('s') or line.strip() == '': pass else: msaarr[i].append(line.strip()) for i in range(len(msaarr)): msaarr[i] = list(''.join(msaarr[i])) return array(msaarr), labels, None, len(labels) def writeClustal(filename, msa): """A simple writer for CLUSTAL format alignments. This lacks the characters showing degree of conservation but otherwise conforms to the CLUSTAL format standards.""" msafile = open(filename, 'w') msafile.write('CLUSTALW file written by ProDy\n\n') for j in range(msa.numResidues()/60): for i in range(msa.numSequences()): sequence = str(msa[i]) msafile.write(msa.getLabel(i) + ' '*(16-len(msa.getLabel(i)))) msafile.write(sequence[j*60:(j+1)*60]) msafile.write('\n') msafile.write('\n\n') for i in range(msa.numSequences()): sequence = str(msa[i]) msafile.write(msa.getLabel(i) + ' '*(16-len(msa.getLabel(i)))) msafile.write(sequence[(j+1)*60:]) msafile.write('\n') msafile.close() return def writePIR(filename, msa, **kwargs): """A function to write PIR format alignments for use with MODELLER. :arg filename: The name of the file to be written including .ali :type filename: str :arg msa: a multiple sequence alignment in :class:`MSA` format :type msa: :class:`MSA` instance :arg chain_sep: chain separation character or list of them default is '/' :type chain_sep: str, list :arg types: a list of strings for field 1, PIR types (Sequence or StructureX) default is all Sequence :type types: list :arg labels: a list of strings for field 2, sequence labels default is to take them from msa :type labels: list :arg first_resnums: contents for field 3, residue number for the first residue. This should be a list of strings each having length 5, default is all 'FIRST' :type first_resnums: list :arg first_chains: contents for field 4, chain ID for the first residue This should be a list of strings each having length 1, default is all '@' :type first_chains: list :arg last_resnums: contents for field 5, residue number for the last residue. This should be a list of strings each having length 5, default is all 'LAST ' :type last_resnums: list :arg last_chains: contents for field 6, chain ID for the last residue This should be a list of strings each having length 1, default is all ' ' :type first_chains: list :arg protein_names: list of strings for field 7 default is all '' :type protein_names: list :arg protein_sources: list of strings for field 8 default is all '' :type protein_sources: list :arg resolutions: list of strings for field 9 default is all '' :type resolutions: list :arg r_factors: list of strings for field 10 default is all '' :type r_factors: list """ msafile = open(filename, 'w') chain_sep = kwargs.get('chain_sep', '/') if isinstance(chain_sep, basestring): chain_sep = [chain_sep] * msa.numSequences() elif isListLike(chain_sep) and isinstance(chain_sep[0], basestring): if len(chain_sep) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in chain_sep list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('chain_sep should be a string or list of strings') types = kwargs.get('types', 'Sequence') if isinstance(types, basestring): types = [types] * msa.numSequences() elif isListLike(types) and isinstance(types[0], basestring): if len(types) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in types list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('types should be a string or list of strings') labels = kwargs.get('labels', None) if labels is None: labels = [] for sequence in msa: labels.append(sequence.getLabel()) elif isListLike(labels) and isinstance(labels[0], basestring): if len(labels) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in labels list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('labels should be a string or list of strings') first_resnums = kwargs.get('first_resnums', 'FIRST') if isinstance(first_resnums, basestring) and len(first_resnums) == 5: first_resnums = [first_resnums] * msa.numSequences() elif isListLike(first_resnums) and isinstance(first_resnums, basestring): if len(first_resnums) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in first_resnums list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('first_resnums should be a string of length 5 or list of them') first_chains = kwargs.get('first_chains', '@') if isinstance(first_chains, basestring) and len(first_chains) == 1: first_chains = [first_chains] * msa.numSequences() elif isListLike(first_chains) and isinstance(first_chains, basestring): if len(first_chains) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in first_chains list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('first_chains should be a string of length 1 or list of them') last_resnums = kwargs.get('last_resnums', 'LAST ') if isinstance(last_resnums, basestring) and len(last_resnums) == 5: last_resnums = [last_resnums] * msa.numSequences() elif isListLike(last_resnums) and isinstance(last_resnums, basestring): if len(last_resnums) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in last_resnums list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('last_resnums should be a string of length 5 or list of them') last_chains = kwargs.get('last_chains', ' ') if isinstance(last_chains, basestring) and len(last_chains) == 1: last_chains = [last_chains] * msa.numSequences() elif isListLike(last_chains) and isinstance(last_chains, basestring): if len(last_chains) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in last_chains list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('last_chains should be a string of length 1 or list of them') protein_names = kwargs.get('protein_names', '') if isinstance(protein_names, basestring): protein_names = [protein_names] * msa.numSequences() elif isListLike(protein_names) and isinstance(protein_names, basestring): if len(protein_names) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in protein_names list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('protein_names should be a string or list of strings') protein_sources = kwargs.get('protein_sources', '') if isinstance(protein_sources, basestring): protein_sources = [protein_sources] * msa.numSequences() elif isListLike(protein_sources) and isinstance(protein_sources, basestring): if len(protein_sources) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in protein_sources list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('protein_sources should be a string or list of strings') resolutions = kwargs.get('resolutions', '') if isinstance(resolutions, basestring): resolutions = [resolutions] * msa.numSequences() elif isListLike(resolutions) and isinstance(resolutions, basestring): if len(resolutions) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in resolutions list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('resolutions should be a string or list of strings') r_factors = kwargs.get('r_factors', '') if isinstance(r_factors, basestring): r_factors = [r_factors] * msa.numSequences() elif isListLike(r_factors) and isinstance(r_factors, basestring): if len(r_factors) != msa.numSequences(): raise ValueError('There should be an entry in r_factors list for each sequence in msa') else: raise TypeError('r_factors should be a string or list of strings') for i, sequence in enumerate(msa): sequence = str(sequence).replace(chain_sep[i],'/') msafile.write('>P1;' + labels[i] + '\n') msafile.write(types[i] + ':' + labels[i] + ':') msafile.write(first_resnums[i] + ':' + first_chains[i] + ':') msafile.write(last_resnums[i] + ':' + last_chains[i] + ':') msafile.write(protein_names[i] + ':' + protein_sources[i] + ':') msafile.write(resolutions[i] + ':' + r_factors[i]) msafile.write('\n') for j in range(len(sequence)/60): msafile.write(sequence[j*60:(j+1)*60] + '\n') msafile.write(sequence[(j+1)*60:] + '*\n\n') msafile.close() return
[docs]def writeMSA(filename, msa, **kwargs): """Returns *filename* containing *msa*, a :class:`.MSA` or :class:`.MSAFile` instance, in the specified *format*, which can be *SELEX*, *Stockholm*, or *FASTA*. If *compressed* is **True** or *filename* ends with :file:`.gz`, a compressed file will be written. :class:`.MSA` instances will be written using C function into uncompressed files. Can also write *CLUSTAL* or *PIR* format files using Python functions.""" fntemp, ext = splitext(filename) ext = ext.lower() compressed = kwargs.get('compressed', ext == '.gz') if compressed and ext != '.gz': filename += '.gz' format = kwargs.get('format', None) if format: try: format = MSAFORMATS[format.lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError('format {0} is not recognized' .format(repr(format))) else: if ext == '.gz': ext = splitext(fntemp)[1].lower() try: format = MSAEXTMAP[ext] except KeyError: raise ValueError('format is not specified, and file extension ' '{0} is not recognized'.format(repr(ext))) fast = False try: seqarr, _, _ = msa._getArray(), msa.numResidues(), msa.numSequences() except AttributeError: try: msa.getFormat(), msa.getFilename(), msa.getFilter() except AttributeError: raise ValueError('msa must be an MSA or MSAFile instance, not {0}' .format(type(msa).__name__)) else: seqiter = msa else: seqiter = msa fast = True if not fast or compressed: with MSAFile(filename, 'w', format=format) as out: write = out.write [write(seq) for seq in seqiter] else: from prody.utilities import backupFile backupFile(filename) if format == FASTA: from .msaio import writeFasta writeFasta(filename, msa._labels, seqarr, kwargs.get('line_length', LEN_FASTA_LINE)) elif format == CLUSTAL: writeClustal(filename, msa) elif format == PIR: writePIR(filename, msa, **kwargs) else: from .msaio import writeSelex writeSelex(filename, msa._labels, seqarr, stockholm=format != SELEX, label_length=kwargs.get('label_length', LEN_SELEX_LABEL)) return filename