Source code for prody.trajectory.frame

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines a class for handling trajectory frames."""

import numpy as np

from prody.measure import getRMSD
from prody.utilities import importLA

__all__ = ['Frame']

[docs]class Frame(object): """A class for storing trajectory frame coordinates and provide methods acting on them.""" __slots__ = ['_traj', '_index', '_coords', '_unitcell', '_velocs'] def __init__(self, traj, index, coords, unitcell=None, velocs=None): self._traj = traj self._index = index self._coords = coords self._velocs = velocs self._unitcell = unitcell def __repr__(self): sel = '' if self._traj._indices is not None: sel = 'selected {0} of '.format(self.numSelected()) return ('<Frame: {0} from {1} ({2}{3} atoms)>' ).format(self._index, self._traj.getTitle(), sel, self._traj.numAtoms()) def __str__(self): return 'Frame {0} from {1}'.format(self._index, self._traj.getTitle())
[docs] def numAtoms(self): """Returns number of atoms.""" return self._traj.numAtoms()
[docs] def numSelected(self): """Returns number of selected atoms.""" return self._traj.numSelected()
[docs] def getAtoms(self): """Returns associated/selected atoms.""" return self._traj.getAtoms()
[docs] def getIndex(self): """Returns index.""" return self._index
[docs] def getWeights(self): """Returns coordinate weights for selected atoms.""" return self._traj.getWeights()
def _getWeights(self): return self._traj._getWeights()
[docs] def getTrajectory(self): """Returns the trajectory.""" return self._traj
[docs] def getCoords(self): """Returns a copy of coordinates of (selected) atoms.""" indices = self._traj._indices if indices is None: return self._getxyz().copy() else: return self._getxyz()[indices]
def _getCoords(self): """Returns coordinates of (selected) atoms.""" indices = self._traj._indices if indices is None: return self._getxyz() else: return self._getxyz()[indices] def _getxyz(self): """Returns coordinates array.""" ag = if ag is None: coords = self._coords else: coords = ag._getCoords() if coords is None: raise ValueError('coordinates are not set') return coords
[docs] def getVelocities(self): """Returns a copy of velocities of (selected) atoms.""" if self._velocs is not None: indices = self._traj._indices if indices is None: return self._velocs.copy() else: return self._velocs[indices]
def _getVelocities(self): """Returns velocities of (selected) atoms.""" if self._velocs is not None: indices = self._traj._indices if indices is None: return self._velocs else: return self._velocs[indices]
[docs] def getUnitcell(self): """Returns a copy of unitcell array.""" if self._unitcell is not None: return self._unitcell.copy()
def _getUnitcell(self): return self._unitcell
[docs] def getDeviations(self): """Returns deviations from the trajectory reference coordinates.""" indices = self._traj._indices coords = self._getCoords() if indices is None: return coords - self._traj._coords else: return coords - self._traj._coords[indices]
[docs] def getRMSD(self): """Returns RMSD from the trajectory reference coordinates. If weights for the trajectory are set, weighted RMSD will be returned.""" indices = self._traj._indices traj = self._traj coords = self._getCoords() if indices is None: return getRMSD(coords, traj._coords, traj._weights) else: if traj._weights is None: return getRMSD(coords, traj._coords[indices]) else: return getRMSD(coords, traj._coords[indices], traj._weights[indices])
[docs] def superpose(self): """Superpose frame onto the trajectory reference coordinates. Note that transformation matrix is calculated based on selected atoms and applied to all atoms. If atom weights for the trajectory are set, they will be used to calculate the transformation.""" traj = self._traj indices = traj._indices mob = mov = self._getxyz() weights = traj._weights if indices is None: tar = traj._coords mov = None else: tar = traj._coords[indices] mob = mob[indices] if weights is not None: weights = weights[indices] linalg = importLA() if weights is None: mob_com = mob.mean(0) mob_org = mob - mob_com tar_com = tar.mean(0) tar_org = tar - tar_com matrix =, mob_org) else: weights_sum = weights.sum() weights_dot =, weights) mob_com = (mob * weights).sum(axis=0) / weights_sum mob_org = mob - mob_com tar_com = (tar * weights).sum(axis=0) / weights_sum tar_org = tar - tar_com matrix = * weights).T, (mob_org * weights)) / weights_dot U, s, Vh = linalg.svd(matrix) Id = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, np.sign(linalg.det(matrix))]]) rotation =,, U.T)) if mov is None: np.add(, rotation), tar_com, mob) else: np.add(, rotation), (tar_com -, rotation)), mov)