Source code for prody.utilities.drawtools

"""This module defines utility functions for drawing."""
# Note for developers: this module should be imported only a specific function is needed. 
# Please do not import this module when initializing ProDy for robustness reasons.

import numpy as np

from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import proj3d
from matplotlib import ticker

__all__ = ['Arrow3D', 'drawArrow3D', 'drawTree', 'IndexFormatter']

[docs]class Arrow3D(FancyArrowPatch): """This function is implemented by tacaswell on stackoverflow:""" def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs): super(Arrow3D, self).__init__((0,0), (0,0), *args, **kwargs) self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs def draw(self, renderer): xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, renderer.M) self.set_positions((xs[0],ys[0]),(xs[1],ys[1])) FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)
def drawArrow3D(*xyz, **kwargs): from matplotlib.pyplot import gca allargs = xyz xs = []; ys = []; zs = []; args = [] for arg in allargs: if not np.isscalar(arg): if len(arg) == 3: xs.append(arg[0]) ys.append(arg[1]) zs.append(arg[2]) continue args.append(arg) ax = gca() if 'arrowstyle' not in kwargs: kwargs['arrowstyle'] = '-|>' if 'mutation_scale' not in kwargs: kwargs['mutation_scale'] = 20 if 'color' not in kwargs: kwargs['color'] = 'k' arrow = Arrow3D(xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs) ax.add_artist(arrow) return arrow
[docs]def drawTree( tree, label_func=str, show_confidence=False, # For power users orientation='horizontal', inverted=False, branch_labels=None, label_colors=None, *args, **kwargs ): """Plot the given tree using matplotlib. This function is adapted from :func:`~Bio.Phylo._utils.draw` for more versatile usages. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.collections as mpcollections # Arrays that store lines for the plot of clades horizontal_linecollections = [] vertical_linecollections = [] orientation = orientation.lower() if orientation == 'v': orientation = 'vertical' elif orientation == 'h': orientation = 'horizontal' linewidth = kwargs.pop('linewidth', 1.) linewidth = kwargs.pop('lw', linewidth) fontsize = kwargs.pop('fontsize', 10) # Options for displaying branch labels / confidence def conf2str(conf): if int(conf) == conf: return str(int(conf)) return str(conf) if not branch_labels: if show_confidence: def format_branch_label(clade): try: confidences = clade.confidences # phyloXML supports multiple confidences except AttributeError: pass else: return "/".join(conf2str(cnf.value) for cnf in confidences) if clade.confidence is not None: return conf2str(clade.confidence) return None else: def format_branch_label(clade): return None elif isinstance(branch_labels, dict): def format_branch_label(clade): return branch_labels.get(clade) else: if not callable(branch_labels): raise TypeError( "branch_labels must be either a dict or a callable (function)" ) format_branch_label = branch_labels # options for displaying label colors. if label_colors: if callable(label_colors): def get_label_color(label): return label_colors(label) else: # label_colors is presumed to be a dict def get_label_color(label): return label_colors.get(label, "black") else: def get_label_color(label): # if label_colors is not specified, use black return "black" # Layout def get_x_positions(tree): """Create a mapping of each clade to its horizontal position. Dict of {clade: x-coord} """ depths = tree.depths() # If there are no branch lengths, assume unit branch lengths if not max(depths.values()): depths = tree.depths(unit_branch_lengths=True) if inverted: max_depth = max(depths.values()) for clade in depths: depths[clade] = max_depth - depths[clade] return depths def get_y_positions(tree): """Create a mapping of each clade to its vertical position. Dict of {clade: y-coord}. Coordinates are negative, and integers for tips. """ maxheight = tree.count_terminals() # Rows are defined by the tips heights = { tip: maxheight - i for i, tip in enumerate(reversed(tree.get_terminals())) } # Internal nodes: place at midpoint of children def calc_row(clade): for subclade in clade: if subclade not in heights: calc_row(subclade) # Closure over heights heights[clade] = ( heights[clade.clades[0]] + heights[clade.clades[-1]] ) / 2.0 if tree.root.clades: calc_row(tree.root) return heights x_posns = get_x_positions(tree) y_posns = get_y_positions(tree) # The function draw_clade closes over the axes object axes = plt.gca() def draw_clade_lines( here, start, stop, use_linecollection=False, orientation="horizontal", color="black", lw=.1, ): """Create a line with or without a line collection object. Graphical formatting of the lines representing clades in the plot can be customized by altering this function. """ if not use_linecollection and orientation == "horizontal": axes.hlines(here, start, stop, color=color, lw=lw) elif use_linecollection and orientation == "horizontal": horizontal_linecollections.append( mpcollections.LineCollection( [[(start, here), (stop, here)]], color=color, lw=lw ) ) elif not use_linecollection and orientation == "vertical": axes.vlines(here, start, stop, color=color) elif use_linecollection and orientation == "vertical": vertical_linecollections.append( mpcollections.LineCollection( [[(here, start), (here, stop)]], color=color, lw=lw ) ) def draw_clade(clade, x_start, color, lw): """Recursively draw a tree, down from the given clade.""" x_here = x_posns[clade] y_here = y_posns[clade] # phyloXML-only graphics annotations if hasattr(clade, "color") and clade.color is not None: color = clade.color.to_hex() if hasattr(clade, "width") and clade.width is not None: lw = clade.width * lw # Draw a horizontal line from start to here orit = orientation draw_clade_lines( y_here, x_start, x_here, use_linecollection=True, orientation=orit, color=color, lw=lw, ) # Add node/taxon labels if label_func is not None: label = label_func(clade) if label not in (None, clade.__class__.__name__): if orientation == 'horizontal': x = x_here y = y_here va = 'center' ha = 'right' if inverted else 'left' else: x = y_here y = x_here ha = 'center' va = 'top' if inverted else 'bottom' axes.text(x, y, " %s" % label, verticalalignment=va, horizontalalignment=ha, fontsize=fontsize, color=get_label_color(label)) # Add label above the branch (optional) conf_label = format_branch_label(clade) if conf_label: if orientation == 'horizontal': x = 0.5 * (x_start + x_here) y = y_here va = 'center' ha = 'right' if inverted else 'left' else: x = y_here y = 0.5 * (x_start + x_here) ha = 'center' va = 'top' if inverted else 'bottom' axes.text(x, y, conf_label, fontsize="small", verticalalignment=va, horizontalalignment=ha) if clade.clades: orit = 'horizontal' if orientation=='vertical' else 'vertical' # Draw a vertical line connecting all children y_top = y_posns[clade.clades[0]] y_bot = y_posns[clade.clades[-1]] # Only apply widths to horizontal lines, like Archaeopteryx draw_clade_lines( x_here, y_bot, y_top, use_linecollection=True, orientation=orit, color=color, lw=lw, ) # Draw descendents for child in clade: draw_clade(child, x_here, color, lw) start = max(x_posns.values()) if inverted else 0. draw_clade(tree.root, start, "k", linewidth) # If line collections were used to create clade lines, here they are added # to the pyplot plot. for i in horizontal_linecollections: axes.add_collection(i) for i in vertical_linecollections: axes.add_collection(i) # Aesthetics try: name = except AttributeError: pass else: if name: axes.set_title(name) if orientation == 'horizontal': axes.set_xlabel("branch length") axes.set_ylabel("taxa") else: axes.set_ylabel("branch length") axes.set_xlabel("taxa") # Add margins around the tree to prevent overlapping the axes xmax = max(x_posns.values()) if orientation == 'horizontal': if inverted: axes.set_xlim(-0.2 * xmax, 1.05 * xmax) else: axes.set_xlim(-0.05 * xmax, 1.2 * xmax) axes.set_ylim(0.2, max(y_posns.values()) + 0.8) else: if inverted: axes.set_ylim(-0.2 * xmax, 1.05 * xmax) else: axes.set_ylim(-0.05 * xmax, 1.2 * xmax) axes.set_xlim(0.2, max(y_posns.values()) + 0.8) # Parse and process key word arguments as pyplot options for key, value in kwargs.items(): try: # Check that the pyplot option input is iterable, as required list(value) except TypeError: raise ValueError( 'Keyword argument "%s=%s" is not in the format ' "pyplot_option_name=(tuple), pyplot_option_name=(tuple, dict)," " or pyplot_option_name=(dict) " % (key, value) ) if isinstance(value, dict): getattr(plt, str(key))(**dict(value)) elif not (isinstance(value[0], tuple)): getattr(plt, str(key))(*value) elif isinstance(value[0], tuple): getattr(plt, str(key))(*value[0], **dict(value[1])) return x_posns, y_posns
[docs]class IndexFormatter(ticker.Formatter): """Function taken from Matplotlib version 3.3.1 as soon to be deprecated. Format the position x to the nearest i-th label where ``i = int(x + 0.5)``. Positions where ``i < 0`` or ``i > len(list)`` have no tick labels. :arg labels: List of labels. type labels: list """ def __init__(self, labels): self.labels = labels self.n = len(labels) def __call__(self, x, pos=None): """Return the format for tick value *x* at position pos. The position is ignored and the value is rounded to the nearest integer, which is used to look up the label. """ i = int(x + 0.5) if i < 0 or i >= self.n: return '' else: return self.labels[i]