prody eda¶
Running prody eda -h displays:
usage: prody eda [-h] [--quiet] [--examples] [-n INT] [-s SEL] [-a] [-o PATH]
[-e] [-r] [-u] [-q] [-v] [-z] [-t STR] [-j] [-p STR] [-f STR]
[-d STR] [-x STR] [-A] [-R] [-Q] [-J STR] [-F STR] [-D INT]
[-W FLOAT] [-H FLOAT] [--psf PSF | --pdb PDB] [--aligned]
positional arguments:
dcd file in DCD or PDB format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--quiet suppress info messages to stderr
--examples show usage examples and exit
--psf PSF PSF filename
--pdb PDB PDB filename
--aligned trajectory is already aligned
-n INT, --number-of-modes INT
number of non-zero eigenvectors (modes) to calculate
(default: 10)
-s SEL, --select SEL atom selection (default: "protein and name CA or
nucleic and name P C4' C2")
-a, --all-output write all outputs
-o PATH, --output-dir PATH
output directory (default: .)
-e, --eigenvs write eigenvalues/vectors
-r, --cross-correlations
write cross-correlations
-u, --heatmap write cross-correlations heatmap file
-q, --square-fluctuations
write square-fluctuations
-v, --covariance write covariance matrix
-z, --npz write compressed ProDy data file
-t STR, --extend STR write NMD file for the model extended to "backbone"
("bb") or "all" atoms of the residue, model must have
one node per residue
-j, --projection write projections onto PCs
output options:
-p STR, --file-prefix STR
output file prefix (default: pdb_pca)
-f STR, --number-format STR
number output format (default: %12g)
-d STR, --delimiter STR
number delimiter (default: " ")
-x STR, --extension STR
numeric file extension (default: .txt)
-A, --all-figures save all figures
-R, --cross-correlations-figure
save cross-correlations figure
-Q, --square-fluctuations-figure
save square-fluctuations figure
-J STR, --projection-figure STR
save projections onto specified subspaces, e.g. "1,2"
for projections onto PCs 1 and 2; "1,2 1,3" for
projections onto PCs 1,2 and 1, 3; "1 1,2,3" for
projections onto PCs 1 and 1, 2, 3
figure options:
-F STR, --figure-format STR
pdf (default: pdf)
-D INT, --dpi INT figure resolution (dpi) (default: 300)
-W FLOAT, --width FLOAT
figure width (inch) (default: 8.0)
-H FLOAT, --height FLOAT
figure height (inch) (default: 6.0)
Running prody eda --examples displays:
This command performs PCA (or EDA) calculations for given multi-model
PDB structure or DCD format trajectory file and outputs results in NMD
format. If a PDB identifier is given, structure file will be
downloaded from the PDB FTP server. DCD files may be accompanied with
PDB or PSF files to enable atoms selections.
Fetch pdb 2k39, perform PCA calculations, and output NMD file:
$ prody pca 2k39
Fetch pdb 2k39 and perform calculations for backbone of residues up to
71, and save all output and figure files:
$ prody pca 2k39 --select "backbone and resnum < 71" -a -A
Perform EDA of MDM2 trajectory:
$ prody eda mdm2.dcd
Perform EDA for backbone atoms:
$ prody eda mdm2.dcd --pdb mdm2.pdb --select backbone