Trajectory Analysis II

This example shows how to perform a more elaborate calculations simultaneously. Radius of gyration, distance, psi angle calculated will be calculated using trajectory frames.

Input files

Two DCD trajectory files and a PDB structure file is provided for this example:

Setup environment

We start by importing everything from ProDy:

In [1]: from prody import *

In [2]: from pylab import *

In [3]: ion()

Parse structure

The PDB file provided with this example contains and X-ray structure which will be useful in a number of places, so let’s start with parsing this file first:

In [4]: structure = parsePDB('mdm2.pdb')

In [5]: structure
Out[5]: <AtomGroup: mdm2 (1449 atoms)>

This function returned a AtomGroup instance that stores all atomic data parsed from the PDB file.

Handling multiple files

Trajectory is designed for handling multiple trajectory files:

In [6]: traj = Trajectory('mdm2.dcd')

In [7]: traj
Out[7]: <Trajectory: mdm2 (next 0 of 500 frames; 1449 atoms)>

In [8]: traj.addFile('mdm2sim2.dcd')

In [9]: traj
Out[9]: <Trajectory: mdm2 (2 files; next 0 of 1000 frames; 1449 atoms)>

Setup for calculations

Let’s make atom selections for different types of calculations:

End-to-end distance

We select atoms from terminal residues and make an empty array whose length equal to the number of frames:

In [12]: nter ='name CA and resnum 25')

In [13]: cter ='name CA and resnum 109')

In [14]: e2e = zeros(traj.numFrames())

Radius of gyration

We select atoms protein atoms this calculation and make an empty array:

In [15]: protein ='noh and protein')

In [16]: rgyr = zeros(traj.numFrames())

A psi angle

We select a residue an make an empty array:

In [17]: res30 = structure['PPP', 'P', 30]

In [18]: res30
Out[18]: <Residue: PRO 30 from Chain P from mdm2 (14 atoms)>

In [19]: res30psi = zeros(traj.numFrames())

Perform calculations

We perform all calculations simultaneously as follows:

In [20]: for i, frame in enumerate(traj):
   ....:     e2e[i] = calcDistance(nter, cter)
   ....:     res30psi[i] = calcPsi(res30)
   ....:     rgyr[i] = calcGyradius(protein)

Let’s print part of results:

In [21]: e2e[:10]
array([11.78980637, 14.12566566, 15.6633606 , 14.52022934, 16.45702362,
       17.20821953, 16.45432854, 14.28651619, 11.59599113, 12.66241741])

In [22]: rgyr[:10]
array([12.85520891, 12.98176002, 12.82791643, 12.91550011, 12.87289194,
       12.92314255, 12.76350405, 12.85890813, 12.81869193, 12.76178599])

In [23]: res30psi[:10]
array([149.81183155, 170.65785032, 139.9378317 , 156.36605157,
       139.49376043, 151.11160105, 147.68076198, 151.81761523,
       143.4179355 , 155.13133287])

Plot results

End-to-end distance

In [24]: plot(e2e);

In [25]: xlabel('Frame index');

In [26]: ylabel('End-to-end distance (A)');

Radius of gyration

In [27]: plot(rgyr);

In [28]: xlabel('Frame index');

In [29]: ylabel('Radius of gyration (A)');

A psi angle

In [30]: plot(res30psi);

In [31]: xlabel('Frame index');

In [32]: ylabel('Residue 30 psi angle');